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The Odyssey by Homer

Explore the epic journey of Odysseus as he navigates through challenges, battles gods, and overcomes obstacles to return home from the Trojan War. Discover the historical background, oral tradition, and the role of the blind bard, Homer, in preserving this captivating tale.

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The Odyssey by Homer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Odysseyby Homer = Must write down!

  2. What is The Odyssey? • Definition of odyssey = journey

  3. EPIC POEM • Genre (type of literature) = epic poem • What is an Epic Poem? • Narrative poem (tells a story) • Long poem that describes the journey of a hero • Hero usually does great deeds that are significant for other people (country, tribe, gods) • Historical Background • Product of ORAL TRADITION • BARD = person responsible for remembering the community’s history

  4. The Bard • Served 3 purposes 1) entertainment 2) taught people history of their culture 3) taught people moral values (what it means to be good in particular culture)

  5. Who wrote it? • HOMER • Not clear when he lived … some say 850 BC • Blind bard • Tells the story of Odysseus’s return from the Trojan War

  6. Trojan War Goddess of Discord, Eris, was not invited to a wedding among the gods because they thought she would cause drama and problems.

  7. … they were right … She was PISSED!

  8. So she throws a golden apple into the ceremony and says, “To the fairest of them all!”

  9. The gods/goddesses are a vain bunch, so three goddesses claimed the apple to be theirs!

  10. ZEUS, father of the Olympian gods, has to decide who is the fairest …

  11. But how can he choose when he has both a wife and daughters present?

  12. So being the smart god he is, he decides to appoint PARIS, a Trojan prince (a mortal!) to judge this “beauty contest” among the gods …

  13. Like many things, people tried to fix the games … all three goddesses involved in the “contest” try to BRIBE Paris.

  14. ATHENA, goddess of War and Wisdom, offers him wisdom and intelligence in battle

  15. HERA, Zeus’s wife, offers him wealth and power

  16. APHRODITE, goddess of love and beauty, offers him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world

  17. Whom do you think Paris chooses?

  18. He’s a guy … sooo…

  19. Paris chooses… APHRODITE!

  20. The good news for Paris: Per Aphrodite’s promise, HELEN is the most beautiful woman in the world!

  21. The bad news for Paris: She’s married!

  22. Not only is she married, but she is married to MENELAOS, King of Sparta! … Spartans are tough guys! … Ever heard of the Spartan babies?

  23. This is not good for Paris! … But, hey, he won her “fair and square” so he goes to Sparta from TROY and gets Helen to fall in love with him, and back to Troy they go.

  24. Guess who is not happy at all?

  25. Menelaos!

  26. Menalaos gets his brother, AGAMEMNON, to gather an army and go to Troy to get Helen back.

  27. And so the TROJAN WAR begins!

  28. The war lasts 10 years!

  29. It finally comes to an end when ODYSSEUS (fighting with MENELAOS and AGAMEMNON) comes up with a plan…

  30. The Plan: He has all the ships retreat over the horizon so that Trojans can’t see them and think the Greeks left! They build the TROJAN HORSE and the Trojans believe it is a peace offering, bringing it inside the city walls.

  31. THE TRICK: Odysseus and his men are hiding inside the horse, and they come out in the middle of the night, and completely destroy the city!

  32. Who wins?

  33. The GREEKS!

  34. Odysseus wins the war as a result of wisdom and trickery (GUILE), not just brute strength! Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare and is therefore his PATRON GODDESS!

  35. His guile also makes him excessively proud (HUBRIS) … Who doesn’t like that?

  36. The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus’s struggle to get home from the Trojan War • He angers off quite a few gods on his way (remember: HUBRIS = excessive pride!) • So it takes him 10 years to get back home to Ithica!

  37. So how long has Odysseus been away from home?

  38. Odysseus has been away from home for 20 years!

  39. Problems? • What are some potential problems you might incur if you’ve been gone from home for 20 years?

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