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Integrity in Research

As Head of a Science Department, my goal is to foster integrity in research by upholding standards of trustworthiness, excellence, and compliance. This involves promoting honesty, fairness, and integrating research with values. The necessity of surveillance in assessing research problems is highlighted, as seen in cases like Watson and Crick claiming DNA discovery. The balance between academic and commercial goals is key, requiring education of collaborators and clear university policies. Explore how integrity in research can meet both academic and commercial needs effectively.

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Integrity in Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Integrity in Research Dave Hornby MBB

  2. Promoting a culture • One of my goals as Head of a Science Department is to create an environment that: • Promotes responsible conduct in Science by embracing standards of excellence, trustworthiness, and lawfulness • Promotes the individual's commitment to intellectual honesty and personal responsibility.

  3. Key values • Research integrity includes the traditional ideals of • Honesty • Fairness

  4. Key values • Compliance with research guidelines and policies • Integrating work with life experience and values

  5. Is surveillance necessary? Surveillance has become necessary in recent years Without monitoring, it is difficult to assess the size of the problem

  6. Was it appropriate for Watson and Crick to claim that they discovered the structure of DNA? Maurice Wilkins started the project Rosalind Franklin collected the data Watson and Crick saw the unpublished data

  7. Was it appropriate for Watson and Crick to claim that they discovered the structure of DNA? Watson and Crick built a model The Double Helix was born We think of Watson and Crick not Franklin and Wilkins?

  8. When Commercial and Academic goals collide • Academic research feeds commercial development • Academic research is shared with market led group • The mantra from the CEO is for new products • What if we release the academic • research prior to publication?. . .

  9. Integrity in Research:Meeting both needs • Educate commercial collaborators • Promote clear policies in the University • Review best practice elsewhere

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