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Missouri Farmer Today. 2011 Preference Study. Purpose. Findings are based on Missouri Farmer Today ’s 2011 Preference Survey. Survey conducted entirely by mail.
Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study
Purpose • Findings are based on Missouri Farmer Today’s 2011 Preference Survey. • Survey conducted entirely by mail. • Sample represents named records in Farm Market iD’s database of farmers in Missouri with 100+ acres of corn and/or 100+ acres of soybeans. • Six publications were of interest for this study: • Farm Journal • Midwest Ag Journal • Missouri Farmer Today • Missouri Ruralist • Successful Farming • Today’s Farmer Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 1
Method • Sample of 800 was selected in systematic fashion by Farm Market ID and Readex Research from Farm Market ID’s database of farmers in Missouri with 100+ acres of corn and/or 100+ acres of soybeans. The sample for the survey represented approximately 6,800 named individuals at the time of sample selection. • Data was collected via mail survey from February 3 to March 7, 2011. • The survey was closed for tabulation with 356 usable responses—a 45% response rate. To ensure representation of the population of interest, those classified in the following counties were excluded from tabulation: Barton, Jasper, Newton, McDonald, Cedar, Dade, Lawrence, Hickory, Polk, Greene, Stone, Jefferson, St. Francois, Perry, Cape Girardeau, Bollinger, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin, Stoddard, Butler and Ripley. This resulted in 298 usable responses. Most results are based on the 288 who indicated they have read or looked through at least one of the six studied publications. • As with any research, the results should be interpreted with the potential of non-response bias in mind. • Margin of error based on 288 usable responses is ±5.6 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 2
Publications Read/Looked Through Q1. Which of the following publications have you read or looked through in the past 6 months? base: 298 respondents (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 3
Number of Last 4 Issues Read/Looked Through: At Least 3 of 4 Summary Q2. How many of the last 4 issues of each publication have you read or looked through? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 4
Thoroughness of Readership: About ½ or More Summary Q3. About how thoroughly do you read a typical issue of each publication? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 5
Pass-Along Readership: At Least One Summary Q4. For each publication that you personally receive addressedto you, how many other people (besides you) usually read or look through your copy? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 6
Usefulness of Publications to Farming Operation: Top 2 Box Summary Q5. How useful are each of the following publications to your farming operation? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers)rated 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale: 5 = very useful; 1 = not at all useful Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 7
Enjoyment of Reading Publications: Top 2 Box Summary Q6. How much do you like reading each of the following publications? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers)rated 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale: 5 = like very much; 1 = do not like at all Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 8
Publication Description Q7a. Which one publication is best described by each of the following statements?-- Best Job of Covering News and Agricultural Topics base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 9
Publication Description Q7b. Which one publication is best described by each of the following statements?-- Provides Timely Information base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 10
Publication Description Q7c. Which one publication is best described by each of the following statements?-- Influences Agricultural Purchasing Decisions base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 11
Publication Description Q7d. Which one publication is best described by each of the following statements?-- Most Credible Source of Agricultural Information base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 12
Publication Most Likely to Read First Q8. If all of the following publications were to arrive on the same day, which one would you most likely read first? base: 288 publication readers Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 13
Websites Visited Regularly Q9. Which of the following websites do you visit regularly, that is, at least once a month? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 14
Reasons for Reading Electronic Newsletters/Commercial Emails Q10. For what agriculture-related reasons do you read electronic newsletters or commercial emails? base: 288 publication readers (multiple answers) Missouri Farmer Today 2011 Preference Study — 15