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Insulation on your coil helps the accumulated condensation flow correctly. But, damage to the insulation can cause water to drip from the coil instead of flowing down the coil. Contact JetAirCo and solve the problem immediately. This water leakage can damage your space. You will get Air conditioning repair services in Smithtown and other parts of New York.<br><br>For More Information Please Visit Our Site: https://www.jetairco.com/services/air-condition/
Youfindwater leakage from your AC, and itmakes youscary. Right?Don’tworry!Water leakageis a common problem of your air conditioner, which sometimes doesnot cost youhigh on repairing. But, youshouldnot delaythe work of repairingor replacement. Callan expert for handlingthe technical issues. JetAirCo is an experienced company holdinga license for offeringHVAC services tohomes and commercial buildings.Weoffer Air Conditioning repairs inLong Island,Northport, Smithtown, and other parts of NewYork.Here, we comeupwitha complete guide thathelps you understand whatyou shoulddotorepair the leakageof your air conditioner. www.jetairco.com
Checkthefrozen coil first: Ifyour ac leaks water, youmustcheck your evaporatorcoil first. Itis a partofyourindoorair handling unitandcomes with acoiled tubewithfins. Ifyoufind ice ontheevaporatorcoil, the water leakageis becauseofmelting thatice. Iceshouldnotbe there inyour evaporator coil. Call anHVACexpertandletthem perform their tasks. They are knowledgeable enough to find outthereal cause andsolvetheproblemquickly. Onethingyoumustrememberthatscraping awayice fromthe coil witha sharpobject maydamage your evaporator coil. The reason for freezing the coil can be your clogged air filter, which freezesupthecoil, reducingtheairflow.Therepairingof thisproblem does notcharge youhigh. Turnoff theunittopreventwater damageonyourfloor, regardless ofthereason for water leaking. IfyourAC unitis on theroof,youneedtotake animmediatesteptoprevent damages toyour walls andceiling. www.jetairco.com
Four common causes of AC leaking water: Here,wedescribe thefour commoncausesthatcan bethe possible reason for thewater leakageinyoursystem. 1.Dirtycoils 2.Damagedinsulation 3.Disconnecteddrain line 4.Clogged drain line www.jetairco.com
Dirtycoils: A dirty coil canbe one of the reasons, andif you neglect the maintenance ofyour system, dust will accumulate on the AC coils, which impedes the regular performance of your air conditioner. Ifyou havethis problem, cleaning the coils can solvethe issue. www.jetairco.com
Damagedinsulation: Insulation on your coil helps the accumulated condensation flowcorrectly. But, damagetothe insulationcancause water todripfrom the coil instead of flowingdown the coil.Contact JetAirCo andsolvethe problem immediately.This water leakage can damageyour space.Youwill get Air conditioningrepair services in Smithtown and other partsof NewYork. www.jetairco.com
Disconnecteddrain line: Poor installationofyour air conditioningunit causes the disconnected drain. Thedrain line of your AC drains awayfrom the condensation from your AC, andifitis not attached properly,the water leakage happens. www.jetairco.com
Clogged drain line: Since condensation cancarry dustanddebris, there is a chance ofyour drainline gettingclogged.So, water leakage happens. The dust canalso clogthe drain pan,resulting in the water overflowing from the pan. So, anair conditioning maintenance system is a preventive measure thatkeeps your system perfect always.Call JetAirCo andget the besthelpfor your AC unit. OurAir conditioningInstallationor Replacement service helps youtake care of your system. Callus to knowmore about our services. www.jetairco.com
Phone Email Address (631) 887-5444 info@jetairco.com 335 Kennedy Drive Hauppauge, NY 11788 United States www.jetairco.com
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