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Explore the latest guidelines and studies in antiretroviral therapy including switching regimens, treatment efficacy, and drug resistance profiles. Stay informed on key treatment considerations for adults and adolescents.
What’s New in Antiretroviral Therapy?? Joe Eron UNC School of Medicine
DHHS Guidelines, March 2012: What to Start DHHS Guidelines for Antiretroviral Therapy in Adults and Adolescents. March 27, 2012
IAS-USA Guidelines, July 2012: What to Start *HLA-B*5701 screening recommended before ABC administration to reduce risk of HSR.. Consider avoiding use of ABC or LPV/r for pts with or at high risk of CV disease. ‡ZDV/3TC is alternative NRTI component of NNRTI-, PI/r-, and RAL-based regimens, but toxicity profile of ZDV reduces its utility. Thompson MA, et al. JAMA. 2012;308:387-402
ECHO, THRIVE: Rilpivirine vs EFV in ART-Naïve Patients: Viral Load <50, 96 Week ITT-TLOVR Data RPV 25mg qd (N=686) RPV Cohen C, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012
ECHO/THRIVE: RPV vs EFV: 96 Week Results by Baseline VL Responders RPV -5.2 (-12, 1.5) EFV 4.0 (–1.7, 9.7) 70 75 Non responders 84 80 Discontinued due to other reasons† Discontinued due to AE/death VFeff >100K ≤100K • RPV: More virologic failures and NNRTI/NRTI resistance; cross-resistance with ETR (138K mutation) • EFV: More adverse effects (rash, CNS side effects), greater increase in lipids Cohen C, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012
Switching From TDF/FTC/EFV to TDF/FTC/RPV in Suppressed Pts • Single-arm study of 50 pts virologically suppressed on TDF/FTC/EFV as first regimen for ≥ 3 mos • No known resistance mutations to study meds • Desiring to switch to TDF/FTC/RPV for intolerance of regimen • 100% maintained VL < 50 at Wk 12 after switch (1o endpoint) • No events leading to discontinuation after switch • RPV mean Ctrough within target range by 2 weeks Plasma Concentrations of RPV (Ctrough) or EFV (any time) 2000 EFV concentrationRPV CtroughRPV mean Ctrough in ECHO/THRIVE 1600 1200 800 Mean Concentration (ng/mL) 400 120 80 40 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Weeks After Switch Mills A, et al. ICAAC 2011. Abstract H2-794c.
SPIRIT: Switch to RPV/TDF/FTC From Boosted-PI Regimens in Suppressed Pts • Multicenter, randomized, open-label switch study • 1o endpoint: maintenance of VL < 50 c/mL at Wk 24 (FDA snapshot analysis) Wk 24 Primary endpoint Wk 48 Randomized 2:1 RPV/TDF/FTC (n = 317) Pts with VL < 50 on stable PI/r + 2 NRTIs for ≥ 6 mos, no previous NNRTI use(N = 476) PI/r* + 2 NRTIs (n = 159) (n = 159) RPV/TDF/FTC *PIs: ATV/r, 37%; LPV/r, 33%; DRV/r, 20%; FPV/r, 8%; SQV/r, 2%. Palella F, et al. AIDS 2012. Abstract TUAB0104.
SPIRIT: Switch to RPV/TDF/FTC From Boosted-PI Regimens in Suppressed Pts • Switch to RPV/TDF/FTC noninferior to maintaining boosted-PI regimen at Wk 24 • 93.7% vs 89.9% with VL < 50 • Noninferior regardless of pretreatment VL stratum • 17/17 with baseline K103N maintained suppression after switch • Sig. reductions in TC, LDL, TG, HDL, TC:HDL ratio (P < .001) and in 10-yr Framingham score (P = .001) at Wk 24 with switch VL< 50 at Wk 24 RPV/TDF/FTC Boosted PI Δ3.8% (-1.6 to 9.1) Δ5.9%(-1.4 to 12.9) Δ3.2% (-4.8 to 11.3) 95.5 93.7 95.0 100 92.3 89.9 89.2 80 60 Pts With VL < 50 c/mL (%) 40 20 152/160 83/ 93 128/134 48/52 n = 317 159 0 Overall < 100K ≥ 100K Baseline VL (When Naive)* *Excludes 23 RPV and 14 boosted PI pts lacking baseline VL while ARV naive . Palella F, et al. AIDS 2012. Abstract TUAB0104.
GS 102: TDF/FTC/EVG/COBI (“Quad”) vs. TDF/FTC/EFV: Study Design n=350 • ART- naive • Any CD4 count (N = 700 planned) n=350 • Randomized 1:1 • Stratification by VL (>100,000) • Conducted in US Week 192 Week 48 • 1o Endpoint: Proportion with VL< 50 at Week 48 • FDA snapshot analysis (ITT), 12% noninferiority margin Sax P, et al. CROI 2012
GS 103: TDF/FTC/EVG/COBI (“Quad”) vs. TDF/FTC + ATV/r: Study Design (n=350) • ART naive • (N = 700 planned) (n=350) • International • Randomized 1:1 • Stratification by VL (>100,000) Week 192 Week 48 • 1o Endpoint: Proportion with VL < 50 at Week 48 • FDA snapshot analysis, 12% non-inferiority margin DeJesus E, et al. CROI 2012
GS 102: “Quad” vs. TDF/FTC/EFV1o Endpoint: VL <50 at 48 weeks Quad non-inferior to EFV/FTC/TDF at Week 48 95% CI for Difference Favors EFV/FTC/TDF Favors Quad 3.6 -1.6 8.8 -12% 0 12% Sax P, et al. CROI 2012
GS 103: “Quad” vs. TDF/FTC + ATV/r1o Endpoint: VL < 50 at 48 weeks QUAD non-inferior to ATV/r + FTC/TDF 95% CI for Difference Favors ATV/r + FTC/TDF Favors Quad 3.0 -1.9 7.8 -12% 0 12% DeJesus E, et al. CROI 2012
GS 102: “Quad” vs. TDF/FTC/EFV Drug resistance through week 48 *Subjects who experienced either suboptimal virologic response (two consecutive visits with HIV-1 RNA ≥50 c/mL and <1 log10 below baseline after Week 8), virologic rebound (two consecutive visits with HIV-1 RNA either ≥400 c/mL after achieving HIV-1 RNA <50, or >1 log10 increase from nadir), or had HIV-1 RNA ≥400 c/mL at their last visit. Sax P, et al. CROI 2012
GS 103: “Quad” vs. TDF/FTC + ATV/r:Drug resistance through week 48 DeJesus E, et al. CROI 2012
GS 102: “Quad” vs. TDF/FTC/EFV Median Change in Serum Creatinine Median change at Week 48: 0.14 mg/dL vs. 0.01 mg/dL (Quad vs. EFV/FTC/TDF group, p<0.001) 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 Change from BL in Serum Creatinine (mg/dL) (IQR) BL 2 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 48 Week Quad (n=): 348 341 345 345 337 335 328 323 320 320EFV/FTC/TDF (n=): 352 340 340 336 327 323 317 313 309 307 Sax P, et al. CROI 2012
“Quad” Conclusions • Non-inferior to TDF/FTC/EFV and TDF/FTC + ATV/r, overall and at all CD4 and VL strata • More nausea than EFV; same as ATV/r • Less CNS effects than EFV; less jaundice than ATV/r • Better lipid profiles than comparators (esp. TG) • Better CD4 response than EFV; more rapid VL response than comparators • Cobicistat increases serum creatinine by ~0.12-0.14 mg/dL due to inhibition of creatinine excretion • Quad not recommended if creatinine clearance <70 • Discontinue if creatinine clearance <50
GS 114: Cobicistat-Boosted vs RTV-Boosted ATV in ART-Naïve Patients • Randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled phase III trial • 1o endpoint: VL < 50 c/mL at Wk 48 (FDA snapshot analysis) Wk 48Primary endpoint Wk 96 Stratification by VL ≤ vs > 100,000 copies/mL ATV/COBI* + TDF/FTC (n = 344) ART-naïve pts, VL ≥ 5000, eGFR ≥ 70 mL/min(N = 692) ATV/r + TDF/FTC (n = 348) Gallant J, et al. IAC 2012. Abstract TUAB0103.
GS 114: Cobicistat-Boosted vs RTV-Boosted ATV in ART-Naïve Patients • CD4 count gain: +213 with ATV/COBI vs +219 with ATV/r • Among 24 pts with suboptimal virologic response and genotype: no primary PI or TDF resistance; M184V/I in 2 pts in COBI arm, 0 in RTV arm VL < 50 at Wk 48 (Snapshot Analysis) ATV/COBI ATV/r Δ-2.2% (-7.4 to 3.0) P = NS P = NS P = NS P = NS 100 90 90 88 87 86 86 85 85 84 81 80 60 Patients (%) 40 20 179/212 181/205 114/132 123/143 156/174 164/183 137/170 140/165 n = 344 348 0 Overall Baseline VL ≤ 100K BaselineVL > 100K BaselineCD4+ ≤ 350 Baseline CD4+ > 350 Gallant J, et al. IAC 2012. Abstract TUAB0103.
SPRING-2: Dolutegravir vs Raltegravir in ART-Naive Pts at 48 Wks • Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial • 1o endpoint: VL < 50 at Wk 48 (FDA snapshot analysis) Wk 48Primary endpoint Stratified by screening VL (≤ vs > 100,000) and NRTI backbone Wk 96 DTG 50 mg QD + 2 NRTIs*(n = 411) ART-naive pts, VL ≥ 1000(N = 822) RAL 400 mg BID + 2 NRTIs*(n = 411) *Investigator-selected NRTI backbone: either TDF/FTC or ABC/3TC. Raffi F, et al. IAC 2012. Abstract THLBB04.
SPRING-2: Dolutegravir Noninferior to Raltegravir at 48 Wks • CD4 gain of +230 from BL in both arms • No significant differences by baseline VL or NRTI backbone • Per protocol response: 90% (DTG) vs 88% (RAL) by snapshot analysis Δ1.6% (95% CI: -2.7% to 5.9%) 100 88% 80 85% Δ2.5% (95% CI: -2.2% to 7.1%) DTG 50 mg QD (n = 411)RAL 400 mg BID (n = 411) 60 Pts With VL < 50 c/mL (%) 40 20 0 BL 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 48 Wk Raffi F, et al. IAC 2012. Abstract THLBB04.
SPRING-2: Safety and Resistance • Less confirmed virologic failure at or after Wk 24 with DTG vs RAL (5% vs 7%) • DTG had favorable safety profile, comparable to RAL • Few AEs necessitating discontinuation (2% in each arm) • Greater increase in creatinine with DTG vs RAL (+0.139 vs +0.053 mg/dL) • DTG increases serum creatinine by inhibiting renal creatinine secretion but does not affect actual GFR[2] • No premature discontinuation for renal events 1. Raffi F, et al. IAC 2012. Abstract THLBB04. 2. Koteff J, et al. ICAAC 2011. Abstract A1-1728.
SINGLE: Study Design HIV + ART-naive VL ≥1000 c/mL HLA-B*5701 negative Creatinine clearance >50 mL/min Stratified by: Baseline plasma HIV-1 RNA and CD4 cell count DTG 50 mg plus ABC/3TC FDC QD + Atripla (ATR) placebo Atripla QD + DTG plus ABC/3TC FDC placebo Randomization Week 96 Week 48 primary analysis • Primary endpoint: • Proportion with HIV-1 RNA <50 c/mL at Week 48, FDA snapshot analysis • 10% noninferiority margin with prespecified tests for superiority • Secondary endpoints: • Tolerability, long-term safety, immunologic, health outcome, and viral resistance Walmsley S, et al. ICAAC 2012. Oral Abstract H-556b
Proportion (95% CI) of Subjects<50 c/mL (FDA Snapshot) 100 DTG + ABC/3TC: 88% 90 80 70 ATR: 81% 60 Week 48 difference in response (95% CI): +7.4% (+2.5% to +12.3%); P=0.003 Proportion of Subjects <50 c/mL HIV-1 RNA, % 50 40 30 20 DTG 50 mg + ABC/3TC QD 10 Atripla (ATR) QD 0 BL 4 8 12 24 32 40 2 16 48 Week • DTG 50 mg + ABC/3TC QD was statistically superior to Atripla at Week 48 (primary endpoint) • Subjects receiving DTG + ABC/3TC achieved virologic suppression faster than Atripla, median time to HIV-1 RNA <50 c/mL of 28 days (DTG + ABC/3TC) vs 84 days (Atripla), P<0.0001 Walmsley S, et al. ICAAC 2012. Oral Abstract H-556b
Supportive Efficacy Analyses TRDF=PDVF or withdrawal due to drug-related adverse event, safety stopping criteria, or lack of efficacy. ERDF=PDVF or withdrawal due to lack of efficacy. Walmsley S, et al. ICAAC 2012. Oral Abstract H-556b
Snapshot of Primary Outcomeat Week 48 by Strata * Test for homogeneity: P value confirms that there is no evidence of heterogeneity in treatment difference across the baseline stratification factors. Walmsley S, et al. ICAAC 2012. Oral Abstract H-556b
Absolute Change From Baseline in CD4+ Cell Count: Repeated Measures Mixed Model Analysis DTG + ABC/3TC 267 cells/mm3 300 250 200 Adjusted Mean Change From Baseline CD4+ Cell Count (cells/mm3) ATR 208 cells/mm3 150 Week 48 difference in response (95% CI): 59 (33-84); P<0.001 100 50 Atripla QD DTG 50 mg + ABC/3TC QD 0 4 8 12 24 32 40 16 48 Week Significant at prespecified level of 4% Walmsley S, et al. ICAAC 2012. Oral Abstract H-556b
Virology: Resistance * n=1 with K101E; n=1 with K103N; n=1 with G190A; n=1 with K103N+G190A. ** E157Q/P polymorphism detected with no significant change in IN phenotypic susceptibility. Walmsley S, et al. ICAAC 2012. Oral Abstract H-556b
PI News • Coming soon: • DRV 800 mg tab • DRV/COBI and ATV/COBI coformulations • Coming later: • DRV/COBI/GS7340/COBI coformulation • Fully enrolled: • ACTG ARENT: DRV/r vs. ATV/r vs. RAL comparison
Why use multiple tablet regimens? • Boosted PI + 2 NRTIs: • Lack of resistance with failure. Ideal for patients with unreliable adherence. • Preferred in pregnancy • RAL + 2 NRTIs: • Superior to EFV at 4 & 5 years. • Few drug interactions. Ideal for patients needing HCV therapy • ABC/3TC + 3rd agent: • Patients with kidney disease
Choice of ART:Special populations and scenarios • Pregnancy or likelihood of pregnancy • Avoid EFV (1st trimester) • No data on newer agents (RPV, EVG/COBI) • NRTIs: AZT/3TC, TDF/FTC • PIs: LPV/r, ATV/r • HCV coinfection • RAL: can be used with telaprevir, boceprevir • ATV: can be used with telaprevir • EFV: requires higher dose telaprevir • HBV coinfection • TDF/FTC-based regimen if possible
Choice of ART:Special populations and scenarios • Chronic kidney disease • Avoid TDF (and ATV, LPV/r?) • Pre-existing osteoporosis/osteopenia • Avoid TDF • Need for urgent ART without resistance data (primary HIV, acute OI) • Boosted PI-based regimen • Transmitted resistance • Depends on mutations • PI-based regimen preferred for NRTI resistance
ART: New formulations • 3 single-tablet regimens now available; 2 more in development: • DTG/ABC/3TC • DRV/COBI/GS7340/FTC/ • Other new formulations planned: • DRV 800 mg tab • ATV/COBI • DRV/COBI • EVG/COBI • GS7340/FTC