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Exploring Electricity: Year 1 Sessions

Learn about how everyday appliances use electricity, the dangers and safety tips, batteries, circuits, and ways to produce electricity.

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Exploring Electricity: Year 1 Sessions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using electricity Year 1: session 1

  2. We will be learning... ...how everyday appliances use electricity; that electricity helps things to light up, heat up, produce sounds and move; electricity is found when we plug in appliances as well as inside batteries and; the dangers of electricity and how it must be treated carefully.

  3. Why do we need electricity? http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/using_electricity/eng/Introduction/whiteboard.htm Part 2 make light move heat up make a sound

  4. To be successful... ...find an appliance; decide whether you think it will help to give light, heat, make a sound or move; discuss what you think with your partner and; glue or draw the appliance into the correct group on your sheet.

  5. Staying safe with electricity Look out for this sign near dangerous electricity. Stay away!

  6. Top safety tips • Never touch something electrical with wet hands or bring water near anything electrical. 2. Never poke objects inside anything that is electrical. 3. When outside playing, do not go into places that show the electricity danger sign. 4. Remember that electrical appliances that we plug in are much more powerful than those using batteries. 5.__________________________________________ _____________________________________

  7. Batteries Can you guess what we might be thinking about today? Year 1: session 2

  8. We will be learning... ...how batteries provide electricity for many appliances and are produced in many different shapes and sizes; that it is important to put batteries into appliances correctly in order for them to work and; how an electrical circuit will only work if the circuit is complete.

  9. What are batteries? • Batteries keep electricity for appliances that you can not or do not want to plug in. • Batteries can be put in and taken out of electrical appliances. • Batteries come in all different shapes and sizes. • Batteries can ‘run out’ of electricity.

  10. and The + and – symbols on the battery help you to know which way the battery should be inserted. If a battery is not put in correctly then the appliance will not work!

  11. Can you put the right batteries into this appliance?

  12. To be successful... ...look at the labels on the appliance; look at the labels on the batteries; decide which batteries would fit inside the appliance correctly and; cut and stick the right batteries inside the appliance.

  13. Thinking about circuits

  14. In a circuit we can connect a battery, some wires and a bulb or a buzzer. Electricity will flow from the battery around the circuit to make the bulb light or the buzzer buzz! http://www.ngflcymru.org.uk/vtc/Phase3delivery/Wales/Science/Keystage1/Physicalprocess/Electricalcircu/Introduction/default.htm

  15. Will this circuit work?

  16. Will this circuit work?

  17. Will this circuit work?

  18. Will this circuit work?

  19. Will this circuit work?

  20. Will this circuit work?

  21. To be successful... ...look at the circuit diagrams; decide whether each circuit would work: whether it is complete or not and; tick what you think is the right answer or write to explain why you think the circuit is complete or not.

  22. Making a circuit Year 1: session 3

  23. We will be learning... ...how to make a complete circuit using a battery, some wires and a bulb or buzzer; how to make a bulb light or a buzzer buzz, explaining what has happened and; to use diagrams in order to show results.

  24. B wire connector buzzer bulb

  25. Your plan will look something like this... with a buzzer with a bulb

  26. To be successful... ...with a partner, collect a battery, some wire and a bulb or a buzzer; make a complete circuit using your equipment; if the circuit does not work check that all the wires are connected correctly and; draw the plan of your circuit to give your results.

  27. Where does electricity come from? Year 1: session 4

  28. We will be learning... ...how we produce electricity today; the different ways in which we could produce electricity and; the impact of producing electricity on our world.

  29. So, what are the different ways to produce electricity? burning coal solar power water power wind power http://www.solar4schools.co.uk/teachers/Solar-Explained

  30. To be successful... ...find your equipment; follow the instructions to make your model wind turbine; test out your model by observing whether it would spin next to the fan to generate energy and; think about whether this would be a good way to produce electricity ?

  31. Why might it be important to think about how we produce electricity? Think about what is happening in this video. http://www.anitasancha.co.uk/videos/home-sweet-home/

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