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This article explores the ElGamal public key cryptosystem and signature scheme based on discrete logarithms, discussing Diffie-Hellman key distribution, property comparison, attacks on the signature, and more. It covers the algorithms, encryption, and decryption processes, as well as the significance of the discrete logarithm problem in ensuring secure communication.
A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms TAHER ELGAMAL IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, JULY 1985 Suhyung Kim YeojeongYoon 2010. 2. 25
Outline Introduction Diffie-Hellman key distribution ElgamalPublic Key System ElgamalDigital Signature Scheme Property Comparison Attacks on the Signature Conclusion A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Introduction • Public-key Encryption(Asymmetric Cryptosystem) • First proposed in 1976 • "New Directions in Cryptography" Diffie and Hellman • Did not produce an algorithm • RSA cryptosystem(1978) • Based on difficulty of factoring large integers • ElGamal cryptosystem(1985) • Based on discrete logarithm problem Public Key Public Key Secret Key A(sender) B(receiver) Encrypt with the Public Key {plaintext}public key Decrypt with the Secret Key A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Introduction • RSA Cryptosystem • “A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems” published in 1978 • Proposed by Rivest, Shimar, andAdleman • Used a computationally difficult problem • Breaking requires factoring of large numbers A B 1. Select p, q (large prime) 2. Calculate n = p x q and ф(n) 3. Select b, s.t. Gcd(b, ф(n) ) = 1 4. Calculate a, s.t. b x a ≡ 1 (mod ф(n) ) Private key : (p, q, a) Public key : (n, b) eK(x) = xb mod n dK(y) = ya mod n A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Discrete Logarithm Problem(DLP) The ElGamal public key cryptosystem is based upon the difficulty of solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) which is as follows : For a small value of p, it is easy to solve a DLP By trial and error or exhaustive search For a large value of p, finding discrete logarithms is difficult For a large value of p(p has around 300 decimal digits) it is not possible to solve a DLP using current technology Introduction • Given a prime p and values g and y,find x such that • y = gx mod p A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Diffie-Hellman key distribution • Public parameter • p : large prime • α : generator of Zp* • Secret parameter • xA (A’s) • xB(B’s) • xA= logαyA,xB= logαyB • Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem • p-1 should have at least one “large” prime factor • If p-1 has only small prime factors, then computing discrete logarithms is easy A B yA yB A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Elgamal Public Key System • Way to implement the Diffie-Hellman previous scheme • A wants to send B a message m, where 0 ≤ m ≤ p-1 • A chooses a number k uniformly between 0 and p-1. - Public parameter p : large prime α : generator of Zp* - Secret parameter k (A’s) xB (B’s) A B yB (c1,c2) A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Elgamal Public Key System • kmust be used once • If k is used more than once, c1.1 ≡ αk mod p c1.2≡ m1K mod p c2.1≡ αk mod p c2.2 ≡ m2K mod p Then m1/m2 ≡ c2.1/c2.2 mod p, and m2 is easily computed if m1 is known. • Breaking the system is equivalent to solving Discrete Logarithm Problem • Adversary can decrypt the ciphertext if adversary can compute the value • xB = logαyB <Decryption> - For c1, c2∈ Zp*, define dk(c1, c2) = c2(c1xB)-1 mod p A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Elgamal Digital Signature Scheme • Digital Signature • A digital signature provides • Data Integrity • The content of the message should be kept intact • Sender’s identity • B needs a guarantee that the message it received actually originated from where it says it did • Non-repudiation • Uses sender’s private key for signing from where? Intact! A(sender) B(receiver) Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers
Elgamal Digital Signature Scheme • The Signing Procedure(A) • Choose a random number k, uniformly between 0 and p-1, such that gcd(k,p-1)=1 • r ≡ αk mod p • The signature for m is the pair (r,s), 0 ≤ r, s < p-1 αm≡yArrs ≡ αxArαksmod p which can be solved for s by using m ≡ xAr+ ks mod (p-1) s ≡ (m - xAr)/k mod (p-1) • The Verification Procedure(B) • Given m, r, and s, checking αm ≡yArrs A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Property • Public Key System • Encryption operation • Two exponentiations are required. • Decryption operation • Only one exponentiation (plus one division) is need • randomization (against k) • The cipher text for a given message m is not repeated • Preventsattacks like a probable text attack • No relation m1, m2, and m1m2, or any other simple function of m1 and m2. • (secret) random number k ∈ Zp-1 • eK(m, k) = (c1, c2) • where • c1= αk mod p • c2= mykmod p • - For c1, c2∈ Zp*, define • dk(c1, c2) = c2(c1xB)-1 mod p A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Property • Signature System • Signing procedure • One exponentiation (plus a few multiplications) is needed. • Verification procedure • Three exponentiation are needed. • Make the table for reducing the exponentiation(1.875 exponentiation) • The signature is double the size of the document • Same size as that needed for the RSA scheme • The number of signature is p2 • The number of documents is only p (secret) random number k∈Zp-1*sigK( m, k ) = ( r, s )where r= αkmod p s= ( m - xr)k-1 mod ( p – 1 )verK( m, ( r, s ) ) = true ⇔ yrrs≡ αm ( mod p ) A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Property • Computation complexity • Computing discrete logarithms and factoring integers • m : the number of bits in p • Best known algorithm is given by where the best estimate for c is 0.69 • Recent computation complexity • O(n3) on elliptic curve(2009) over a 112-bit finite field • To prevent known attack p should have at least 300 digits(D R. Stinson, “CRYPTOGRAPHY”) A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Comparison • Comparison with RSA A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Attacks on the Signature Scheme • The goal of an attack: forging signatures • Breaking a signature scheme (by Handbook of Applied Cryptography) • Total break: e.g. recovering the private key • Selective forgery: forging a signature for a particular message or class of messages chosena priori • Existential forgery: forging a signature for at least onemessage which adversary has no control over it A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Attack: Total break (1/2) • Adversary knows • Documents = { mi : i = 1, 2, ..., l } and the corresponding Signatures = { (ri, si) : i = 1, 2, ..., l } • Adversary tries to solve l equations for the secret key x • αm = (αr)x∙ rs mod p … (1) or • mi=x∙ ri + ki∙ si mod (p-1) ... (2) or specially • ki=ckj(if some linear dependencies among the unknowns) ... (3) • Hard Problems • (1), (3) : computing discrete logarithm over GF(p) • (2) : l+1 unknowns (∵ ki ≠ kj, i ≠ j,∀i,j ∈ {1,2, ..., l}) the system of equations is undetermined A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Attack: Total break (2/2) • If any k is used twice in the signing, the private key x can be determined with high probability • s1 = k-1(m1 – α∙ r) mod (p-1) and s2 = k-1(m2 – α∙ r) mod (p-1) (s1- s2)k = (m1 – m2) mod (p-1) K= (s1- s2)-1(m1 – m2) mod (p-1) (if s1- s2 ≠0) • Once k is known, x is easily found A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Attack: Selective forgery (1/2) • Given a document m, adversary tries to find r, s such that • αm = yr∙ rs mod p • compute s with fixed r (= αj mod p, j chosen at random) … (1) • compute r with fixed s … (2) • Hard Problems • (1) : αm = yr∙ rs mod p – discrete logarithm problem(DLP) • (2) : αm = yr∙ rs mod p –not proved to be at least as hard as computing DLP, but not feasible to solve in polynomial time A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Attack: Selective forgery (2/2) • Adversary knowing one legitimate signature (r, s) for one message m, can generate other legitimate signatures and messages • Adversary knowing one legitimate signature • Select message m' Compute u = m'∙ m-1 mod (p-1), s' = s∙ u mod (p-1), and r' such that r' = r∙ u mod (p-1) and r' =r mod p • Verification: αm' = yr' ∙ r' s' = yru∙ rsu= (yr∙ rs)u = (αm)u = αm' mod p • How to prevent this attack • Verify that 1≤r≤p at verification time (ref. Handbook of Applied Cryptography) (by the Chinese Remainder Theorem) A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Attack: Existential forgery • Adversary knowing one legitimate signature (r, s) for one message m, can generate other legitimate signatures and messages • Select A,B,C arbitrarily such that (A∙ r - C∙ s) is coprime to p-1 compute r'=rA∙ αB∙ yC mod p, s'=s∙ r'/(A∙ r - C∙ s) mod (p-1), and m' = r'(Am+Bs)/(Ar-Cs) mod (p-1) • Adversary may claim that (r', s') is the signature of the message m' • How to prevent this attack • Use one-way hash func: αh(m)= (αr)x∙ rs !!! m' is not an arbitrary message A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
Conclusion • Proposed cryptosystem and Signature scheme are based on • the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms over finite fields • good generator for random numbers (ki ≠ kj) • Elgamal’s scheme is rarely used in practice. But many variants have been proposed. Specially, DSA A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms
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