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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers for each Assignment (not for DQs)<br>EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 1 Formative Assessments<br> EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 2 Standards and Objectives<br> EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 1 Gradual Release of Responsibility<br> EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 2 Embedded Formative Assessment<br> EDU 645 Week 2 Assignment Instructional Plan Design Analysis (2 Papers)<br>
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers for each Assignment (not for DQs) EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 1 Formative Assessments EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 2 Standards and Objectives EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 1 Gradual Release of Responsibility EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 2 Embedded Formative Assessment EDU 645 Week 2 Assignment Instructional Plan Design Analysis (2 Papers) EDU 645 Week 3 Discussion 1 Integrating Technology
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 1 Formative Assessments FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 1 Formative Assessments Formative AssessmentsAccording to Chapter 1 of the required text, Formative assessment is assessment FOR learning. Summative assessment is assessment OF learning. Formative assessments occur during the lesson as opposed to the end of a unit of instruction and should be the primary focus of assessment in schools. Additionally, formative assessments allow the teacher to support learning by generating feedback to students to determine their current progress and where they are in relation to mastering the objective and/or standard.View the following short videos: Keeping It Relevant and “Authentic” Assess and Plan with Exit Tickets
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 2 Standards and Objectives FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 1 Discussion 2 Standards and Objectives Standards and Objectives.a. Describe the purpose of a learning standard (referred to as a goal in Chapter 1) and the critical components of a learning objective. How would you differentiate between the two if attempting to explain it to somebody else? What is the relationship between formative assessments during instruction and the standards and objectives of that lesson?b. Take the challenge Karen Lea presents in her blog article Meaningful Connections: Objectives and Standards. Select a grade level standard and design two learning objectives AND a way to assess students FOR learning for each objective. Be sure to use the criteria for writing high-quality objectives as discussed in your assigned reading and videos.
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 2 Assignment Instructional Plan Design Analysis (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Instructional Plan Design Analysis Three instructional plan templates constructed by a variety of leaders in education provide solid examples of what quality instructional plans should include. The work of Madeline Hunter dates the furthest back and is still used today, primarily in the elementary setting. Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe provide a more modern approach to curriculum and lesson design with their model of Understanding by Design (UbD). Others, as modeled by the New York State Educational Department, work closely to align their instructional plans with the Common Core State Standards. Review each of the provided instructional plan designs: Common Core Aligned Instructional plan Template
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 1 Gradual Release of Responsibility FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 1 Gradual Release of Responsibility Gradual Release of ResponsibilityAfter viewing the videos Improving Practice with Sarah Brown Wessling and Embedded Formative Assessments, and after reading Releasing Responsibility by Fisher and Frey, discuss the following: Part 1Sarah Brown Wessling remarks; “It is not about ways of delivering content as much as it is about ways of getting students to become thinkers; ways for students to be more autonomous.” What evidence did you observe in Ms Wessling’s video that her students were becoming thinkers?
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 2 Discussion 2 Embedded Formative Assessment FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com Embedded Formative Assessment. Discuss the following: · What evidence did you see in the video New Teacher Survival Guide: Planning linking the concept ofbeginning with the end in mind and formative assessment?· What did the instructional coach/department chair say is the question you ask yourself to assess learning?· While the teacher used the Gradual Release model, her pacing was off and affected her ability to fullyassess her students. Determine how using a structured instructional plan could aid you in keeping track ofyour pacing and allow assessment to occur.· Discern how using a structured instructional plan could aid you in keeping track of your pacing and allowassessment to occur.
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 3 Assignment 21st Century Instructional Plan Design & Description (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers 21st Century Instructional Plan: Plan Design & Description Part 1: Instructional Plan Design Synthesize what you have learned thus far by developing an instructional plan utilizing one of the templates provided in Week Two. Be sure to consult the Instructor Guidance for added support in creating a high quality instructional plan.
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 3 Discussion 1 Integrating Technology FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 3 Discussion 1 Integrating Technology Integrating Technology Discuss the following: What evidence did you see and hear by watching Mr. Pronovost Differentiating Instruction Through Interactive Games that supports what has been learned thus far regarding setting & communicating learning objectives, using the gradual release model, giving feedback, and assessment? How does he specifically structure his lesson to incorporate technology? How does using technology promote differentiation? What evidence is there of varying levels of cognition? Identify the levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK) you observed students reaching during the various stages of the lesson.
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 3 Discussion 2 Rigor, Thinking, and Technology FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com Rigor, Thinking, and Technology. According to the vision statement of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, education systems should pursue measurement of student outcomes that are: Performance-based Embedded in curriculum Based on a common evidentiary model of cognition and learning Keeping in mind that Performance Tasks are NOT assessments, rather tools to practice thinking and problem solving in more complex ways, analyze the Performance Task for grade 4 math and reflect on the following: · What core academic concept are students required to master?· Of the list of nine 21st Century Skills outcomes, which are students practicing in this task and how do you
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 4 Assignment 21st Century Instructional Plan Student Population (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers EDU 645 Week 4 Assignment 21st Century Instructional Plan: Student Population Part 1: Instructional Plan Design This week you will construct a new instructional plan by considering your student population. Regardless of grade level, your class consists of 27 students. Of those, two are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (SLD) in reading and math. One student has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Moreover, you just received a student last week who is not fluent in English (ELL). Your school follows a full English immersion program. Therefore, you and the student are getting very little “extra” support.
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 4 Discussion 1 Special Populations FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 4 Discussion 1 Special Populations Special PopulationsAs we discuss special populations this week, we are going to approach it through the lens of being a Student Teacher in a Special education classroom. Also, we will explore other resources to assist in better understanding Special populations when developing curriculum & assessments. Read the article When in Rome...: Influences on Special Education Student-Teachers' Teaching and respond to the following; Part 1: What did the article suggest was important in helping teachers prepare for instructional planning when including Special Populations? What do YOU believe is important to consider when it comes to the student teaching experience and the relationship between student teacher and cooperating teacher?
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 4 Journal Rubric Analysis (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers EDU 645 Week 4 Journal Rubric Analysis Using two different sources, respond in writing (APA format) using the prompts below to guide your written analysis. Part 1: Explore the Exemplars website, specifically the Resources tab for Rubrics. Review the Exemplars Math Rubric and Exemplars Reading Rubric. Questions to discuss:o How does the Exemplars criteria for both math and reading rubrics follow a top-down or bottom-up approach? How do you know? o To what degree are performance level descriptions addressed? o Do these live up to what Brookhart proposes, that “. . .the most important aspect of the levels is that performance be described
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 5 Assignment Performance Task Analysis- Summative Assessment Preparation(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Performance Task Analysis- Summative Assessment Preparation. This week’s assignment is to bring us back to your own summative assignment for the course: the design of a summative assessment. You will spend some time analyzing the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium website to inform your response. The following must be done before constructing your assignment: 1. View Introduction to smarter balanced item and performance task development PowerPoint. Be sure to view the comments list. 2. Read the Frequently asked questions on the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium website 3. Take some time to peruse the various sample items and
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 5 Discussion 1 Getting students to think about their thinking FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 5 Discussion 1 Getting students to think about their thinkingGetting students to think about their thinking.Part 1. Access TEDEd. Take some time to peruse through the menu of lessons and provide us with your impressions. The following serves to prompt your response as opposed to a required “list”: o How do the lessons in TEDEd promote student engagement? o What are some ways students are encouraged to think about what they are learning?o How do these modes of learning allow both students and teachers to assess learning?o Think of two ways you can incorporate a TEDEd lesson into a typical 50-70 minute class period. How could you deliver it? How could students access it?. Take a look at the NETS-S standards when addressing this.
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 6 Discussion 1 Using Student Data for Instructional Improvement FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com EDU 645 Week 6 Discussion 1 Using Student Data for Instructional ImprovementUsing Student Data for Instructional Improvement. Following your last lesson, you discover only 60% of your students met the learning outcome. Not only did they demonstrate a lack of understanding through non-written, observable formative assessments, but the data from their assignment as scored through use of a rubric revealed the majority of the class did not meet the objective.Using one of the two instructional plans you previously created, determine the following: How you will identify particular areas of need/misunderstanding (what will you look for? See Chapter 6 from Ward, Fischer, Frey, & Lapp).
EDU 645 RANK Career Path Begins/edu645rank.com CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom EDU 645 Week 6 Final Paper Curriculum Based Summative Assessment Design (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu645rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Curriculum based summative assessment design Part 1 Pre- assessment description Before summative assessing of the learning on which the objective is to evaluate, what the students have learnt at the end of a unit is important to have a comprehensive description of pre –assessment. Pre- assessment or formative assessment is part of institutionalprocess. When used in classwork activities, it provides the necessary information to regulate teaching techniques and learningprocess.