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MA Department of Public HealthRadiation Control Program174 Portland Street, 5th Fl. Boston, MA617.727.6214Emergency Line617.727.9710. . . Structure of the Atom. . ? Decay. . 4He NucleusEjected from Nucleus. ? has a discrete energy that can be measured and related to the parent. Most of the energyassociated with ?.
1. This is a basic radiation training module. The first segment talks about the basic building blocks of the atom and the last segment talks to the issues nuclear weapons effects, dirty weapons and small nuclear devices.
This module is one of an eight-hour, four part training course put together by the MA Department of Public Health-Radiation Control Program and the MA Emergency Management Agency (MEMA).
The training course was developed to fill the training needs of first line responders and therefore the equipment module is an integral part of the training. The instrumentation module identifies the equipment that has been placed within the instrumentation kits issued by MEMA.
It is hoped that this training will be used in order to give baseline knowledge and consistent instrumentation use to the first line responders throughout Commonwealth of MA.
We dedicate this effort to all who serve, have served and will serve our state and country.
The training program was designed to be flexible, such that it can modified to covey the needed information to the various levels of first responders, Hazamat and other state and federal response agencies.
This is a basic radiation training module. The first segment talks about the basic building blocks of the atom and the last segment talks to the issues nuclear weapons effects, dirty weapons and small nuclear devices.
This module is one of an eight-hour, four part training course put together by the MA Department of Public Health-Radiation Control Program and the MA Emergency Management Agency (MEMA).
The training course was developed to fill the training needs of first line responders and therefore the equipment module is an integral part of the training. The instrumentation module identifies the equipment that has been placed within the instrumentation kits issued by MEMA.
It is hoped that this training will be used in order to give baseline knowledge and consistent instrumentation use to the first line responders throughout Commonwealth of MA.
We dedicate this effort to all who serve, have served and will serve our state and country.
The training program was designed to be flexible, such that it can modified to covey the needed information to the various levels of first responders, Hazamat and other state and federal response agencies.
2. The action arm of the MA Radiation Control Program for responding to incidents involving radiation and radioactive materials is the Nuclear Incident Advisory Team (NIAT). NAIT is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
The principle members of NIAT are staff members of the Radiation Control Program. NIAT consultants are also a part of the team. These individuals come from academia, private industry, regulatory agencies and other areas of radiological expertise.
NIAT is integrated into the Commonwealth of MA comprehensive response plan.
NIAT routinely exercises its’ abilities to respond to incidents involving nuclear power generating stations.The action arm of the MA Radiation Control Program for responding to incidents involving radiation and radioactive materials is the Nuclear Incident Advisory Team (NIAT). NAIT is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
The principle members of NIAT are staff members of the Radiation Control Program. NIAT consultants are also a part of the team. These individuals come from academia, private industry, regulatory agencies and other areas of radiological expertise.
NIAT is integrated into the Commonwealth of MA comprehensive response plan.
NIAT routinely exercises its’ abilities to respond to incidents involving nuclear power generating stations.
3. Let’s get to some basics of life and radiation.
The atom is made up of the following components:
The nucleus, which contains neutrons and protons.
The electrons, which move in orbits around the nucleus.
Think of a sphere, think small, real small.
Radioactive atoms have the need to give up energy in order to get to a stable state. Everything in nature tries to attain stability. Radioactivity is a randomly occurring event through which a radioactive element gives up excess energy in order to become stable. The radioactive atom may have to give up a number of different types of radiation, think of them as packets of energy, in order to attain a stable state.
There are four types of radiation that will be discussed in this presentation:
gamma and neutron.
Let’s get to some basics of life and radiation.
The atom is made up of the following components:
The nucleus, which contains neutrons and protons.
The electrons, which move in orbits around the nucleus.
Think of a sphere, think small, real small.
Radioactive atoms have the need to give up energy in order to get to a stable state. Everything in nature tries to attain stability. Radioactivity is a randomly occurring event through which a radioactive element gives up excess energy in order to become stable. The radioactive atom may have to give up a number of different types of radiation, think of them as packets of energy, in order to attain a stable state.
There are four types of radiation that will be discussed in this presentation:
gamma and neutron.
4. Alpha decay
On the atom scale of things, it takes a lot of energy in break neutrons and protons away from the nucleus of an atom. Alpha radiation is comprised of two neutrons and two protons. It is a highly charged type of radiation.
Alpha radiation takes most of the energy released during the decay.
Since it is so large, it interacts readily with any type of matter. An inch or two of air is very effective in shielding alpha radiation.
Of interest in measuring a radioactive material that emits alpha radiation is that we have to be close to the source of alpha. I the lab setting if we can measure the energy of the alpha radiation, we can relate that discrete energy to a specific radioactive material thus allowing us to id the ramAlpha decay
On the atom scale of things, it takes a lot of energy in break neutrons and protons away from the nucleus of an atom. Alpha radiation is comprised of two neutrons and two protons. It is a highly charged type of radiation.
Alpha radiation takes most of the energy released during the decay.
Since it is so large, it interacts readily with any type of matter. An inch or two of air is very effective in shielding alpha radiation.
Of interest in measuring a radioactive material that emits alpha radiation is that we have to be close to the source of alpha. I the lab setting if we can measure the energy of the alpha radiation, we can relate that discrete energy to a specific radioactive material thus allowing us to id the ram
5. Beta radiation is typically due to the fact that the nucleus has too many neutrons or protons. The energy of the beta radiation emitted is radionuclide specific. The energy released has a maximum end point however the distribution of the betas range from the maximum endpoint down to zero (hypothetically).Beta radiation is typically due to the fact that the nucleus has too many neutrons or protons. The energy of the beta radiation emitted is radionuclide specific. The energy released has a maximum end point however the distribution of the betas range from the maximum endpoint down to zero (hypothetically).
6. Gamma radiation is pure energy similar to light waves. In that it is pure energy, it does not have any mass.
Since discrete energies are emitted for each gamma emitting radionuclide, if we can measure the energy we can identify the radionuclide. Here is where a hand held gamma spectroscopy can be used in the field i.e. Bicron fieldSPEC.Gamma radiation is pure energy similar to light waves. In that it is pure energy, it does not have any mass.
Since discrete energies are emitted for each gamma emitting radionuclide, if we can measure the energy we can identify the radionuclide. Here is where a hand held gamma spectroscopy can be used in the field i.e. Bicron fieldSPEC.
7. The half life is the period of time it takes for a radionuclide to decay to one-half of it’s original quantity. A short half life radionuclide will decay faster than a long half-life radionuclide.
There is nothing we can do to change the half life of a radionuclide. This is a fixed and known value. Each radionuclide has a unique half-life.The half life is the period of time it takes for a radionuclide to decay to one-half of it’s original quantity. A short half life radionuclide will decay faster than a long half-life radionuclide.
There is nothing we can do to change the half life of a radionuclide. This is a fixed and known value. Each radionuclide has a unique half-life.
8. Radiation by Numbers The text in bold type are the ones we will most likely have to deal with.
Gray = Rad
Sievert = Rem
for G and Sv 1 = 100 Rad or Rem
Bq will usually have prefixes of M, G or T.
It is important to always attach units when reporting measurements and/or quantities of radioactivity.The text in bold type are the ones we will most likely have to deal with.
Gray = Rad
Sievert = Rem
for G and Sv 1 = 100 Rad or Rem
Bq will usually have prefixes of M, G or T.
It is important to always attach units when reporting measurements and/or quantities of radioactivity.
9. Three Steps for Reducing Radiation Exposure Three basic concepts to reduce our exposures to radiation. These are the underlying items employed when we practice ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable).Three basic concepts to reduce our exposures to radiation. These are the underlying items employed when we practice ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable).
10. Shielding for ?, ? and ? External radiation exposure can be reduced by placing material between you and the source. Alpha can be stopped by a dead layer of skin. Depending on the beta radiation energy being emitted the skin can absorb most radiation. Typically , Plexiglas is effective as an shield for beta radiation. Gamma is more penetrating and therefore requires more material of higher density.
Neutrons can be shielded with the use of materials high in H.i.e. water, paraffin.External radiation exposure can be reduced by placing material between you and the source. Alpha can be stopped by a dead layer of skin. Depending on the beta radiation energy being emitted the skin can absorb most radiation. Typically , Plexiglas is effective as an shield for beta radiation. Gamma is more penetrating and therefore requires more material of higher density.
Neutrons can be shielded with the use of materials high in H.i.e. water, paraffin.
11. Shielding for ?, ? and ?
12. Control of distance
13. Control of Time Practice Mission in Background/Low Dose Area
Spend Down Time in Low Dose Location
(Dose Rate)(Time) = Dose
10 mR/hr x ½ Hour = 5 mR
Use Respirators to Minimize Internal Intake
If possible, exercise the mission outside of the radiation area.
Key here is spending a minimum amount of time in the radiation area.If possible, exercise the mission outside of the radiation area.
Key here is spending a minimum amount of time in the radiation area.
14. Methods for Controlling External Exposure Good practices are important as well as being constantly aware of your surroundings and instrument readings.Good practices are important as well as being constantly aware of your surroundings and instrument readings.
15. Decontamination Removal of clothing is at least 80% effective in removing contamination on an individual.
Enforcement of step off pads/hot lines/cold lines will minimize the spread of radioactive materials.
Good practices will eventually allow the amount of hot area to be decreased in size.Removal of clothing is at least 80% effective in removing contamination on an individual.
Enforcement of step off pads/hot lines/cold lines will minimize the spread of radioactive materials.
Good practices will eventually allow the amount of hot area to be decreased in size.
16. Decontamination Have the class discuss pros and cons of the technique in the picture.
As what other hazards are created by brushing: air bourne, etc.Have the class discuss pros and cons of the technique in the picture.
As what other hazards are created by brushing: air bourne, etc.
17. Internal Radiation Exposure Internal can be minimized with the use of personnel air filtering devices. Positive press air flow (SCBA) are very effective in minimizing the inhalation pathway.Internal can be minimized with the use of personnel air filtering devices. Positive press air flow (SCBA) are very effective in minimizing the inhalation pathway.
18. Internal Radiation Exposure part 2 Once the radioactive materials are in the body they must be processed via the body’s metabolism. We can estimate dose due to internal however it is particular to each body.
Although radioactive materials may have an affinity to target one or two organs it will circulate throughout the body.
Two items control elimination from the body
physical half-life of radioactive material
biological clearance rate from the body of the element
Together they make up the effective half-life. The effective half-life is always smaller than either the physical or biologicalOnce the radioactive materials are in the body they must be processed via the body’s metabolism. We can estimate dose due to internal however it is particular to each body.
Although radioactive materials may have an affinity to target one or two organs it will circulate throughout the body.
Two items control elimination from the body
physical half-life of radioactive material
biological clearance rate from the body of the element
Together they make up the effective half-life. The effective half-life is always smaller than either the physical or biological
19. Radiation Syndromes and Injury
20. Radiation Syndromes and Injury Faster multiplying cells are more radiosensitive.Faster multiplying cells are more radiosensitive.
21. Acute Radiation Syndromes(VERY HIGH DOSES-Short Time Frame)
22. Acute Radiation Syndromes(continued) LD50/30 is the dose at which 50% of the exposed population dies within 30 days of the exposure.LD50/30 is the dose at which 50% of the exposed population dies within 30 days of the exposure.
23. Average Annual Exposure Typical US resident receives 350 millirem per year from all sources of radiation. Here are some breakdowns in English and SI units.Typical US resident receives 350 millirem per year from all sources of radiation. Here are some breakdowns in English and SI units.
24. Relative Risk
25. Risk Perspective Ask the students to select the highest risk based on their own perception.
Important to emphasize that each one of us has their own perception on what risks they are willing to take and that the choice to take the risk does not mean it is not a risky choice.Ask the students to select the highest risk based on their own perception.
Important to emphasize that each one of us has their own perception on what risks they are willing to take and that the choice to take the risk does not mean it is not a risky choice.
26. Risk Perspective Real ranksReal ranks
27. Nuclear Weapons Effects Nuclear Weapons Effects
Fat Man
Little Boy
heat burns on slides 3,4,5
dark fabric absorbs more heat on slide 6. Dark fabric resulted in burns.
Slide 7 Hiroshima-detonated the nuclear weapon approx. 1800 feet above surface, about a 10-12 KT yield; approx..70-100k immediate deaths
since occupation was a goal, air burst resulted in less fallout (delayed radiation) than a surface burst would have created. Large amount of blast damage.Identify structures that survived the weapon.
Large weapons
IVY MIKE 10-12 Megaton yield
Marshall Island chain on Entiwok Atoll----note arrow pointing to Elugelab Island
Island gone; fire ball 3.5 miles diameter, crater 6K feet across; 160 feet deep; 100M tons of debris drawn up into the cloud
cloud statistics: maximum about 25 miles high , 100 miles across
Nuclear Weapons Effects
Fat Man
Little Boy
heat burns on slides 3,4,5
dark fabric absorbs more heat on slide 6. Dark fabric resulted in burns.
Slide 7 Hiroshima-detonated the nuclear weapon approx. 1800 feet above surface, about a 10-12 KT yield; approx..70-100k immediate deaths
since occupation was a goal, air burst resulted in less fallout (delayed radiation) than a surface burst would have created. Large amount of blast damage.Identify structures that survived the weapon.
Large weapons
IVY MIKE 10-12 Megaton yield
Marshall Island chain on Entiwok Atoll----note arrow pointing to Elugelab Island
Island gone; fire ball 3.5 miles diameter, crater 6K feet across; 160 feet deep; 100M tons of debris drawn up into the cloud
cloud statistics: maximum about 25 miles high , 100 miles across
28. Heat, Blast, Pressure Note different phases: thermal (light, flash burning, heat; blast/shock/ pressure and suction
Note military personnel observing event, I do not think we would be doing that today.
Video may not load Note different phases: thermal (light, flash burning, heat; blast/shock/ pressure and suction
Note military personnel observing event, I do not think we would be doing that today.
Video may not load
29. Heat, Blast, Pressure slide shows blast-lull-suctionslide shows blast-lull-suction
30. Heat, Blast, Pressure Some structures are more susceptible to the damages from different phases of a nuclear weapon detonation. The effects also depend on the proximity of the structure to the point of detonation. In the early phase, the structure is illuminated by the flash from the explosion, then the face of the structure sustains flash burns from the heat component. The structure is then flattened and destroyed by the pressure component of the explosion. The last phase would be a reverse in the wind direction back towards the center of the explosion. Some structures are more susceptible to the damages from different phases of a nuclear weapon detonation. The effects also depend on the proximity of the structure to the point of detonation. In the early phase, the structure is illuminated by the flash from the explosion, then the face of the structure sustains flash burns from the heat component. The structure is then flattened and destroyed by the pressure component of the explosion. The last phase would be a reverse in the wind direction back towards the center of the explosion.
31. Deposition of Radioactive Materials Graphic of the scale of the detonation components.
Note that the rad field does not impact proportionally as the size increases. Compare 10kt to 10 MT in radiation circle.
Note second degree burns can occur to about 22 miles in case of 10MT.
Approx.. energy released: 35% thermal; 50% shock/blast/pressure, 15% nuclear radiation (gamma/neutron and from initial and delayed radiation)
Chernobyl went around the globe. We were measuring radioactive materials in MA from this event.
Local deposition is hard to predict even with sophisticated dose projection models. Note 100 mile jump to right has deposition in the same order of magnitude as close in to the plant. Local wash out and other met conditions can greatly affect deposition.Graphic of the scale of the detonation components.
Note that the rad field does not impact proportionally as the size increases. Compare 10kt to 10 MT in radiation circle.
Note second degree burns can occur to about 22 miles in case of 10MT.
Approx.. energy released: 35% thermal; 50% shock/blast/pressure, 15% nuclear radiation (gamma/neutron and from initial and delayed radiation)
Chernobyl went around the globe. We were measuring radioactive materials in MA from this event.
Local deposition is hard to predict even with sophisticated dose projection models. Note 100 mile jump to right has deposition in the same order of magnitude as close in to the plant. Local wash out and other met conditions can greatly affect deposition.
32. Small Nuclear Devices The suitcase nuclear device. Reported to be in the order of 10KT yield. Similar to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.yields.The suitcase nuclear device. Reported to be in the order of 10KT yield. Similar to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.yields.
33. The Dirty Bomb Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD)
Conventional Explosive and Radioactive Material
Small Localized and Widely Dispersed Scenarios
Dispersal Potential Depends of Physical Form of RAM
Amount of Explosive and Local Weather Drives Dispersion
Low Level Exposures and Contamination Likely
Large Psychosocial Effects - Fear Factor Radiation Dispersal Device
potential radioactive materials
Pu-238, 239
Ir-192 9industrial radiography source)
Nuclear medicine: most have short half-lives but still could be used if transport vehicle/nuclear pharmacy was a target.
Area contaminated is driven by meteorological conditions, physical characteristics/form of the radioactive materials , the size and detonation height of the conventional explosive. Radiation Dispersal Device
potential radioactive materials
Pu-238, 239
Ir-192 9industrial radiography source)
Nuclear medicine: most have short half-lives but still could be used if transport vehicle/nuclear pharmacy was a target.
Area contaminated is driven by meteorological conditions, physical characteristics/form of the radioactive materials , the size and detonation height of the conventional explosive.
34. MAP Locations of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive materials in the US.
Every radioactive materials licensee would have some material in their facility.
Instructor should discuss the location and types of radioactive materials present in their local area. Do not get too descriptive. Ie do not tell actual street address.Locations of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive materials in the US.
Every radioactive materials licensee would have some material in their facility.
Instructor should discuss the location and types of radioactive materials present in their local area. Do not get too descriptive. Ie do not tell actual street address.
35. Radiation Signs Visual clues of the presence of radioactive materials.
Legal use is posted labeled and/or placarded.Visual clues of the presence of radioactive materials.
Legal use is posted labeled and/or placarded.
36. Radiation Signs Discuss shipping labels, markings and placards used for the legal storage, use and transportation of radioactive materials.
Discuss the information that a responder would need to record and pass onto the incident command so that a regulatory agency or other responsible individual (i.e. RSO,etc) would need to properly design the response actions to be taken.Discuss shipping labels, markings and placards used for the legal storage, use and transportation of radioactive materials.
Discuss the information that a responder would need to record and pass onto the incident command so that a regulatory agency or other responsible individual (i.e. RSO,etc) would need to properly design the response actions to be taken.
37. Respect radiation The more knowledge we have the more educated decisions we can make.The more knowledge we have the more educated decisions we can make.
38. Training Training and retraining are key.
Know your resources Training and retraining are key.
Know your resources
39. Contact NIAT
40. Questions?