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Basic Departmental Internal Controls. Presented by The Office of Internal Audit 2010. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security. Basic Control Assessment Report. Our training today is going to focus on the fifteen areas reviewed in the report. Office of Internal Audit
Basic Departmental Internal Controls Presented byThe Office of Internal Audit2010 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
Basic Control Assessment Report Our training today is going to focus on the fifteen areas reviewed in the report Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
A. RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNT BALANCES See policy “Account Reconciliation”, 61.01 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
A. RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNT BALANCES • Reconciliation methods will vary depending on the size of the department and/or the account being reconciled. • All reconciliations should be supported by a Banner ledger report such as FWREXEG or FWREXDP. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
A. RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNT BALANCES FWREXEG 1. Documentation exists to support timely reconciliation of departmental accounts on a consistent basis. • Must be: • Timely; • Supported by detailed ledger report; • Reconciled consistently. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
A. RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNT BALANCES FWREXEG 2. Documentation exists to support … reviewed … timely … by the … department head, designee, or principal investigator. • Must be: • Signed by reconciler; • Signed by reviewer; Without Documentation (I.E. signature) cannot verify that review took place. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
What is the purpose of review? The purpose of reviewing a reconciliation or any other document is to ensure the document appears accurate. Therefore, the reviewer should be someone who was knowledgeable regarding the area being presented and would be able to identify errors or irregularities.
A. RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNT BALANCES FWREXDP Same requirements apply for non-E&G (I.E., timely, detailed, consistent). Except, “…principal investigators should always review their own (research) account reconciliations”. – OP 61.01 Required to ensure compliance with OMB A-21 and OMB A-133. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
A. RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNT BALANCES FZICHFB 3. Departmental account fund balances appear adequately provided for without significant deficits. -200,000.00 • We and departments should be concerned about: • Accounts with significant deficits. • Accounts with negative change without expectation of relief. 100,000.00 -100,000.00 -300,000.00 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
B. LEAVE • See policies: • HRM 60-201; • and • AOP 13.13 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
B. LEAVE 1. All eligible employees appear to be reporting leave usage. Applies to all employees, faculty and staff. Being reviewed by our office during assessments and annually university wide. The authorizing or taking leave without the completion and submission of appropriate leave forms is considered a misuse of assets (policy 01.19) and would be subject to disciplinary action. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
B. LEAVE 2. Documentation exists to support that leave usage and balances are reviewed timely. Each department should have one individual responsible for reviewing/ reconciling leave processed/input to leave reported in Banner. Must have documentation of review/reconciliation. Should be initialed by reviewer. - Errors in leave balances are found in many of our control assessments! Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
B. LEAVE 2. Documentation exists to support that leave usage and balances are reviewed timely. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
B. LEAVE 3. Documentation exists to support independent review of the processor's leave. Must have documentation that the leave of the individual responsible for processing leave is also reviewed. Must have documentation of review such as reconciliation initialed or signed by department head or designee. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
C. RECORDS OF HOURS WORKED 1. Time sheets/cards are maintained by the department for all non-exempt employees. Based on federal/state law, rules and regs. • Non-exempt employees include: • - Clerical/Secretarial • - Technical/Paraprofessional • - Skilled Crafts • - Service/Maintenance • - Temporary Employees Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
C. RECORDS OF HOURS WORKED 1. Time sheets/cards are maintained by the department for all non-exempt employees. Generally any employee that shows up on the Post-Time Entry report that is printed after entering time. PERS requires a time record for all rehired retirees. Non exempt retirees use standard time report. Exempt retirees would use Rehired Retiree Work Record (Both forms located on HRM website). Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
C. RECORDS OF HOURS WORKED 2. Time sheets/cards appear accurate and include the recording of both leave and compensatory time. Leave and comp time forms should be compared to timesheets to ensure they agree. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
C. RECORDS OF HOURS WORKED 3/4. Time sheets/cards are signed and dated by the employee/ supervisor after the time period being reported. Signatures document agreement as to the hours worked. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
D. PAYROLL PROCESS In our review/assessment of the payroll process our main objective is to ensure that hourly employees are paid for the hours worked and recorded on the timesheets. This should not be to the exclusion of salaried/exempt employees pay. If possible all pay should be reconciled, including that of salaried/exempt employees. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
D. PAYROLL PROCESS (Timesheet to Ledger) 1. Documentation exists to support that time sheets are reconciled to Post Time Entry Reports. Timesheet showing 5.25 hours Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
D. PAYROLL PROCESS (Timesheet to Ledger) 1. Documentation exists to support that time sheets are reconciled to Post Time Entry Reports. Timesheet 5.25 hours Post-Time Entry Report 5.25 hours Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
D. PAYROLL PROCESS (Timesheet to Ledger) 2. Documentation exists to support that Post Time Entry Reports are reconciled to Payroll Vouchers. Post-Time Entry Report 5.25 hours Payroll Voucher 5.25 hours for total pay of $30.71 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
D. PAYROLL PROCESS (Timesheet to Ledger) 3. Documentation exists to support that Payroll Vouchers are reconciled to Banner. Ledger Report pay of $30.71 Payroll Voucher 5.25 hours for total pay of $30.71 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
D. PAYROLL PROCESS (Timesheet to Ledger) Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
No Payroll Voucher? • Reconcile directly from Post-Time Entry Report (PTER) to Banner; or • Use Banner report PWRDSPV or PWRVOCC
D. PAYROLL PROCESS 4. Payroll duties appear to be adequately separated. The more duties are separated the better the internal controls. At a minimum, two persons should be involved in the payroll process. Note –Time sheets should not be delivered for input by the employee or student represented. After reviewing and signing, the supervisor should forward timesheets for processing. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
E. COMPENSATORY TIME BALANCES 1. Documentation exists to support that compensatory time balances are reconciled by one individual. Comp balances should be reconciled to time sheets and documentation retained/maintained by one individual. Each employee that accrues comp time should not be responsible with keeping up with their own comp time. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
E. COMPENSATORY TIME BALANCES 2. Documentation exists to support that the reconciler’s compensatory time balance is reviewed. Many times the individual responsible for maintaining comp balances also accrues comp time. If so, someone else should review their comp balance. - Review documented by reviewers initials. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
E. COMPENSATORY TIME BALANCES Departments are HIGHLY encouraged to maintain compensatory time balances in Banner. This provides a centralized and uniform process that provides greater internal control. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
F. CASH ON HAND 1. Documentation exists to support that cash on hand is properly reconciled. Petty cash or change funds must be reconciled in a timely manner and accurately reflect amounts indicated in Banner. If you receive cash how do you make change unless you have a change fund? - University funds used for change must be recorded in Banner. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
F. CASH ON HAND 2. Cash appears to be adequately safeguarded. Change funds and cash receipts should be kept secure, preferably locked away in a fireproof safe or file cabinet. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
G. CASH RECEIPTS/HANDLING See the “Cash Handling” policy 62.07 Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
G. CASH RECEIPTS/HANDLING 1. Documentation exists to support that cash receipts are reconciled to Banner. Account reconciliation should include the reconciliation of cash receipts. However, during our control assessments we have noted most departments reconcile expenditures but few reconcile cash. Documentation of cash received, especially currency or checks received directly by the department, should be reconciled from receipt documentation (cash receipt form, cash log, etc.) to BANNER. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
G. CASH RECEIPTS/HANDLING 2. A pre-numbered receipt, cash log, register tape, or etc. is used to document cash received. Must have some documentation that provides accurate record of funds received in order to reconcile. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
G. CASH RECEIPTS/HANDLING 3. Cash is physically safeguarded in a secured area until deposit. As was stated with change funds, cash receipts should be kept secure, preferably locked away in a fireproof safe or file cabinet. Cash receipts should be deposited weekly or when balance reaches $200, whichever comes first. (OP 62.07) Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
G. CASH RECEIPTS/HANDLING Note – Because of the “liquid” nature of cash this area may receive more scrutiny than any other during a control assessment. It is highly recommended for individual departments to get out of the cash (includes currency and checks) collection business if at all possible. If cash is being collected from students other alternatives should be considered such as direct charges to student’s accounts receivable instead of receiving cash. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
I. PROCUREMENT/FLEETCARD 1. Card transactions are adequately supported and reconciled to bank statements. Someone needs to be looking at the transactions on the statement and comparing them to actual vendor receipts to make sure they appear appropriate. Once again, need documentation, I.E., initials of reconciler, tick marks, and supporting documents. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
FLEET CARDS We are now including a review of fleet card transactions in our control assessments. This includes any fuel cards Shell, Chevron, BP, Fuelman. • Will need detailed statements that show what was purchased, when purchased, quantity, and price. • Should be supported by detailed receipts. • Should be tied to a specific vehicle and or other use. (For vehicles should be tied to vehicle log). • We must be able to prove/verify that purchase was made for the use/benefit of university. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
I. PROCUREMENT/FLEET CARD 2. Documentation exists to support review of card journal entries and statements. This is a review by someone other than the reconciler. Must be documented (Bank/credit card statement also initialed by reviewer) Reviewer must be knowledgeable about what should or shouldn’t be purchased/charged on the card and should question unusual purchases. This includes Fleet/Gas Card Statements Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
I. PROCUREMENT/FLEET CARD 3. A sign in sheet, containing adequate information, is maintained to record card users. The need for and/or amount of information necessary on a sign in sheet depends on the number of individuals allowed to use a given procurement card the frequency of transactions. Should include who, what, when(date & time), where, why, and how much. - documentation must be adequate to determine who made a particular purchase and why it is a legitimate University purchase. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
I. PROCUREMENT/FLEET CARD 4. All cards are kept in a secure place such as a locked drawer or file cabinet. Yes you can take it out to use, but keep it safe, don’t carry it around when you don’t need it. Don’t carry on weekends or on vacation or even overnight if you don’t have to!! Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
J. LONG DISTANCE PHONE CHARGES 1. Documentation exists to support that statements are reviewed by the responsible employee. Employees responsible for LDS number should review. Each Employee making long distance calls should have their own unique LDS number. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
J. LONG DISTANCE PHONE CHARGES 2. Documentation exists to support that statements are reviewed by the department head/designee. Department head or designee should review. Need to document by signing or initialing statement. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
K. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1. Documentation exists to support annual observation of inventory by someone other than or in addition to the inventory representative. Adequate internal controls require having more than one person involved in custody/monitoring/ processing of assets. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
K. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1. Documentation exists to support annual observation of inventory by someone other than or in addition to the inventory representative. At least once a year someone other than the person normally responsible, should make sure everything can be accounted for! We recommend this be done during the physical inventory required by receiving and property control. Once again, must be documented (I.E., have inventory observer sign the property report). (person should be involved in observation process) Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
K. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 2. Documentation exists to support the use of Hand Receipts for the removal of property off campus. When it is necessary to remove equipment from assigned department in order to conduct official University business, a hand receipt should be kept on file by the department with a copy forwarded to R&PC. This includes cell phones and laptops. (MSU Property Manual) The idea is to be able to either produce the actual property item or documentation of where it is at all times. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
K. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 3. Documentation exists to support independent observation when processing Hand Receipts. Whenever a hand receipt is issued, the inventory representative must physically observe the equipment in question. This includes when initial hand receipt is issued or when it is updated every twelve months. (I.E. independent verification of the property). Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
K. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 4. Documentation exists to adequately support vehicle fuel and maintenance expenditures. How much does it cost to operate and maintain your departments vehicle? A fuel and maintenance log should be kept for each vehicle that records all related expenditures. This should include the type (fuel, oil, repair) and the cost. The log should include the odometer reading (mileage) when the expenditure took place. Office of Internal Audit Integrity ∙ Accountability ∙ Security
K. FLEET MANAGEMENT Vehicle log books are now available from Receiving and Property Control