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Explore the Enchanting Land of Cuba

Discover the captivating country of Cuba, rich in history and biodiversity. Learn about its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant traditions. Explore the major cities, attractions, and economic factors shaping Cuba today.

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Explore the Enchanting Land of Cuba

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  1. By Zach and Jaylie CUBA


  3. Location • Cuba is located on the NE hemisphere • The Caribbean Sea surrounds Cuba but, The Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico are the bodies of water that are near Cuba • Jamaica, Haiti, Bahamas, and the U.S. are the countries that surround Cuba • 21° 30’ N, 80 º 00’ W

  4. PLACE • Landforms- • Escambray Mountains: the Mountains were the theater of the ‘War against the bandits’ in 1960-1962. It was also a planned refuge during the bay of pigs invasion. • Sierra Maestra: is the highest system of Cuba, and is rich in minerals especially copper, chromium, and iron. • Sierra Cristal: was the first National Park created in Cuba in 1930, and covers an area of 71.6 sq mi. • Sierra del Rosario: It protects a total area of 103.04 sq mi. of tropical forests with evergreen and semi-deciduous environments.

  5. Climate • Cuba receives the trade winds and sea breezes • In the winter it is cooled by the cold air from the North but doesn’t last long • The eastern part of the country has a warmer climate then the western, as well • The average temperature is 76 degrees F • They also have two clearly defined seasons, the dry season from November through April, and the rainy season from May through October

  6. Corn Wheat Sugar cane(most important crop) Tobacco The palms are a very important group of trees in Cuba Cuban Pine Palms Cork Pine Shortleaf Pine Kapok Cuba hascommitted to planting 135,000,000 trees for the UN Billion Tree Campaign. Crops Plants and Trees

  7. Wildlife • Cuba raises cows and bulls. The Cubans raise male cows to kill them for meat, and they raise the female cows for milk. • They also raise chickens to have eggs to eat. • When Cubans fish, they often take them to stores and sell them to buyers, or take them home, cook them, and eat them. • The people selling the fish also make a pretty good profit. 

  8. 11,216,973 The official language in Cuba is Spanish Population Language

  9. Havana, 2,201,610 Santiago de Cuba 423,392 Camagüey, 301,574 Santa Clara, 210,220 Bayamo, 144,664 Holguín, 269,618 Major Cities

  10. Attractions in Cuba • Baracoa, a tranquil beach city that amuses visitors and tourists • Cayo Largo, a beach of sun, sand, and tan • Jardines del Rey, most famous tourists attraction in Cuba


  12. Impressive production of organic food Products: sugar, citrus, and tropical fruits, tobacco, coffee, rice, beans, meat, and vegetables Industries (types): sugar and food processing, oil refining, cement, electric power, light consumer and industrial products *Cuba became the 35th most important food and agricultural export market for the United States in 2003 Nickel Iron ore Cobalt Wood Petroleum Natural Resources Agriculture

  13. Economic issues • Cuba cuts jobs to embrace markets economy, but still holds 100 dissidents • Cuba also issues more then 113,000 self-employed licenses.

  14. Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACwmN_LtaLw

  15. Affects of the Climate on the People • There is hot, sub-tropical climate all year long • Most rain falls between May and October and hurricanes can occur in autumn. • Humidity varies between 75% and 95%. • The cooler months are between January and April, when the least rain falls.

  16. History • 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the island • In 1762, Havana was held by Britain before returned in exchange for Florida • 1902, Cuba gained formal independence, series of rebellions during the 19th century failed to end Spanish rule. • 1962, Cuba helped the Soviet army during the Cold War by aiming nuclear missals at the U.S., and because of that, Cuba and the U.S. have a no trade policy

  17. Antonio Maceo Grajales- known as the Bronze titan Bartolome Maso Marquez- he achieved the rank of Major General Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriaran- he took part very early in the struggle against Fulgencio Batista and became one of the 82 members of the Granma yacht expedition. Important People of Cuba


  19. Immigration • In the summer of 1994, there was a drastic wave of over 30,000 Cubans that tried to enter the United States. • For many Cubans, reaching U.S. soil is highly desired.

  20. Migration • By the mid-1980’s, well over 500,000 Cuba exiles were living in the Miami area. • In 1990 there were 751,000 Cuban-born people in the U.S. • Large numbers have also settled in Puerto Rico, Spain, and Mexico

  21. Air Bus (main transportation) Cars Railroad Internet Telephone Mail Transportation Communication

  22. Traditions Popular Cuban traditions are stories or customs that are passed down from generation to generation, originally without the need for a writing system. Christmas: It is a tradition to eat pigs. New Years: A doll is burned to represent the discarding of the ad times of the past year. Birthdays: A bigger celebration, they usually have so many people there they might not even know half of them, they like to have a lot of different foods, and they have piñatas as well. Weddings: Like Americans, Cubans have the money dance but the guests pin the money to the brides dress instead of handing it to her. They also thank their guests for attending the wedding by presenting them with small token gifts.

  23. REGION

  24. The National coat of arms represents the island. It is shaped like a pointed leather shield, and divided into three sections Communist state Ethnic Groups: white 65.1%, mulatto and mestizo 24.8%, black 10.1 Religious groups:catholic Land Division Government


  26. Cuisines • They have Spanish, African, and Caribbean cuisines • A typical meal would be rice and beans, either cooked together or apart.

  27. Sports • Baseball Boxing Soccer

  28. Family Life in Cuba • Life in Cuba for elderly or single mothers can be hard because, like Mexico, Cuba has pesos, and they aren’t worth much so it could be hard for them to earn money to contain healthy. • People in Cuba don’t die from food shortage, but for a lot of Cubans meat or chicken is a luxury. • A job in Cuba doesn’t pay much. For instants, there are dentists earning as little as 10 dollars a month. A taxi driver can make more money than a doctor. Among the best paid are the Police, earning about 150$ per month

  29. Cubans usually just dress according to weather conditions. Many people wear a Guayabera shirt that is a comfortable shirt and also very, very common in Cuba. Since the 19th century Cuban music has been hugely popular and influential throughout the world. Zarzuela, Bufo, Guaracha, and Trova are types of Cuban music Clothing Music

  30. Recreation Activities: • Hiking Biking • Whitewater rafting Camping Golfing

  31. Works cited http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_bodies_of_water_surround_Cuba http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_landforms_in_Cuba#ixzz1FJ0V6u00 http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_crops_are_grown_in_Cuba http://www.hugg.ca/cuba-plants-135-million-trees-for-un-billion-tree-campaign 014302.php http://www.trueknowledge.com/q/population_of_cuba_in_2010 http://www.henry.k12.ga.us/pges/instruction/kid-pages/islands/cuba/animals.html http://www.cubaagriculture.com/cuba-agriculture-history.htm http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fe485 http://www.travelandtransitions.com/stories_photos/hello_cuba_11.htm. http://www.havana-guide.com/lifeinhavana.html http://www.go-caribbean-islands.com/Cuba/recreational-activities/ http://www.worldtravelguide.net/cuba/weather#ixzz1FvhGyO4c http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escambray_Mountains http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Cristal_National_Park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_del_Rosario http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Cristal_National_Park

  32. *Questions* • What is Cuba’s main crop? • What is the main transportation system in Cuba? • What sea surrounds Cuba? • What are two of the five natural resources? • What hemisphere in Cuba located on? • What is the official language in Cuba?

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