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TWINNING PROJECT PHARE RO 2004/IB/EN/07 Implementation and enforcement of the environmental Acquis focussed on industrial waste management. ROMANIA REPA Galati, located in Judet Galati, including LEPAs of the counties: Brăila, Galaţi, Buzău, Constanţa, Tulcea and Vrancea. ITALIA
TWINNING PROJECT PHARE RO 2004/IB/EN/07Implementation and enforcement of the environmental Acquis focussed on industrial waste management ROMANIA REPA Galati, located in Judet Galati, including LEPAs of the counties: Brăila, Galaţi, Buzău, Constanţa, Tulcea and Vrancea ITALIA ARPA Sicilia in partnership with ARPA Liguria, ARPA Lazio, APAT Italia, FORMEZ and REGIONE SICILIANA
Beneficiary: South East REPA Galati - 6 Local Environment Protection Agencies (LEPAs) of Brăila, Buzău, Constanţa, Galaţi, Tulcea and Vrancea counties – RomaniaStarting date: 19 December 2005Duration: 2 yearsForeseen budget: aprox. 1.247 million EURO
PROJECT RESPONSIBLES Mrs. Carmen Elena Sandu, Director of REPA Galati, BC Project Leader Mr.Sergio Marino, Director of ARPA Sicilia, MS Project Leader Mr. Franco Aurelio Coppola RTA – Resident Twinning Adviser Mrs. Silvia Buhlea BC Counterpart
PROJECT OBJECTIVES: Strengthening the administrative, monitoring and enforcement capacities and capabilities at regional and local level in implementing the environmental acquis, with a specific regard on industrial waste management related legislation, in the framework of an integrated waste cycle management process.
PROJECT PURPOSE To consolidate the capacity of the REPA Galati and related LEPAs of the South East region in the implementation and enforcement of the environmental legislation, as well as the cooperation with NEG and environmental Stakeholders at regional level, in compliance with tasks established by the law for their day-to-day responsibilities and functions, so that to contribute to improve performances of Romanian environmental system in relation with commitments of Chapter 22. In addition, to support the specific activities of REPA Galati in building up a Focal Pointon industrial waste in the framework of an integrated waste cycle management process, in connection with NEPA and REPA Bacau Twinning (focused on urban waste).
MANDATORY RESULTS 1. Institutional capacities of REPA Galati strengthened in the South East region context, as well as the related LEPAs, in the framework of their new legal status through: • the development of the capacity to promote and to manage institutional networks at different levels • the enhancement of communications and cooperation with the Stakeholders at regional level and within the whole environmental system • an adequate staff training as to perform all daily and specific activities of the project
MANDATORY RESULTS 2. All REPA Galati and related LEPAs’ of South East region staff , involved in permitting and monitoring, trained so that they improve their capacity to perform daily activities in the fields of project related to their competencies established by law, and the cooperation with NEGs’ staff involved in inspectioning developed by enhancement of techniques/ methodology, in relation with its competencies
MANDATORY RESULTS 3. Environmental Reporting Methodology set up and developed by enhancement of environmental data flows and compliance control instruments, as well as Regional Environmental Plans reviewed, updated or drafted in compliance with EU framework or with the Regional Development Plan and the National Sector Plan for Environment
MANDATORY RESULTS 4. IPPC applications in the specific South East region context monitored and reviewed and integrated permits granted or rejected with public information and participation activated in the framework of strengthened cooperation with Stakeholders supported by Italian expertises
MANDATORY RESULTS 5. REPA and LEPAs capacity related to manage Biodiversity and Nature Protection activities in the South East region enhanced, with particular attention to: -elaborating inventories of species and habitats, - setting up monitoring system of the status of the existing network of protected areas - preparing documentations to establish new protected areas, including “Natura 2000 sites”, - planning and management of ecological networks
MANDATORY RESULTS 6. Focal Point on industrial waste: established for providing Guidelines, Kow how, Technical Reports and Regulatory Schemes on selected industrial branches in the framework of integrated waste cycle management
MANDATORY RESULTS 7. National guidelines/standards, procedure manuals, regulation on the certification of waste enterprises and model rules provided by the Focal Point on its focused activities, and related information disseminated at national level 8. Technical staff involved in the Focal Point on industrial waste trained with well developed skills in the specific areas
PROJECT ACTIVITIESThe Project Activitiesare structured in the following 5 Components 1: Organization of project and kick-off meeting 2: Assessment and development of institutional capacity 3: Actions to support the implementation of daily activities 4: Specific activities focused on industrial waste 5: Final event and conclusion reporting
Component 1: Preparation of project and kick-off meetings Activities 1.1 Organization of projectActivities 1.2 Kick-off meeting in Galati at regional level Activities 1.3 National Kick-off meeting in Bucharest
Component 1: Preparation of project and kick off meetings Activities 1.2 Kick off meeting in Galati at regional level BENCHMARKS • Direct acquaintance among Italian team Responsibles and REPA Galati Management and main operational aspects of the project discussed • LEPAs and Stakeholders Management of the South East region involved • Scope and focus of project activities presented and clarified - Brief presentation of Twinning project distributed, press conference with participation of the main regional media organized and information disseminated
Component 1: Preparation of project and kick off meetingsActivities 1.3 National Kick off meeting in Bucharest BENCHMARKS • Scope and focus of Twinning projects clarified • Direct acquaintance among MS and BC teams involved in the process - Coordination mechanism with NEPA and other REPA Twinning activated
Component 2: AssessmentandDevelopment of Institutional Capacity
Component 2:Institutional Capacity Activities 2.1 Assessment of the institutional capacity of REPA and LEPAs in south east region context Activities 2.2 Assessment of Training needsActivities 2.3 Actions to improve the Coordination of the main Procedures and the performances of the environmental system at regional level • Activities 2.4 Actions to improve the Institutional Network Capacity in the South East Region context
Component 2: Institutional CapacityActivities 2.1 Assessment of the institutional capacity of REPA and LEPAs in south east region context BENCHMARKS- Legal status, competencies framework, operational lines, organizational charts analyzed taking into account other Twinning and projects in the field, and investigations in depth provided through documents and direct interviews - Benchmarking framework prepared and specific meetings organized with the management of REPA and each LEPA, as well as with NEPA - Daily common work together with REPA Galati staff carried out and Assessment Report covering all methodological steps drafted, including: - Legal status and framework of competencies- Existing institutional capacities and Recommendations in order to optimize them (number of staff versus the allocations of responsibilities at both local and regional level) in compliance with national framework - Proposal of new Institutional Development Plan for NEPA evaluation and approval
Component 2: Institutional CapacityActivities 2.2 Assessment of Training needs BENCHMARKS Work Group with responsibles of Human Resources of REPA and LEPAs established Questionnaires draft prepared and shared with NEPA- Questionnaires filled up by REPA/LEPAs staff and evaluated- Assessment Report of training needs drafted and approved by REPA, including: training priorities and a training schedule for the fields of the daily and specific activities
Component 2: Institutional CapacityActivities 2.3 Actions to improve the Coordination of the main Procedures and the performances of the environmental system at regional level BENCHMARKS--- Daily common work together with REPA staff carried out and main environmental procedures applied in the South East region summarized and analyzed --- Coordination between REPA and NEPA activated in relation with the exigency to involve other Stakeholders --- Thematic meetings with Stakeholders organized on specific issues- --- Guidance note on coordination of the main environmental procedures at regional level drafted by REPA, including indications for the environmental regional data system and related exchange flows for common Environmental Reporting in compliance with to EEA standards--- Workshop organized and Guidance note discussed and shared with LEPAs and other Stakeholders together with MEWM and NEPA- --- Agreement Protocol signed by main Stakeholders involved aimed to fluidify procedures ant to improve performances of the environmental system in the South East region- --- Website content updated, exchange of documentation materials among Stakeholders promoted and information disseminated
Component 2: Institutional CapacityActivities 2.4 Actions to improve the Institutional Network Capacity in the South East Region context BENCHMARKS---Cooperation with environmental Institutions at regional level established---- Common Communications tools, including website publishing, activated and REPA Communication Plan defined ---- Agreement Protocol between REPA and ADR signed---- Specific Document of Environmental Criteria for selection of projects to be financed elaborated by REPA and RDA----- Seminars cycle on Cohesion and Structural Funds targeted for regional Stakeholders, in relation with Regional Development Plan and National Sector Plan for Environment, organized by REPA and RDA in each of the six LEPAs/Counties and Document of Environmental Criteria for selection of projects to be financed presented and discussed----- Role of REPA Galati to deal with Civil Protection Actions related to flooding and environmental issues analized---- Proposal Paper drafted and discussed with the participation of the Stakeholders, Institutional Network and Voluntary Organizations Services promoted--- Information disseminated by website and other media
Component 3: Actions to support the implementation of Daily activities Sub-Component 3.1: Environmental Planning and Policy Sub-Component 3.2: IPPC -Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Sub-Component 3.3: Waste Management Sub-Component 3.4: Air quality Sub-Component 3.5: Biodiversity and Nature Protection Sub-Component 3.6: Chemicals Sub-Component 3.7: Horizontal legislation
Sub-Component 3.1: Environmental Planning and Policy • Activities 3.1.1 Introductory actions on environmental planning and policy • Activities 3.1.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to environmental planning and policy • Activities 3.1.3 Training by Study visit into Sicily Region (Objective 1 Region) on learning and exchanging direct experiences about environmental planning and projects management financed by structural funds
Sub-Component 3.1: Environmental Planning and Policy Activities 3.1.1 Introductory actions on environmental planning and policy BENCHMARKS - Work Group on environmental planning and policy established with participation of about 20 people from REPA/LEPAs staff, and other Stakeholders - Cooperation with NEPA, Twinning team project RO04/IB/OT/05 and other parallel projects activated - Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed - General aspects, status in the region and difficulties of environmental planning and policy presented and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategies and Action Plans - Working Document on the status of environmental planning and policy in the South East region drafted and approved by REPA, including tasks for reviewing/updating/ elaborating/monitoring Environmental Actions Plans, tasks for participation at the elaboration of National Environmental Action Plan; Regional Development Plan; and specific needs for dealing with Cohesion and Structural Funds
Sub-Component 3.1: Environmental Planning and Policy Activities 3.1.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to environmental planning and policy BENCHMARKS --- Training on the job and training days for about 40 people coming from REPA - LEPAs staff trained on reporting system, monitoring systems and compliance control instruments in order to review/update/draft environmental Action Plans --- Work Group of 2 REPA + 6 LEPAs Staff trained in preparing for dealing with Cohesion and Structural Funds --- Daily common work together with REPA staff carried out to set up reporting system, monitoring systems and compliance control instruments for the regional Action Plans --- Environmental Action Plans monitored/updated/drafted --- Website content updated, exchange of materials with NEPA, other REPAs and Stakeholders promoted, information disseminated --- Relationship with the whole environmental system, at different level, developed
Sub-Component 3.1: Environmental Planning and PolicyActivities 3.1.3 Training by Study visit into Sicily Region (Objective 1 Region) on learning and exchanging direct experiences about environmental planning and projects management financed by structural funds BENCHMARKS n. 1 NEPA+ 3 REPA + n. 6 LEPAs technical staff trained on: - Operational methodologies on integrating environmental concerns into other policies and experiences on planning management by Structural Funds in Objective 1 regions - Check of rules and environmental criteria adopted in selecting projects to be financed and environmental infrastructure realized within the regional framework - Monitoring and control (1st and 2nd) systems - Exchange of experiences on real cases and best practices trough direct meetings with Stakeholders (planning Authorities, Management Authorities, Monitoring and Control Authorities and Final beneficiaries - Report drafted by participants - Follow up of study visit diffused, exchange of technical materials with other REPAs and Stakeholders promoted, website content updated and information disseminated
Sub-Component 3.2: IPPC -Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Activities 3.2.1 Introductory actions on IPPC procedures and Updating of the related implementation process in the regional context Activities 3.2.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to IPPC implementation process
Sub-Component 3.2: IPPC Activities 3.2.1 Introductory actions on IPPC procedures and Updating of the related implementation process in the regional context BENCHMARKS --- Work Group on IPPC established with participation of REPA/LEPAs staff, as well as NEG staff and other Stakeholders involved in IPPC implementation process at regional level (about 20 people) --- Cooperation with NEPA and Craiova REPA Twinning (focused on IPPC) activated as well as with Technical Assistance to support the integrated permitting process --- Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed ---- General aspects, status in the regional context and difficulties in the permitting procedure under IPPC analyzed and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategy and Action Plans ---- Working Document on updating of the IPPC implementation process drafted and industrial sectors typical of the regional context selected together with related IPPC applications to be reviewed
Sub-Component 3.2: IPPC Activities 3.2.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to IPPC implementation process BENCHMARKS - Training on the job for a group of about 12 people from REPA/LEPAs technical and administrative staff + NEG regional Commissariat and ANAR staff provided on the IPPC process management • Training days for a larger number of participants, also from other Stakeholders staff involved in the IPPC implementation process at regional level, provided - Daily common work together with REPA technical staff carried out on ongoing integrated permitting process • Specific IPPC installations typical of the regional context analized, applications reviewed as necessary, permits granted or rejected, and negotiation sessions for compliance schedule activated - Information system and exchange of data flows reviewed and NEPA data base fed with relevant regional data flows - Information about relevant issues for IPPC applicants provided and disseminated by Web site together with Report - Exchange of experiences and best practices, as well as relationship with the whole environmental system, at different level, developed
Sub-Component 3.3: Waste Management • Activities 3.3.1 Introductory actions on waste management • Activities 3.3.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to waste management
Sub-Component 3.3: Waste ManagementActivities 3.3.1 Introductory actions on waste management BENCHMARKS -Work Group on Waste management established with participation of about 10 people from REPA/LEPAs staff - Cooperation with NEPA and REPA Bacau Twinning (focused on urban waste), as well as with Technical Assistance for elaborating the Regional Waste Management Plans activated - Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed • General aspects, status in the region and difficulties of waste management presented and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategy and Action Plan - Monitoring Report of the existing regional/ local public waste register and related system for data collection, storage, reporting and information flows drafted, including the existing Plans and projects for waste management
Sub-Component 3.3: Waste Management Activities 3.3.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to waste management BENCHMARKS • Training on the job and training days for about 10 people from REPA and LEPAs technical staff on Waste Management process including waste public register and related system for data collection, storage, reporting and information flows, Waste Action Plans monitoring and control system, as well as reviewing • Daily common work together with REPA technical staff carried out and Regional Waste Management Plan reviewed/updated and approved in compliance with National Strategy and Action Plans; its monitoring and control system coordinated and set up; Waste Reporting methodology enhanced • Environmental waste management projects identified, selected and ranked in order to be included in the National/Regional Plans • Website content updated and Information disseminated • Relationship with the whole environmental system, at different level, developed
Sub-Component 3.4: Air quality • Activities 3.4.1 Introductory actions on Air quality • Activities 3.4.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to air quality • Activities 3.4.3 Open Conference on Climate Change and GHGs emissions’ reduction policies in cooperation with University, NEPA and REPA Cluj Twinning (focused on Air Quality)
Sub-Component 3.4: Air quality Activities 3.4.1 Introductory actions on Air quality BENCHMARKS - Work Group on Air quality established with participation of about 10 people from REPA/LEPAs/NEG staff - Cooperation with NEPA and REPA Cluj Twinning (focused on Air quality) activated - Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed - General aspects, status in the region and difficulties in implementation and enforcement of legislation on air quality presented and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategy and Action Plan - Working Document on gap analysis and filling in order to comply with legislation on Air quality and to draft or to review Action plans for AAQ and emissions’ reduction
Sub-Component 3.4: Air quality Activities 3.4.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to air quality BENCHMARKS • Training on the job and training days for about 20 people from REPA/LEPAs/NEG technical staff on specific aspects of AAQ management process (e.g. emissions sources inventories, monitoring network management, Action plans and programmes for emissions’ reduction) • Daily common work together with REPA technical staff carried out on monitoring network management, emissions sources inventory, relationship between national and regional inventories, databases for environmental policies at local /regional level • Action plans and programmes for air quality management and emissions’ reduction prepared/updated by REPA and approved by NEPA in compliance with their specific competencies • Website content updated, and information disseminated with other REPAs
Sub-Component 3.4: Air quality Activities 3.4.3 Open Conference on Climate Change and GHGs emissions’ reduction policies BENCHMARKS • 100 participants in representation of NEPA and national Authorities, other REPAs, Environmental Institutions, policy makers, Research Institutes, Local Institutions, Entrepreneurship Organizations, Universities, Civil Society Associations involved and updated • exchange of experiences and best practices of EU context diffused and shared - contents of Action Plans for AAQ management and emissions’ reduction presented and discussed - technical documentation prepared and published • environmental awareness increased and specific know how on Air Quality diffused - relationship with the whole environmental system, at different level, developed - information disseminated by CD ROM and updated contents of website
Sub-Component 3.5: Biodiversity and Nature Protection Activities 3.5.1 Introductory actions on biodiversity and nature protection Activities 3.5.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to biodiversity and nature protection Activities 3.5.3 Local Agenda 21 Forum on Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, as best practice case in the territory of National (or Natural) Park of South East region
Sub-Component 3.5: Biodiversity Activities 3.5.1 Introductory actions on biodiversity and nature protection BENCHMARKS • Work Group on Nature and Biodiversity established with participation of about 15 people from REPA/LEPAs and other Stakeholders staff • Cooperation mechanism with NEPA and Timisoara and Sibiu REPAs Twinning (focused on Biodiversity and Nature Protection) activated as well as with parallel project on “Implementation of Natura 2000 Network in Romania” • Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed • General aspects, status in the region and difficulties of biodiversity and nature protection presented and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategy and Action Plan • Italian experience about National Topic Center on Nature and Biodiversity presented and discussed • Working Document on implementation and enforcement of legislation on Biodiversity and Nature Protection including gap analysis and filling in order to comply with requirements requested, as well as operational indications about tasks to do
Sub-Component 3.5: BiodiversityActivities 3.5.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily tasks related to biodiversity and nature protection BENCHMARKS • Training on the job and training days for about 30 people (from REPA/ LEPAs technical staff + Delta Danube Reservation Administration + National/ Natural Park Management Administrations+ NEG staff) provided on specific aspects of biodiversity and nature protection and Natura 2000 (e.g. inventories of species and habitats, standardization of data collection/storage/exchange flows, maps, Monitoring system of the status of the existing network of protected areas, Management Plans and Ecological Network) • Daily common work together with REPA carried out on specific tasks related to: Inventories of species and natural habitats and Documentation for the establishment of new protected areas, including “Natura 2000 sites; Monitoring system of the status of the existing network of protected areas; Management Plans and Ecological Network; • Regional Observatory on Nature, Biodiversity and sustainable development as Network among Stakeholders, both public and private, established through Agreement Protocol • Website content updated, information disseminated and relationship system developed
Sub-Component 3.5: BiodiversityActivities 3.5.3 Local Agenda 21 Forum on Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development (National Park) BENCHMARKS - Agenda 21 Forum established by Agreement Protocol signed with participation of Park Management Administration, local Authorities, NGOs, Research Institutes, Universities, REPA, ADR and other Stakeholders - Participation of Local Actors (Institutions, Entrepreneurship Organizations, Civil Society Associations and Schools) activated and new pro-active mentality promoted taking into account the experiences of linked projects - Territorial resources individuated and promoted by the Park’s logo - Local Action Plan based on Local Agenda 21 criteria and EU policies for sustainability - Brochure, posters, leaflets, touristic itineraries drafted and published - Networks with the Romanian/European Natural Parks system activated - Website content updated, exchange of documentation materials with other REPAs promoted and Information disseminated
Sub-Component 3.6: Chemicals Activities 3.6.1 Introductory actions on chemicals Activities 3.6.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily activities related to chemicals
Sub-Component 3.6: ChemicalsActivities 3.6.1 Introductory actions on chemicals BENCHMARKS - Work Group on specific field established with participation of about 15 people REPA LEPAs + NEG + NEPA staff - Cooperation with NEPA, NEG and parallel projects activated - Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed -General aspects, status in the region and difficulties of control and inspections system on chemicals presented and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategy and Action Plans - Working Document on chemicals control and inspections system in South East region drafted
Sub-Component 3.6: ChemicalsActivities 3.6.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily activities related to chemicals BENCHMARKS • Training on the job and training days for 2 REPA + 6 LEPAs + 2 NEG staff provided on specific aspects of control and inspection system on chemicals and related inventories and databases • Daily common work together with REPA on monitoring and control system carried out and data collection performed for improving inventories and databases on chemicals • Cooperation with NEPA and NEG staff improved and regular exchange of information flows activated at different levels in order to adopt common procedures and methodologies for chemical risk management at regional level • Website content updated, exchange of documentation materials with other REPAs promoted, information disseminated • Relationship with the whole environmental system, at different level, developed
Sub-Component 3.7: Horizontal legislation Activities 3.7.1 Introductory actions on horizontal legislation Activities 3.7.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily activities related to horizontal legislation.
Sub-Component 3.7: Horizontal legislationActivities 3.7.1 Introductory actions on horizontal legislation BENCHMARKS • Work Group on specific field established with participation of about 15 people REPA/LEPAs staff • Cooperation with NEPA and parallel projects activated • Documentation materials collected and main results of other Twinning and linked projects in the specific field analyzed • General aspects, status in the region and difficulties about implementation process on horizontal legislation presented and discussed in compliance with EU Directives, National Strategies and Action Plans • Working Document on implementation and enforcement of legislation on Horizontal legislation in the South East region drafted including gap analysis and filling, as well as operational indications about tasks to do
Sub-Component 3.7: Horizontal legislationActivities 3.7.2 Actions to Support the implementation of the daily activities related to horizontal legislation. BENCHMARKS • Training on the job and training days for about 20 people coming from REPA /LEPAs staff on specific technical aspects of horizontal legislation, including EIA and SEA studies reports and connection between assessment and permitting process • Daily common work together with REPA carried out and SEA for Regional Development Plan drafted and approved by REPA Galati • Cooperation among environmental authorities, public institutions and civil society developed as well as procedures to ensure Public access to environmental information • Website content updated, exchange of documentation materials with other REPAs promoted, information disseminated • Relationship with the whole environmental system, at different level, developed
Component 4: Specific Activities focused on industrial waste
Component 4: Specific Activities focused on industrial wasteActivities 4.1Establishing Focal Point on industrial waste and Introductory actionsActivities 4.2 Actions to support the specific activities of Focal Point on industrial wasteActivities 4.3Training Actions to support the specific activities of Focal Point on industrial wasteActivities 4.4Open Conference on industrial waste for dissemination of specific environmental information related to Focal Point results