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Jill Charpia, a solo female traveler for a significant portion of her life, loves assisting other women on their own journeys. Jill has taken several trips around the globe, so itu2019s never easy for her to be away from home on her best holiday of the year u2014 Halloween!

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  1. THE BEST 5 HALLOWEEN PLACES IN EUROPE BY JILL CHARPIA Jill Charpia, a solo female traveler for a significant portion of her life, loves assisting other women on their own journeys. Jill has taken several trips around the globe, so it’s never easy for her to be away from home on her best holiday of the year — Halloween! Although it might have been created in Scotland, the US seems to have the industry to itself on this one! Even though the United States has long dominated as a place where Halloween festivities provide thrilling fanfare, this does not imply that it is the only country that observes the holiday. Jill will now outline the top 5 Halloween locations in Europe.

  2. Europe is a troubled continent with a long and intriguing history, ancient castles, and terrifying legends that can also offer some of the best Halloween experiences. Halloween in Europe combines colorful mythologies with old, scary, extravagant contemporary fantasies to create a slightly different experience from what we’re used to at home. From a commercial standpoint, Halloween is listed as the second-largest holiday after Christmas. Who knew? The vast majority of people in the globe don’t observe our favorite pagan holiday. In light of this, Jill had to search for nations in Europe that do honor it. Here is a rundown of the top Halloween vacation spots in Europe: 1.Limoges, France : One of the best places in France to celebrate Halloween is Limoges, a gothic city located in the historic Limousine region. The City of Limoges has welcomed Halloween celebrations ever since it held its first-ever Halloween celebrations in 1996, despite the fact that it is not regarded as French tradition. Around 40,000 visitors per year enjoy the City’s vibrant Halloween experience during these times, which features a variety of events like lavish parties, costume marches, street shows, ghost story festivals, and themed fairs. 2.London, England : London has earned a reputation as one of the most haunted places in Europe for Halloween thanks to its bloody past, enigmatic dungeons, terrifying backstreets, and tales of Jack the Ripper, the most infamous serial murderer in the world.

  3. 3.Transylvania, Romania : You should think about spending your Halloween holiday in Transylvania, unquestionably the most beautiful part of Romania. This area, which is well-known for its association with the Dracula Legend and the Bran Castle, will fascinate you with its frozen villages and citadel collections, where its contemporary world is fused and perverted with long-standing culture and legends. These characteristics make Transylvanian Halloween festivities mystifying and a once-in-a-lifetime experience that happens every year. 4.Edinburgh, Scotland : One of the finest and most interesting places to spend your Halloween vacation is the City of Edinburgh. This city recognizes that Halloween serves to preserve the fabled Celtic holiday of Samhain in addition to being a time for tricks or treats and a chance to dress up. 31st October is a blast in the city because of the vibrant culture, enormous palaces, intriguing stories, eerie vaults, and the Royal Mile. 5.Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Amsterdam is one of the top Halloween travel locations in Europe thanks to its ghost stories, haunted streets, contorted souls, imaginative themed parties, and costume festivals. There is definitely something for everyone in Amsterdam during the Halloween festival, whether it’s family amusement in restaurants, ghost tours in museums, or an intense extravagant party in the clubs and music concerts.

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