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Hair Loss and Treatment

Hair Loss and Treatment. M. Ansari. Hair Loss. Natural shedding of hair accounts for normal daily hair loss. Recent measurements indicate that the average rate of hair loss is closer to 35 to 40 hairs per day. Alopecia . Abnormal hair loss Most common types Androgenic alopecia

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Hair Loss and Treatment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hair Loss and Treatment M. Ansari

  2. Hair Loss Natural shedding of hair accounts for normal daily hair loss. Recent measurements indicate that the average rate of hair loss is closer to 35 to 40 hairs per day

  3. Alopecia • Abnormal hair loss • Most common types • Androgenic alopecia • Alopecia areata • Postpartum alopecia • Over 63 million people in our country suffer from abnormal hair loss

  4. Emotional impact • How perceived by others • Recent study showed that compared to men who had hair, bald men were PERCEIVED as having a number of characteristics • Less physically attractive – by both sexes • Less assertive • Less successful • Less personably likable • Older • By about 5 years

  5. Emotional impact • Men with severe hair loss • Negative social and emotional effects • More preoccupation with baldness • Make effort to conceal or compensate for hair loss • Women with hair loss • Devastating- women try to hide it from everyone including their doctor • Causes anxiety – women feel helpless and less attractive

  6. Androgenetic Alopecia • CAUSE: a combination of heredity, hormones and age causes progressive shrinking or miniaturization of terminal hair, converting it to vellus hair • Known as male pattern baldness in men • Affects 40 million men in U.S. • Affects 20 million women in U.S.

  7. Androgenetic Alopecia • Can begin as early as teens • Frequently seen by age 40 • By age 35, almost 40 % of men & women show some degree of loss • Gene can be inherited from either side of family

  8. Alopecia Areata • Sudden loss of hair in round or irregular patches; may occur on scalp or anywhere else on body. It’s highly unpredictable; affects almost 5 million people in the U.S. • Immune system attacks hair follicles • Begins with one or more small, bald patches • Can progress to the total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete body hair loss (alopecia universalis)

  9. Alopecia Areata • Occurs in males and females of all ages and races • Can begin in childhood • Scalp shows no sign of inflammation • No obvious signs of skin disorder or disease

  10. Postpartum Alopecia • Temporary hair loss at conclusion of pregnancy • Growth cycle generally returns to normal within one year after the baby is delivered

  11. Hair Loss Treatments • Minoxidil • Topical medication applied to scalp twice daily; proven to stimulate hair growth • Sold over the counter in 2 strengths: 2% regular & 5% extra strength; no known negative side effects • Finasteride • Oral prescription for men only • Side effects include weight gain & loss of sexual function

  12. Summary • Genetics, age hormonal changes, and the immune system are factor of abnormal hair loss • There are only 2 approved hair loss treatments Next lesson: disorders of the hair

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