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Upper GI SSG Meeting Statistics

Upper GI SSG Meeting Statistics. Background. The SSG agreed to start looking at some data/indicators As a starting point, eight metrics were proposed This information is intended as a starting point to help shape our ideas for review of data in the SSG. Questions to consider.

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Upper GI SSG Meeting Statistics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Upper GI SSG MeetingStatistics

  2. Background • The SSG agreed to start looking at some data/indicators • As a starting point, eight metrics were proposed • This information is intended as a starting point to help shape our ideas for review of data in the SSG

  3. Questions to consider • Are these the right metrics? (We can change but not increase number) Could we discuss different ones each time? • How can we get data from the whole region for HPB indicators? • Is the data timely enough (most recent available NOGCA data is 15/16) • Is it useful to discuss these at SSGs? How could they be more useful?

  4. OG - % patients diagnosed after emergency admission • Source: NOGCA audit, patients diagnosed 14/15 financial year • % adjusted rate • All within NOGCA’s acceptable range

  5. OG - % patients who had a staging CT scan • Source: NOGCA audit, patients diagnosed 14/15 financial year • All below NOGCA’s acceptable threshold but likely missing data rather than not staged

  6. OG - % patients discussed at Specialist MDT with curative treatment pan • Source: Bristol cancer register, patients diagnosed 15/16 financial year and eligible for NOGCA audit • 41% • National % 13-15 (note two year period) per NOGCA audit: 37.6%

  7. OG - % patients who had ≥ 15 lymph nodes removed at resection Source: NOGCA audit, patients diagnosed 14/15 financial year UH Bristol – 90.8% (above national average)

  8. HPB – % pancreatic cancer patients having resection • Source: UH Bristol/NBT shared Cancer Register, waiting times dataset • Patients first seen at UH Bristol or NBT in 2016/17 financial year: 22%

  9. HPB - % patients with HCC who have a resection or RFA • Source: UH Bristol/NBT shared Cancer Register, waiting times dataset • Patients first seen at UH Bristol or NBT in 2016/17 financial year: 34%

  10. HPB - Number of resections for liver metastases • Source: UH Bristol/NBT shared cancer register, resections undertaken in 2016/17 financial year • 44 (plus 5 RFAs)

  11. HPB - % patients with recorded staging • Source: UH Bristol/NBT shared cancer register, diagnosed 2016/17 financial year, treated or first seen at UH BristoL • 8% (national target 70%) • Needs clinical support to state staging in MDT so it can be recorded. • National drive to improve staging

  12. Next steps • What metrics would we like to review next meeting? (Maximum of 8) • How can we ensure complete data? • What format would we like the information in?

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