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The EESC and the CAP reform 2014. Lutz Ribbe Warsaw, 2.3.2011. EU Agri commissar MacSharry 1992. we destroy farms/ jobs and the environment with the billion we spend 20% of farmer receive 80% of all payments a need for new objectives:
The EESC and the CAP reform 2014 Lutz Ribbe Warsaw, 2.3.2011
EU Agri commissar MacSharry 1992 • we destroy farms/ jobs and the environment with the billion we spend • 20% of farmer receive 80% of all payments • a need for new objectives: • to motivate farmers to stay in the sector, to save the environment, to develop rural areas • All instruments should be linked to these goals • result: 5% der Mittel in „flankierende Maßnahmen“ heute: 20% der Bauern erhalten 85% der Zahlungen
Objectives and Instruments of the CAP • For what or for whom the CAP is created for? • Before speaking about instruments, we should speak about the objectives • Instuments: not just spending money „market stabilization“!!!
Farming industrialorientation Agri“culture“ multifunctionalorientation EESC: What do wewant, and: whatdoes CAP wants? Main goal: to compete on the world market to implement the Europ. agriculture modal
„farming/ cost leadership “ => traditional CAP • role of farmer: to produce row material in the most cheapest way • become more and more productive • rationalize, intensification of production • squeeze out soil, plants, animals … • … and the farmer himself • grow or go ( “structural change”) Food industry is asking: do we need farmer?
Geplanter „Deltapark“ im Hafen von Rotterdam Grafik: Der Spiegel (2000)
Keine Daten vorhanden < 10 10 – 40 40 – 80 80 – 120 120 – 170 > 170
Folgen französischer Viehwirtschaft„Tödliche Algen“ Die Grünalgen sind zur Plage geworden und müssen aufwändig entsorgt werden. Foto: ap
Biodiversität • „Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik (GAP) ist das politische Instrument, das sich am stärksten auf die biologische Vielfalt im ländlichen Raum auswirkt...“ KOM(2010) 548, S. 5
… until 2014 existing CAP will distroy about … • 2 million fulltime jobs EU (15) • 1 to 2 million fulltime jobs in EU (10) • another 1 to bis 2 million fulltime jobs in Bulgaria and Romania • Zu diesen Zahlen müssen noch rund 5 Millionen verdeckte Erwerbslose in den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben hinzugezählt werden.“
Just some of the negative consequences • loss of biodiversity • water pollution • climate questions • animal welfare (mass production 80.000 pigs?) • problems in rural areas • quality of our food (what is quality? EU defintion?) • ….. • …..
#2: multifuncional Agri“culture“ Competitiveness by: • diversification (not just row material) • more ecological friendly production (“public goods“) • higher quality (not only organic farming) • Regional and local market (Ciolos) 2nd pillar the „european agriculture modal“
European Agriculture Modal • EESC (and many ngo`s) is promoting a “sustainable agriculture”, which is taking into account… • environmental questions (biodiv, climate, water, soil, …) • consumer, animal welfare, regional …. interests • social criteria's(within EU and outside!) • millennium goals (hunger/ 3rd world aspects) • countryside and landscape aspects agri”culture” EU on the path to the Europ. Agriculture Modal? EESC: NO!!!! Agroindustry No chance under world market conditions
CAP reform beyond 2013 • Communication of the Commission published 18.11.10 • Ciolos: CAP must become more fair and more green
EU agriculture budget 2006 (EU25) Total 54.771,9 Mio. €
two pillar of CAp 1. pillar Direct payments market regulations ca. 40 Mrd €/a 2. pillar: Rural development ca. 12 Mrd €/a
1. pillar CAP Direct payments and market regulations: • until 1992: price guarantees • 1992 – 2003: price compensation • since 2003: decoupled payments • decoupled? • for what taxpayers money is spend?
Ciolos: a more fair system? is the existing system unfair?
direct payments EU (27) 2009 Quelle: EU Finanzstatistik