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FMMI Account Statement

FMMI Account Statement Agenda. Background on Account StatementExample of Account StatementAccount Statement Field DescriptionsAccount Statement Document TypesAccount Statement Testing and Update. 2. FMMI Account Statement Background. The account statement presents to the customer all account

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FMMI Account Statement

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Presentation Transcript

    1. FMMI Account Statement 1

    2. FMMI Account Statement Agenda Background on Account Statement Example of Account Statement Account Statement Field Descriptions Account Statement Document Types Account Statement Testing and Update 2

    3. FMMI Account Statement Background The account statement presents to the customer all account activity of the statement period and includes: Beginning and ending balances Itemization of all new invoices Credits Payments Adjustments Summarized presentation of total charges for interest, penalties, and administrative charges The account statement will only be sent to customer records which have been selected as account statement holders. This is determined on the Customer Master Record indicated with a 2 on the Account Statement field. No account statement will be produced for one-time customers. Printing and mailing of the account statement will continued to be serviced by Controller Operations Division. 3

    4. FMMI Account Statement Example of Account Statement 4

    5. FMMI Account Statement Example of Account Statement 5

    6. FMMI Account Statement Field Descriptions Header Remittance Portion Customer Number This is the new 7 digit customer number that will be assigned to entities that agency does business. Payment Due Date When payment is due from customer. Balance Due Amount due from services that the agency provided. Address Name of billing party. Remit To Lockbox name and address. Account Summary Closing Date Last day of charges. Previous Balance Balance from previous month. Charges / Debits Invoices for services provided from agency billing system. Payment/Credits Payments from customers and adjustments to the account. Interest/Penalty/Admin Charges Charges occurring from late payment 6

    7. FMMI Account Statement Field Descriptions Current Charges Service Date Date of service entered into agency billing system or directly into FMMI. This is the date of service that the service was performed by the program. Document Number FMMI sequential number assigned to invoice. Reference Information agency billing system document number. Description Description of service provided, if applicable. Payment and Adjustments Activity Date Date of deposit or adjustment. Document Number FMMI sequential number assigned to the payment or adjustment. Reference Information Payment or adjustment information. Description Description of adjustment. 7

    8. FMMI Account Statement Document Types Note: Document Types C5(Interest), C6(Admin), and C7(Penalty)will be excluded from the line items in the Current Charges section and will be totaled in the summary section of the statement. 8

    9. FMMI Account Statements Testing Results Testing on the account statement began earlier this year. Some of the issues encountered during testing included: Remit To address did not populate No column for Line Number Line Number disappearing Re-processed payments showing up twice Documents that had dunning block are not showing up under the Appeal section Issues reprinting statement Multiple warnings (27) before user was able to print account statement 9

    10. Questions 10

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