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Luichart Technology Ltd

Luichart Technology Ltd. LPG CONVERSION SYSTEM FOR PETROL ENGINE VEHICLES. COMPANY VISION. Provide the definitive LPG conversion system for petrol engine vehicles Establish an International benchmark Dominate the International market for LPG conversions

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Luichart Technology Ltd

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  2. COMPANY VISION • Provide the definitive LPG conversion system for petrol engine vehicles • Establish an International benchmark • Dominate the International market for LPG conversions • Keep our technology ahead of the competition

  3. Support from the Oil Industry • 1000+ petrol stations out of 12,000 in UK now carry LPG • An average of five new outlets open each week • Oil companies willingly provide skid tanks for fleet users

  4. THE REASON FOR THEIR SUPPORT • LPG is a by-product of oil extraction • UK has a 5 million ton surplus • The oil companies have to ship it to sell abroad


  6. Luichart 21st CENTURY TECHNOLOGY

  7. MAJOR TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS • Revolutionary Vaporiser (patented) replacing existing regulator • Vaporiser is free-standing and not connected to the engine cooling system • No moving parts in vapouriser • Small and extremely light, can easily be fitted in the engine bay

  8. MAJOR TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS • Injection system simplified to improve performance and consumption • Engine Management Unit is remapped to allow running on LPG & Petrol. Existing systems install an additional control unit • Tank and fuel pipes designed for ease of fitting & maximum safety

  9. COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGES • Manufactured in polymers • Cheaper to produce • Higher quality • Can be produced in volume local to the market • Less invasive than existing systems • Fits in 4 hours against 12/16 hours • Total cost is 75% less than existing systems

  10. THE TARGET MARKET • Private car, van retrofits and OEM conversions in UK and Europe • Fleet owners and leasing companies • Conversion levels in 2001 • UK retrofits 45,000 • European retrofits 300,000 • Europe and UK OEMs 150,000

  11. FUTURE MARKETS • Australia • Over 600,000 conversions currently in use • China • 50,000 converted taxis in Shanghai and a policy to have a majority of vehicles, including motorcycles running on clean fuels by 2008 in time for the Olympics • United States • U-Haul installing LPG fuel points at all of their 1,200 rental depots.

  12. NEW CUSTOMERS • Because of the commercial advantages the system is of interest to some Major full servicing companies • Kwik-Fit • Consider the system to be a product for their ‘Stop ‘n’ Steer’ fleet maintenance chain • Halfords • Test marketed installations some years ago unsuccessfully. They see Trigas as a provider of a practical system. • Unipart • Would like to handle distribution throughout UK & Europe with fitting also offered through their 2000 banner garages.

  13. Luichart Technology Limited Gaelic for Lateral Thinking 272 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JR Scotland T: +44-141-353-9339 E: engineering@luichart.com

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