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Human animal bonds. Do you Love your Animals? Do you just feed your animals? What is the differences between them?. Begin from a story…. Love. Feed. Is he/she a TOY?. Human Human bonds. 你和你的家人的關係? 你和你朋友的關係?. Human animal bonds.
Human animal bonds • Do you Love your Animals? • Do you just feed your animals? • What is the differences between them?
Human Human bonds • 你和你的家人的關係? • 你和你朋友的關係?
Human animal bonds • The Human-Animal Bond is the dynamic relationship between people and animals in that each influences the psychological and physiological state of the other.
Human-animal interaction has profound physiological consequences. People, in the contact with animals experience a decrease in blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and a general feeling of well being. By observing the behavior of animals, children learn to be more nurturing and perhaps better parents to their own children.
The therapeutic value of animals for socially isolated individuals in nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, and prisons has been documented. People in the presence of animals are often perceived to be more happy and healthy. • h
The AVMA officially recognizes: (1) the existence of the human-animal bond and its importance to client and community health, (2) that the human-animal bond has existed for thousands of years, and (3) that the human-animal bond has major significance for veterinary medicine, because, as veterinary medicine serves society, it fulfills both human and animal needs.
Consider getting a pet like a dog or cat. Coming home to a loving pet who is genuinely happy to see you after a long day at work is very important, especially to someone who lives alone. It is something to look forward to all day.
Understand the benefits of pet ownership. Pets help decrease feelings of isolation and loneliness. They are someone to share your life with, especially for those who live alone and may not have close friends or neighbors, or live far away from family and loved ones.Read more: How to Benefit From Companion Animals | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2086105_benefit-from-companion-animals.html#ixzz0yYKjdyMa
Realize the medical benefits of pet ownership. Pets can help patients fight illness, especially depression. Pets are not a substitute for human support, but if that support is not available, pets help fill the void.Read more: How to Benefit From Companion Animals | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2086105_benefit-from-companion-animals.html#ixzz0yYKo5rdK
Know that companion animals have been shown to decrease blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as help with feelings of loneliness and depression.Read more: How to Benefit From Companion Animals | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2086105_benefit-from-companion-animals.html#ixzz0yYKuizNV
Own a pet if you need to increase your opportunities to exercise and enjoy outdoor activities and socialization. Walking a dog provides much needed exercise for both the dog and the ownerRead more: How to Benefit From Companion Animals | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2086105_benefit-from-companion-animals.html#ixzz0yYKyjiTe
Note that companion animals can help calm patients and lessen the amounts of needed medications, especially in the elderly and children. Studies have shown benefits from all types of companion animals including hogs, horses, cattle and poultry as well as dogs and cats.Read more: How to Benefit From Companion Animals | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2086105_benefit-from-companion-animals.html#ixzz0yYL2Rhd3
How strong is your bond? • Does your dog check in with you during walks? • Does she occasionally look up at you as you walk? Or is she at the very end of her leash the entire time?
Are you afraid that if your dog slipped out the front door unleashed, she’d take off running and not come home? • Do you think your dog is “too stubborn” or “too dumb” to learn basic obedience behaviors?
Does your dog seek you out in new environments (for example, at a crowded dog park)? • Are you frequently frustrated with your dog?
Introducing the bonded dog • The dondedodg listens to basic obedience cues without thinking • Your dog/cat loves you more • Mutual respect • However, it is not just one-way • You NEED know his feeling • You NEED know his limitation • You MUST pay patience /using kindness to him • Use a correct method to correct his bad behaviour
Trust • Allow your dog to live in your home • Can you trust your dog? • Can your dog trust you?
Regard • Are u invisible or Are u the center of her universe?
What a strong bond can do • No bad dogs • Sweet freedom • How touching
Is it ever too late to build a bond? • NO • Age • Owner’s characters • Breed • Genetic reasons