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The Building Research Centre "AgroBioTech" at the Slovak University of Agriculture focuses on applied research in agrobiology, biotechnology, genetic technology, and agricultural product processing. The project aims to advance food technologies, human nutrition, experimental biotechnologies, plant production, bioenergetics, and economic studies.
Building Research Centre “AgroBioTech“ Demand-oriented projectITMS code: 26220220180 ”
Internationalappliedresearch in Projecttopics agrobiology biotechnology genetic technology agri-food sector agricultural products processing technology agroecology bioenergy/bioeconomy
The Slovak University of Agriculture focuses on the following project activities: 1.3 Applied research in experimental food technologies and human nutrition 1.4 Experimental biotechnologies 1.5 Agrobiology and plant production 1.6 Bioenergetics and economic studies 1.7 Transfer Centre
Activity Applied research in experimental food technologies and human nutrition
Material - technical base • Laboratory of development of foods with added value • Laboratory of fats and oils • Experimental brewery • Laboratory of beverages • Laboratory of food animal origin • Laboratory of biologically active substances analyzes • Laboratory of humannutrition • Laboratory of physical properties of raw materials and foodstuffs
1. Laboratory of development of foods with added value • focused on the processing of cereals and pseudo cereals, • starting materials will be collected and analyzed for their application to products with high nutritional value, or for certain consumer groups (diabetics, celiac disease...), • subsequently the most suitable foodswill be selected for their testing in clinical study. tatiana.bojnanska@uniag.sk
2. Laboratory of fats and oils • selection of materials that meet pre-established parameters for the production of high quality vegetable fats and oils, • oils will be produced with modern technologies using different temperatures of pressing, • finished products will be monitored for its oxidation stability, • in cooperation with the Laboratory of Human Nutrition will be verified the health effects of these products. eva.ivanisova@uniag.sk
3. Experimental brewery • laboratory will comprehensively evaluate the quality of barley, malt and beer, • development of a new and innovative products, • technological processes of production of final products will be provided to smaller and medium-sized producers (malt houses, breweries) based on their requirements, giving them an advantage in the market. stefan.drab@uniag.sk
4. Laboratory of beverages • applied research focused on production of fruit and vegetable juices, which are an important component of nutrition, • production of wine in Slovakia, • juice and wine will be produced by reductive technology in order to minimize possible contamination of other products, and in order to avoid oxidation, • throughout the production and finalization of the product specific methodological procedures given by the manufacturer of the production line will be used. andrea.mendelova@uniag.sk jan.mezey@uniag.sk
5. Laboratory of food animal origin • will be focused mainly on the evaluation and processing of milk for fermented dairy products, especially cheese, • aim of the laboratory will be focused to provide analytical tasks in the field of meat processing and evaluation of its quality, • extension of the range of foods with high nutritional and dietary value, modeling of production with probiotic cultures, evaluation of fermentation processes. margita.canigova@uniag.sk
6. Laboratory of biologically active substances analyzes • laboratory will concentrate its activities on detailed examination of analyzes of raw materials and food, in particular, of valuable compounds with biological activity. alena.vollmannova@uniag.sk
7. Laboratory of Human Nutrition • will be the terminal laboratory within the research conducted by activity 1.3, • laboratory will verify prepared products for suitability for consumption and their impact on consumershealth, • produced foods with added value and food as a source of known or new biologically active components will be tested in clinical studies, • their effect on specific parameters characterizing the health status of probands will be evaluated. peter.chlebo@uniag.sk
8. Laboratory of physical properties of raw materials and foodstuffs • laboratory will concentrate its activities on assessment of the quality of food (including raw materials and intermediates) in terms of their physical properties, particularly rheological, thermo physical and electrical. vlasta.vozarova@uniag.sk marek.angelovic@uniag.sk
Activity Applied research in experimental biotechnology
Material - technical base 1.Animal Biotechnology Laboratory 2.Plant Biotechnology Laboratory 3.Experimental Biology Laboratory 4. xperimental Microbiology Laboratory Integrativelaboratories: 5.For spectroscopic analyses 6.For genetic analyses 7.For microscopic analyses
1. Applied research in experimental animal biotechnology • Optimisation of techniques related to the cryoconservation of biological material related to the completion of the gene bank to preserve animal genetic resources. peter.chrenek@uniag.sk
2. Applied research in experimental plant biotechnology • Molecularcharacterizationofcereals, pseudocereals and legumes with resulting benefits for plant breeding. zdenka.galova@uniag.sk
3. Applied research in experimental biology • Analysis of the effects of natural compounds (quercetine, resveratrol, epicatechin, amygdalin) on the viability and functionality of animal cells, • Assessment of the in vivo and in vitro impact of toxicants (heavy metals, mycotoxins, alkylphenolic compounds) on animal systems. peter.massanyi@uniag.sk
4. Applied research in experimental microbiology • Genotyping and phenotyping of new microbial strains isolated from agricultural substrates (soil, composts, sludges,agricultural waste, foodstuffs, animal organs) and microorganisms being able to produce new biologically active compounds (antibiotics, growth factors, toxins, enzymes, etc.) with a possibility of their use in pharmaceutical industry, bioremediation techniques, and in the protection of plants and animals. sona.javorekova@uniag.sk
Activity Applied research in area Bioenergy and economic studies Part:Bioenergy
Material - technical base 1. Creation of the infrastructural basis for applied research in the field of bioenergy. 2. Applied research in bioenergy. 3. Economic studies - designing of the development of agricultural markets, production and sale of the of renewable energy sources.
1. Creation of the infrastructural basis • The purpose of this activity is to establish 3laboratories and equip them with the key experimental and analytical technologies allowing to carry out an applied complex research in the field of bioenergy: 1. Biomass Gasification Laboratory 2. Laboratory of Biomass Analyses for Bioenergy 3. Bioenergy Sources Laboratory jan.gadus@uniag.sk
2. Applied research in bioenergy Applied research in the field of biomass gasification Applied research in the biomass analysis field Applied research in the field of bioenergy resources
Activity AgroBioTech Transfer Centre
The most important functions • popularization of the science and research, • transfer of innovation, technology transfer, transfer of know-how, • search for potential investors for bespoke research, • cooperation with the same focused institutions at European level in the field of technology transfer. danka.moravcikova@uniag.sk
AgroBioTech - video • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXQ8yi2MRHY&feature=youtu.be