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Visualization and Data Treatment Software Based on PV‑WAVE and IDL Packages. E.I. Litvinenko Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia litvin@nf.jinr.r u. Topics. Licensed VDA software at FLNP PV-WAVE applications OpenG2 Overview Openg2_spn2
Visualization and Data Treatment Software Based on PV‑WAVE and IDL Packages E.I. Litvinenko Frank Laboratory of Neutron PhysicsJoint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia litvin@nf.jinr.ru
Topics • Licensed VDA software at FLNP • PV-WAVE applications • OpenG2 • Overview • Openg2_spn2 • Openg2_yumo • DN2_viewer • Bean • MWPC detector DAQ application • IDL applications • LAMP – developed in ILL (Grenoble, France) • Idl_deconv_tool • Comparison of features • Standard data types • Standard widgets • Object oriented approach • Standard visualization tools • Documentation • Distribution of created applications • Conclusions NEC-2003, Varna
Licensed VDA software at FLNP • The aim - development of the unified tools for visualization and analysis of experimental data. • Visual Data Analysis (VDA) improves traditional data analysis by giving user a more active role in the analysis process. • 1996 – FLNP purchased PV-WAVE license. First applications - PV-WAVE Point&Click data imports and IBR-2 monitoring data processing server. • 1997, 2000 – 3D visualization (dn2_viewer). • 1998-2000 – Openg2 and Bean core developments (collaboration with HMI). • 1999 - FLNP purchased IDL license. LAMP (ILL) program installation. • http://www.ill.fr/data_treat/lamp/front.html • 2000-2002 – OpenG2 YuMO module. • 2002 - OpenG2 SPN-2 module. IDL based deconvolution tool (collaboration with ILL). • 2003 – PV-WAVE application for MWPC detector data acquisition system (collaboration with HMI) NEC-2003, Varna
PV-WAVE • http://www.vni.com/products/wave/index.html • interactive programming environment • array based programming language to build and deploy VDA applications • PV-WAVE borrows much of its semantics from the programming language APL. The main advantages over APL are syntax and control mechanisms plus visualization capabilities. • set of high-level and low-level widgets • "Super-widgets"allow non-programmers to do animation, image analysis, line plots, scatter plots, surface plots, contour plots, histogram plots, color table manipulation, variable manipulation and data import/export • programs written in PV-WAVE are shorter and execute fasterthan programs written in other programming languages. • allows users to rapidly import, manipulate, analyze and visualize data of any size and complexity • includes a set of analysis routines based on the industry-standardIMSL Numerical Librariesfor reliable and precise numerical analysis NEC-2003, Varna
IDL • http://www.rsinc.com/idl/ • software for data analysis, visualization, and cross-platform application development • interpreted language • language specifically designed for visualizing large and complex datasets - from simple 2D plots to OpenGL-accelerated 3D graphics • rich library of built-in image processing, math, statistics, and analysis routines • user interface toolkit and drag-and-drop GUI builder • reads and writes virtually any data format, type and size • "My overall experience with IDL is that you can write code in less than 20% of the lines required in C or FORTRAN“ Robert Velthuisan - H. LeeMoffittCancer Center and Research Institute, University of South Florida NEC-2003, Varna
OpenG2 program • access, reduction, visualization and express-analysis of the data measured on different neutron instruments • Input: • Sonix http://nfdfn.jinr.ru/~kirilov/Sonix/sonix_index.htm • FLNP CAMAC DAQ systems formats • 1,2,3 column ASCII • NeXus http://www.neutron.anl.gov/NeXus/ • MAD format ( ILL) http://www.ill.fr • CARESS format (HMI) http://www.hmi.de • Output: • 2,3 column ASCII • NeXus • Rietveld-Pruf • Operates under PV-WAVE environment • GUI, multiple windows • Analysis options: • automatic execution preliminary data treatment procedures for some of the IBR-2 neutron instruments • typical operations on workspaces with automatic recalculation of statistical errors • coordinates conversions (for TOF instruments) • tools to create new workspaces (background workspace) • tools for easy one-dimensional fitting using mouse clicks on the plot • tools for merging data NEC-2003, Varna
Openg2 workspaces NEC-2003, Varna
OpenG2 – SPN-2 Small Angle mode NEC-2003, Varna
YuMO, curved PSD –beam intensity map in real detector coordinates NEC-2003, Varna
OpenG2 YuMO workspaces – curved PSD data in (Q, φ) coordinates NEC-2003, Varna
Merged data from YuMO PSD NEC-2003, Varna
DN2_viewer program NEC-2003, Varna
Bean program NEC-2003, Varna
MWPC PCI DAQ Data Access Tool (PV-WAVE) NEC-2003, Varna
IDL based deconvolution tool NEC-2003, Varna
PV-WAVE Standard data types: Asarr list IDL UInt, ULong pointer Comparison (differences) Standard widgets: • Low - WwList,… • Middle – WoList,… • High – WzImport,… • Widget_List,… • Cw_FSlider,… • Live_Export,… Object oriented programming: • IDL ObjectsNamed IDL structures Object heap variables • Object Graphics classes (IDLgrPlot,…) • No Standard visualization tools: • VDA Tools : WzPlot,… • Live Tools: LivePlot,… • iTools (NEW, IDL 6.0) Documentation: • PDFs on WWW • Tips on WWW • Excellent technical writers Distribution of created applications: • License (run-time) • Can be free (NEW, IDL 6.0) NEC-2003, Varna
Hardware rendering in PV-WAVE –VTK(Open Source / OpenGL) • PV-WAVE users (versions 7.5 and higher) can create high quality, interactive graphics through the use of the PV-WAVE link to the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). • VTK is an Open Source toolkit for creating both simple and complex visualizations in 3D using OpenGL, a low-level software interface to graphics hardware, for high performance, accelerated graphics. • PV-WAVE excels at data access, data manipulation, numerical algorithms, data filtering, user interface development, and many interactive 2D graphical tasks. The Visualization Toolkit is a best for creating complex 3D visualizations. • VTK documentation: http:// public.kitware.com The Visualization Toolkit User's Guide William J. Schroeder, Lisa S. Avila, Kenneth M. Martin, William A. Hoffman, C. Charles Law 380 pages, ISBN 1-930934-05-X, Kitware, Inc. The Visualization Toolkit An Object-Oriented Approach To 3D Graphics Will Schroeder, Ken Martin, Bill Lorensen 646 pages, ISBN 0-13-954694-4, Prentice Hall Example: vtkWINDOW, /Free, Background='000077'XL, /NoRender vtkSURFACE, HANNING(20,20)*20.0, Shades=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5] vtkTEXT, 'Transparent Surface', Position=[10, 10, 20], $/Follow, Color='green' vtkRENDERWINDOW NEC-2003, Varna
References • M. Fromme, G. Hoffmann-Schulz, E. Litvinenko, P. Ziem, ”BEAN - A New Standard Program for Data Analysis at BER-II”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 47-2, 272 (2000) • A.G. Soloviev, E.I. Litvinenko, G.A. Ososkov, A.Kh. Islamov, A.I. Kuklin, "Application of wavelet analysis to data treatment for small-angle neutron scattering", Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 502 (2003) 500-502 • A. Soloviev, E. Litvinenko, G. Ososkov, A. Islamov and A. Kuklin, “Comparative study of smoothing techniques with reference to data treatment for small-angle neutron scattering” , Communications of the JINR, Dubna 2002, E11-2002-293, 1-15 • B. Gebauer, Ch. Schulz, G. Richter, F.V. Levchanovsky, A. Nikiforov, “Development of a hybrid MSGC detector for thermal neutron imaging with a MHz data acquisition and histogramming system”, Proceedings of the Imaging 2000 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 28 - July 1, 2000, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 471 (2001) 249-253 • V. Butenko, V. Drozdov, B. Gebauer, F.V. Levchanovski, A. Nikiforov, V. Prikhodko, “Application of DSPs in Data Acquisition Systems for Neutron Scattering Experiments at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP’2001), Sept. 3-7, 2001, Beijing, China, 560-561 • Ch. Schulz, B. Gebauer , G. Richter, B. Namaschk, L.N. Balykov, F.V. Levchanovski, A. Nikiforov, V.I. Shashkin, A.Yu. Klimov and V.V. Rogov, “Development of hybrid MSGC detectors with high position and time-of-flight resolution for neutron scattering experiments at ESS”, Proceedings of SPIE's 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, July 7-11, 2002 NEC-2003, Varna