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An Integrated Approach to the MME (Putting the ME in MME)

An Integrated Approach to the MME (Putting the ME in MME). Wayland High School & Middle School November 30, 2007 Facilitators: Gayle Underwood Leslie Martin AAESA. Group Warm up. Kevin Bacon MME Tigers Mistletoe. Goal.

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An Integrated Approach to the MME (Putting the ME in MME)

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  1. An Integrated Approach to the MME (Putting the ME in MME) Wayland High School & Middle School November 30, 2007 Facilitators: Gayle Underwood Leslie Martin AAESA

  2. Group Warm up • Kevin Bacon • MME • Tigers • Mistletoe

  3. Goal • Increase student achievement on the MME writing while engaging them directly in specific Content Expectations. • Teachers will gain full understanding of the MME constructed response expectations imposed upon students at the 6th, 9th and 11th grade levels. • In groups teachers will create models that can be used in the classroom.

  4. MME Social Studies Rubric Criteria by Grade Level

  5. MME Scoring Rubric by Grade Level • 0-3 points for 6th grade assessment • 0-4 points for 9th grade assessment • 0-5 points for 11th grade (MME) assessment (samples)

  6. Position (Your students achieved 98% proficiency in spring 2007. Keep up the good work!) • Must be a clear yes or no position • Must give support for position • Must have clear position and support to receive any further points

  7. Core Democratic Values(Wayland students were 17% proficient in this area, spring 2007.) Students are given a list of Core Democratic Values to support their stand. • Common Good: Must mention “who sacrifices what” in order to receive the point (9th & 11th grade only) • Example, expand road from 2 lanes to 5 to alleviate traffic… • Pursuit of Happiness: Must mention that it does not infringe on the rights of others and must be legal! • List will now include the selection, “Freedom of Speech.”

  8. Data(Wayland students were 56% proficient in this area, spring 2007 MME.) • Three data sets are provided to students. • Students can use all or 1 to support their position. (Recommended that they use at least 2 in case they misinterpret one.) • If data is interpreted incorrectly, then students receive 0 points. • Students may present their own data, but it has to be cited completely and correctly. This is not recommended, but it has been accepted in some cases. http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ Create your own graph

  9. Prior Knowledge(Students were 5.3% proficient in this area, spring 2007.) • Students must demonstrate they have prior social studies knowledge • Explicitly from history, civics, economics, geography—not just student’s opinion. • Current events of a national or relevant local nature • Local events have to be tied to a national scale.

  10. Prior Knowledge—Continued • Must be applied in such a way to support the position • Needs to reference a specific law, president, court case, study, etc. . . • Cannot “double dip” with CDV or data section.

  11. Opposing Argument & Refutation • Must suggest flaws in own argument and explain the opposing position. Samples: • “Others may argue_____, but they’re wrong because_________.” • “Even though opponents may say_____, I propose________.”

  12. Scoring Activity • Your group will read 6 examples of students’ anchor papers • Using the Social Studies Rubric identify the correct score for each paper. (The score they were given by the state) • Share results

  13. How did you do? • Anchor paper 1: Ben Jerelbo Score: 3 • Anchor paper 2: Harvey Theryet Score: 3 • Anchor paper 3: Shirley Knot Score: 1 • Anchor paper 4: Kenny Dewitt Score: 5 • Anchor paper 5: Rob Banks Score: 0 • Anchor paper 6: Anita Beer Score: 2

  14. Your Group Activity • Create a writing prompt for your students that will help them on the MEAP (9th) & MME (11th). • This process will be a vehicle for you to understand what is expected of your students • All prompts will be posted to our Moodle site so you have a plethora of prompts to use with your students.

  15. 8 step Template for you to follow(Handout) Step 1: Select public policy issue as it pertains to your content. Websites to find public policy: http://www.public-policy.org/web.public-policy.org/index.php http://www.ppic.org/main/home.asp http://www.mackinac.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_policy#Intended_Effects http://www.apa.org/ppo/science/ http://www.ff.org/centers/csspp/misc/index.html http://www.annapoliscenter.org/skins/default/index.aspx

  16. Step 2: State public policy in debatable terms Step 3: Cut & paste specifically related content expectations. http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-38924---,00.html

  17. Step 4: Gather data, specific to the content expectation. The data acts as the “anchor” text. Find a linking and disparate text to offer at least two perspectives of the data. • HINT: You may be able to create your own data, or use Google to search for data.

  18. Step 5: Identify a related, historic case, public act, law, etc…that establishes a piece of “prior knowledge” that can be infused into the writing. • Step 6: Copy & paste the Core Democratic Value(s) that supports the issue you’re addressing. http://moodle.alleganaesa.org/mod/resource/view.php?id=2568

  19. Step 7: Establish a (sample) thesis based on the information you’ve gathered. • Step 8: Identify potential counter arguments.

  20. MME Persuasive Writing Model • Email final copy to: gunderwood@alleganaesa.org • Make sure you include all members of your group as authors on the document. • They will be posted online on the AAESA’s Moodle site.

  21. Reconvene • Come back to this room no later than 10:15 to share your final product.

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