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Mardi le 19 février. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_ZLhAbb4HU&list=PL7CC2768A6D3A11FD. La tour Eiffel. February 18-22 week (5 th ) McCage. French 2R. 1. Warmup : * (next slide) 2. MAKE-UPS & LAST OF SUPPLY/BOOK CHECK Per. 1: Oral-Angela: today, Test: tomorrow Carlos-see me.
Mardi le 19 février http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_ZLhAbb4HU&list=PL7CC2768A6D3A11FD La tour Eiffel
French 2R 1. Warmup: * (next slide) 2. MAKE-UPS & LAST OF SUPPLY/BOOK CHECK Per. 1: Oral-Angela: today, Test: tomorrow Carlos-see me. Per 4: Brittany-Test today Billy & Janely-See me 3. Poem practice: ** http://wheatoncollege.edu/vive-voix/poemes/dejeuner-du-matin/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq-ffyrxSJA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9k-FOw7z-Y&list=PL30D2CFE13D9037C0 4. Pg. 166-167-over orally NO H/W BRING BOOK & BINDER ALL WEEK!
F 2ALL-Vouloir, Pouvoir, DevoirTraduisez en anglais: • Je dois manger. • Je peux manger. • Je veux manger. • Je voudrais manger. • Je ne peux pas manger. • J’aivoulu manger. • J’aipu manger. • J’aidû manger. Pg. 166
French 2 warmupgame:TraduisezANSWERS! • I must eat. (got to, should, must, have to) • I can eat. ( I am able to eat) • I want to eat. • I would like to eat. • I can’t eat. (I’m not able to eat) • I wanted to eat. (I did want to eat) • I could eat. (I was able to eat) (could have eaten) • I had to eat. (I should have eaten) (had to have eaten) (I must should have eaten)
French 3 • Dû: Pg. 86 ex. 2, pg. 87 ex. 4, pg. 89 ex. 7 & 10 (Sub work) • Warmup: Passé composé-pg. 115 ex. 3 3. Practiquez le poème: * ORAL GRADE MONDAY! (LUNDI PROCHAIN) “L'amour s'en va comme cette eau couranteL'amour s'en vaComme la vie est lenteEt comme l'Espérance est violente Vienne la nuit sonne l'heureLes jours s'en vont je demeure » 4. Weather:Le temps- (voyez) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cWkQ6UxNII 5. Vocabulaire: You will have another test on Unit 2 & 3-JEUDI PROCHAIN! http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/french_3/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=2&rg=online_review&at=flashcards&var=flashcards http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/french_3/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=3&rg=online_review&at=flashcards&var=flashcards La poésie- Dû-Le 18 mars- F 3 la poesie.ppt No H/W (demain: Corrigez le subjonctif!)
Pg. 115 ex.3 CORRIGEZ!!! 16. Nous sommesdescendus 17. Pascal a voulutéléphoner 18. Il a cherché 19. Il ne l’a pas trouvé 20. Il estremonté 21. Il a trouvé 22. Pascal estsorti 23. Je ne suis pas sortie 24. Je suisrestée 25. j’aiécrit 26. Je me suiscouchée et j’aidormi 27. Je me suisreveillée 28. Estrentré • Nous sommesarrivés • Nous avons déjà fait • Nous nousommeslevéstôt • Nous noussommespromenés • Nous avonspris • Nous avonsrencontré • De temps a donné • nous sommesarrêtés • Ai acheté des cartes • Avonsdéjeuné • Ai mangé • Ai bu • Avons fait • Sommesmontés • Ai pris
F 3 * POEM LINKS: "Sous la Pont Mirabeau" http://wheatoncollege.edu/vive-voix/poemes/le-pont-mirabeau/ www.litgloss.buffalo.edu/apollinaire/text.shtml The Mirabeau BridgeBelow Mirabeau Bridge flows River SeineJust like our loves.Must one recall it to my mind that whenPain went away then joy would always come.And when the night arrives and sounds its bell,The days are gone, but here I surely dwell.Let us hold hands and keep us face to faceWhile that momentBelow the bridge of our clasp'd arms there raceEternal eyes in flows that are so tired.And when the night arrives and sounds its bell,The days are gone, but here I surely dwell.Love passes on just like this water flowLove passes on.How slowly life does travel, how so slowAnd how is hope so full of violence.And when the night arrives and sounds its bell,The days are gone, but here I surely dwell.The days and weeks also keep moving on.Neither times pastNor our past loves return from the beyon'.Below Mirabeau Bridge flows River Seine.And when the night arrives and sounds its bell,The days are gone, but here I surely dwell.Translated by Thomas D. Le http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WFwtoXm1sc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl1BAiGUks4
French 2 PreAP • BOOKS AND BINDERS ALL WEEK! • Borrowed words sentences due for 70% • Review of 3 irreg. verbs: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir and oral points. • Coming up: Make grocery list, pick partner, create skit. Recipe due Monday 2/25 JE VEUX: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=RZUOZIXMQJI JE NE VEUX PAS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7kzsM05Yso
French 1 • BRING BOOKS & BINDERS ALL WEEK! • Warmup * • Make up quiz (adverbs/questions) 6th- Gina, Tanner, Brandon 7th-Mary & Ethan 3. Make up tests: 6th-Gina and Phoebe, Miguel audio only. 7th-none 4. Borrowed words were for a 70% yesterday. 60% today-last day! (they were due last Wed!) 4. W/B page----Unit 3 lesson 8 audio 5. Poem practice ** F 1 POEM_RUBRIC_F_1.docm 6. H/W: Work on oral packet-you got a copy last Friday, page 1. Poem oral grade is MONDAY!
**F 1 poem: “Il pleuredansmoncoeur” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMfYWWww_D8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvS_jKi8yqk www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAmOX2PKVOs www.youtube.com/watch?v=jquplNSUnos&feature=related www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t5ZlkcTvTU&feature=related www.youtube.com/watch?v=d64LZgWT1zM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx-eI-VV4Gs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAFM7KvwCbw
* F 1-Let’s practice! Elle _____ la salade. (Manger) Nous _____ la radio. (Écouter) Je _____ anglais. (Parler) Tu _____ la classe? (Aimer) Vous _____ en France?(Habiter) Ils ____ les filles. (Regarder) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
F 1-Corrigez! 1. Mange 2. Écoutons 3. Parle 4. Aimes 5. Habitez 6. Regardent
F 1 game: W/B • Je regarde la télé. • Je parlebien. • Je voyage en France. • Je voyage en été. • Je téléphone à unecopine. • Je dîne avec mononcle. • Je mange une pizza. • Je faisune promenade.