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Marketing of CCP's in Germany - Experience report of a German Company

Marketing of CCP's in Germany - Experience report of a German Company. BauMineral GmbH – The Company. Main activities : utilisation and marketing of CCPs Philosophy : bridge between power station industry and building industry More than 40 years experience in CCP marketing

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Marketing of CCP's in Germany - Experience report of a German Company

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Marketing of CCP's in Germany - Experience report of a German Company

  2. BauMineral GmbH – The Company • Main activities: utilisation and marketing of CCPs • Philosophy: bridge between power station industry and building industry • More than 40 years experience in CCP marketing • 2.5 million tons of CCP’s per annum • Turn over: 50 million € • 120 employees • 100% Subsidiary of E.ON group Find more under: www.baumineral.de

  3. The development of hard-coal fly ash as a building material

  4. Ready-mixed concrete sales in Germany 1994 - 2012 in million

  5. Comparison Russia - Germany

  6. Volumes of hard-coal fly ash marketed in Germany 1997 to 2010

  7. Application of PFA in Germany Direct access to the end user market Supply guarantees based on a logistics system tailored to the need of the market Uniform building material quality in keeping with generally valid rules and agreed specifications

  8. E.ON‘s Datteln 4 power plant 80,000 t silo capacity for the intermediate storage of PFA with connected truck loading facility

  9. Associations for technical and commercial marketing activities

  10. Summary • Germany utilises 100 % of the hard coal fly ash largely in a dry state • Main application is addition for the ready mixed concrete • A uniform and high quality of the PFA is important for the acceptance as building material • Another aspect for the acceptance as a product is the availability meeting the demand of customers, which is ensured by large silo capacity • From the marketing of hard coal fly ash according to EN 450 positive proceeds are generated, which cover the total costs and generate profits. Costly landfills are not required. • Specialised companies are necessary which run the business and work the market. • Marketing activities are supported by professional associations

  11. Thank you for your attention!

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