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Greetings Dwayne, VE7DRC From. KB6MMS. Confirming Our QSO. Frequency Band: 15 meters QSO Date: March 16, 2002 Your RST: 599. Rick Sturdivant 537 Lyons Way Placentia, CA 92870 USA Grid Square: DM13 Orange County (near Disneyland). Rig: Elecraft K1 CW QRP Kit RF Output Power: 5 Watts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Greetings Dwayne, VE7DRC From KB6MMS Confirming Our QSO Frequency Band: 15 meters QSO Date: March 16, 2002 Your RST: 599 Rick Sturdivant 537 Lyons Way Placentia, CA 92870 USA Grid Square: DM13 Orange County (near Disneyland) Rig: Elecraft K1 CW QRP Kit RF Output Power: 5 Watts Antenna: End Fed 70’ Wire up about 25 feet at its end. * Dwayne, thanks for the contact and QSO. I don’t have many contacts with Canada. Good luck with your new bug. Started with paddles a few weeks ago. Best 73 Hope to CU again on bands. Please QSL Direct. FISTS # 8688 100% CW & QRP Email: KB6MMS@yahoo.com Web site: www.qsl.net/kb6mms My Other Hobby is Fishing. I really enjoy Fly Fishing. Greetings Orin, N4ZMP from KB6MMS Confirming Our QSO Frequency Band: 20 meters QSO Date: March 16, 2002 Your RST: 559 Rick Sturdivant 537 Lyons Way Placentia, CA 92870 USA Grid Square: DM13 Orange County (near Disneyland) Rig: Elecraft K1 CW QRP Kit RF Output Power: 5 Watts Antenna: End Fed 70’ Wire up about 25 feet at its end. * Orin, Thanks for the QSO. You are my first contact from Florida. Your signal was fine business in Southern California. QSB started and killed our QSO. Hope to see you again on the bands. 73. Please QSL direct. FISTS # 8688 100% CW & QRP Email: KB6MMS@yahoo.com Web site: www.qsl.net/kb6mms My Other Hobby is Fishing. I really enjoy Fly Fishing.

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