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Chapter2. Some Thermodynamics Aspects of Intermolecular Forces. 한국과학기술원 화학과 계면화학 제 1 조 김동진 최윤정 조우경. 2.1 Interaction Energies of Molecules in Free Space and in. a Medium. Interaction potential w(r) between two molecules.
Chapter2. Some Thermodynamics Aspects of Intermolecular Forces 한국과학기술원 화학과 계면화학 제 1 조 김동진 최윤정 조우경
2.1 Interaction Energies of Molecules in Free Space and in a Medium. Interaction potential w(r) between two molecules • The pair potential : interaction potential between two particles • The potential of mean force : interaction in a solvent medium. • F = - dw(r)/dr The work can be done by F w(r) : the free energy or available energy. In considering the forces between two molecules in liquids, several effects should be involved that do not arise when the interaction occurs in free space. Solvent effects
1. Two solute in solvent 1) Pair potential w(r) = solute-solute interaction energy + change in solute-solvent interaction energy + change in solvent-solvent interaction energy 2) The net force depends on the attraction(solutes – solvents) 3) Solutes behavior • In free space : attraction • In a medium : repel each other
2. The ‘structure’ of solvents molecules is perturbed. If the free energy varies with r (solute-solute) Solvation or Structuralforce 3. Solute – solvent interaction can change the properties of solute. e.g. dipole moment, charge, etc So, the properties of dissolved molecules may be different in different media.
4. Cavity formation by solvent Gas Solute Condensed medium : consider the cavity energy expended by the medium Cohesive energy(self-energy) : i : The energy of an individual molecule in a medium (gas or liquid) = The sum of the interaction with all the surrounding molecules. Now, how are iand w(r) related? In the gas phase, w(r) is written like this W(r) = C/rn for r > σ ( where n > 3) = ∞ for r < σ σ : hard sphere diameter of the molecules
∞ igas= W(r)4r2 dr = -4C/(n-3) n-3 Example 1. Molecules in a liquid or solid contact with 12 other molecules(close packing) • When a molecule is introduced in a own liquid Net energy change : iliq 6w(σ) The molar cohesive energy : U = Noiliq 6 No w(σ) And = 1/(molecular volume) = 1/[(4/3)( /2 )3] ∞ 1 - 12 -12C ∴ iliq = W(r)4r2 dr = w() 2 (n – 3)n (n – 3) Cf. For n=6, iliq 4w() or U - 4Now()
Example 2. Solute molecule is dissolved in a solvent medium. • Solute molecule is surrounded by 12 solvent molecules • Solute(s) size Solvent(m) size iliq -[6 wmm() - 12 wsm()] The effective pair potential between two dissolved solute molecules in a medium is just the change in the sum of their free energies i as they approach each other. 2.2. The Boltzmann Distribution • When the i1 is not the same i2 in two regions of a system. For dilute system X1 = X2 exp[-(i1 -i2)/kT]by Boltzmann distribution i1 + kTln X1 = i2 + kTln X2 Xn : equilibrium concentrations In many different regions of states in a system in + kTln Xn = in equilibrium for all states n = 1,2,3, …
2.3. The Distribution of Molecules and Particles in System at Equilibrium Case 1. iz + kTlnρz= io + kTlnρo ρz = ρo exp[-(iz - io) / kT] since (iz - io) = mgz z: altitude, ρz = ρo exp[-mgz / kT] : gravitational distribution law Case 2. For charged molecules or ions ρ2 = ρ1 exp[-e( ψ2 - ψ1) / kT] ψ1 , ψ2 : electric potentials From case 1 and 2, the interaction energy did not arise from local intermolecular interactions, but from interactions with an externally applied gravitational or electric field. Case 3. Two phase system If one of the phaes is a pure solid or liquid, i1= i2 + kTlnX2 X2 = X1 exp [-(i2 - i1) / kT] = X1 exp( -Δ i / kT) Generally, X2 = X1 exp [-Δ i + mgΔz + eΔψ / kT]
2.4. The Van der Waals Equation of State. igas= - 4C/(n-3) n-3 = -A For molecules of finite sizes, Xgas = 1/(v – B) = /(1 - B) 1 V = : the gaseous volume occupied per molecule B = 43/3 : the excluded volume ∴ Chemical potential of the gas = igas + kTlnXgas = -A + kT ln [ / (1 - B)] Now pressure P is related to , (∂μ/∂P)T = v = 1/ or (∂P/∂)T = (∂μ/∂P)T So, ∂ kT P = -A + d = d ∂ (1 -B) T o o kT 1 = - A2 - ln(1 - B) 2 B
For B < 1, 1 1 ln(1 - B) = -B - (B)2 + … - B(1 + B) -B / ( 1 - B) - B / ( v - B) 2 2 1 1 2 2 a ∴ ( v – b) = kT : Van der Waals equation P + v2 1 1 a = A = 2C/(n-3) n-3 and b = B = 23 / 3 2 2 b depends on only on the molecular size and on stabilizing repulsive contribution to the total pair potential. Therefore, conceptually, the constants a and b can be thought of as accounting for the attractive and repulsive forces between the molecules.
Van der Waals Coefficients a coefficients correlates with the degree of polarity of substance. The most polar of these molecules have the highest a coefficients. The pressure of these gases is most significantly affected by intermolcular attractions b coefficients increase with the size of the atom or molecle
How strong the intermolecular attraction must be if it is to condense molecules into a liquid at a particular temperature and pressure. igas +kT logXgas = iliq + kT logXliq ( in equilibrium) igas –iliq–iliq = -kT log(Xliq/Xgas) (∵iliq >> igas ) -kT log(22400/20) (at STP condition, Vgas~22400cm-3,Vliq~20cm-3) –iliq 7kTB or -N0iliq / TB 7N0k = 7R (TB=boiling temp.) : the TB of liq. Is simply proportional to the energy needed to take a 2.5. The Criterion of the thermal energy kT for gauging the strength of an interaction molecule from liq. into vap.
For one mole of molecules , Uvap =-N0iliq, Lvap = Hvap = Uvap + PV Uvap + RTB Lvap / TB ( Uvap / TB)+ R 7R + R = 8R 70JK-1mol-1 Lvap / TB 80JK-1mol-1 (cohesive energy iliq 9kT) Trouton’s rule
Trouton’s rule (at the Normal Boiling Point, G°vap = 0.) • the latent heat of vaporization divided by the boiling point (in kelvin) is approximately constant for a number of liquids. This is because the standard entropy of vaporization is itself roughly constant, being dominated by the large entropy of the gas. Boiling point of a substances provides a reasonably accurate indication of the strength of the cohesive forces or energies holding molecules together in condensed phases.
The molecules will condense once their cohesive energy iliq with all the other molecules in the condensed phase exceeds about 9kT. When , iliq 6w() ∴ pair interaction energy of two molecules or particles in contact exceeds about 3/2kT, then it is strong enough to condense them into a liquid or solid. standard reference for gauging the cohesive strength of an interaction potential
w(r, 2) –w(r, 1) X(2) = X(1)exp kT Orientational distribution
2.6. Classification of Forces Intermolecular forces • Purely electrostatic (from Coulomb force b.t. charges) interaction b.t. charges, permanent dipoles, quadruples … • Polarization forces(from dipole moments induced) • Quantum mechanical covalent or chemical bonding , repulsive steric or exchange interaction
= the chemical potential is Four forces
Hellman.Feynman theorem: "Once the spatial distribution of the electron clouds has been determined by solving the Schrödinger equation, the intermolecular forces may be calculated on the basis of straightforward classical electrostatics."