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TRADE BOOK FUN INTEGRATING STE “ A ” M IN A FIFTH GRADE CLASSROOM. Presented by: Ann Mailloux Amanda Bataille Jessica Fredricks. Collaborative Planning with Integration of LFS and STEM. Science BIG IDEAS direct our focus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TRADE BOOK FUN INTEGRATING STE“A”M IN A FIFTH GRADE CLASSROOM Presented by: Ann Mailloux Amanda Bataille Jessica Fredricks

  2. Collaborative Planning with Integration of LFS and STEM • Science BIG IDEAS direct our focus • Research books using the internet to find connections/links to the big idea. • Research STEM activities through the internet (webquests, scavenger hunts, projects and presentation ideas), create vocabulary (60-80 words per book), quizzes, and tests (edHelper was a tremendous asset). • Pull LFS Essential questions and fit them into the book we are reading. • We use the timeline that is established by the Science/Math teachers and design our lessons within the structure of that timeline. • Reflect about what worked and what didn’t and discuss adjustments for the plans next time.

  3. UNIT SUMMARY: “ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS/LIVING ORGANISMS” CHAPTER BOOKS: • A BEAR NAMED TROUBLE by Dane Bauer • THERE’S AN OWL AND THE SHOWER by Jean Craighead George • WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS by Wilson Rawls STEM ACTIVITIES • DIORAMA WITH MOVEABLE PART “Endangered or Threatened Species” • Author Scavenger hunt, debate format and presentation, Webquests • Create habitat and oral presentation Independent • ART – Students created owl magnets and owls were designed and crafted to reveal knowledge of color blends, shading • MUSIC – Dances learned and performed to music of the Ozarks and instruments identified EXTENSION ACTIVITY EPCOT (The Land Pavillion) – “Behind the Seeds” youth program

  4. Dioramas with one moveable part

  5. UNIT SUMMARY: “FORCE AND MOTION” CHAPTER BOOKS: • NIGHT OF THE TWISTERS by Ivy Ruckman • STONE FOX by John Reynolds Gardiner • Cold Reads from EdHelper • Trophies – “Woodsong by Gary Paulsen and Iditarod Dream” by Ted Wood • STEM ACTIVITIES • Students created a Roller Coaster using web site http://www.learner.org/interactives/parkphysics/coaster/ • Inventors playhouse http://www.inventionatplay.org/playhouse_tinker.html • Students designed/created a marble “roller coaster” that built upon websites • Students designed/created a sled, testing different surfaces and weights EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: • UNIVERSAL STUDIOS ISLANDS OF ADVENTURE – roller coaster study/experience the forces upon the body • EPCOT – Test Track Pavillion

  6. UNIT SUMMARY: “ENERGY” STEM ACTIVITIES • INTERNET WEBQUEST http://www.catawba.k12.nc.us/techtrac/plus/muckinhoupt/ ORAL PRESENTATION, TRI-FOLD BOARDS, WRITTEN PROPOSAL, POWER POINT Extension Activity: EPCOT: Universe of Energy – Ellen’s Energy Adventure UNIVERSAL ISLAND OF ADVENTURE – identifying kinetic/potential energy while experiencing roller coasters

  7. UNIT SUMMARY: “EARTH SYSTEMS AND PATTERNS” CHAPTER BOOKS: • THE WATSON’S GO TO BIRMINGHAM-1963 • STEM ACTIVITIES • SCAVENGER HUNTS-building background and author study • MATH INTEGRATION-charting the weather daily; • Road Trip– Students logged daily time and distance from Flint, MI to Birmingham, AL • SOCIAL STUDIES- SEGREGATION, CIVIL RIGHTS, BLACK HISTORY MONTH Continued on next slide

  8. Music/ART Component • The Coasters – “YAKETY YAK”- Kenny, the main character plays this as many times as he can in the car on the Ultra Glide system. • The Drifters – “UNDER THE BOARDWALK” This is mom’s favorite song dad plays for her. • Using author descriptions (…Watson’s…) the students created scenes in which various foliage/landscapes were depicted from MI to AL

  9. CIRCLE MAP brainstormingbeing filled in after student discussion in groups 3 1 2


  11. Social Studies road map as the Watsons traveled to Birmingham from Flint. Drawings of a students selected scene from Chapters 1-4

  12. Line Graph and Bar Graph comparing temperatures in Flint, MI and Birmingham, AL

  13. ART

  14. Example of an LFS Board E: How does learning historical, geographical and pertinent information help me prepare to read a novel? A: (Circle Map) “Civil Rights” – Shoulder partners (A’s & B’s) draw circle map and brain storm what they know about Civil Rights. (Smart Board SPLASH to add to map) T: Find the information addressed in the Scavenger Hunt in collaborative pairs using the lap tops. (Kagan: “Give One Get One”) S: 3-2-1 3 Historical Facts; 2 places the book might bring you; 1 state that they would prefer to live in given the morning temperature. After sharing, students will write a summary in their Literary Spiral answering the essential question.

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