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This is about the place we are going to 关于我们要去的地方

This is about the place we are going to 关于我们要去的地方 太湖彩虹园 Rainbow.park Tai Hu lake

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This is about the place we are going to 关于我们要去的地方

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  1. This is about the place we are going to 关于我们要去的地方 太湖彩虹园Rainbow.park Tai Hu lake This park is a cultural heritage site which you can visit at a leisurely pace, or escape from the noise and bustle of the city or simply enjoy nature 彩虹园是一个以太湖文化为主的自助旅游项目,它让您远离城市的喧嚣,真正地亲近自然。 联系人:蒋先生 Rainbow.jiang Call us:13814882439 Email: rainbow.park@163.com

  2. Linwu cave with underground lake Shigong Hill Bright moon gulf The highest spot in the Tai Hu district Ancient Village panoramic view of The bridge and island landscape BaoHill Temple Three Hills island Ancient site • 林屋洞 • 石公山 • 明月湾 • 缥缈峰 • 古村落 • 桥岛风光 • 包山禅寺 • 三山岛旧石器时代遗址 Tai Hu’s Rainbowpark cultural tour 彩虹园.太湖文化之旅

  3. Welcome to Rainbow Park 彩虹园地图指引 Bus:58.69古樟园下车向南500米 Alight at Gu zhang yuan then walk south for 500 metes

  4. Hot sports 热 点 Favourite specialities 新鲜的鱼虾 难得的野菜 纯朴的民风 热情的主人 感觉何其不同 Fresh fish and shrimps rarely available wild vegetables simple and friendly atmosphere hospitable host, at one with nature and there is so much more to offer 彩虹园.农家乐

  5. Rainbow park’s Tea processing 彩虹园.茶道 洞庭西山是碧螺春的原产地,是中国十大名茶之一,极为珍贵,古代作为皇宫的贡品. Western Hill is the home of Biluocun which is one of the four most well known teas of china 专为女性而生的另类茶叶---桑杵茶。该茶叶由于极难繁殖,采摘期仅为十天,故此极为稀有,它口味清淡,对高血压有明显疗效,富含抗自由基因子,防止人体衰老。Another tea sang chu tea, is also grown in western Hill, The specialty of this tea is that cannot be planted. New bushes can only be grown by laboriouslytransplanting cutting; Moreover, The picking period lasts only 10days.This makes the tea extremely rare. sang chutea has a truly delicate flavour. Nevertheless, It has the remarkable properties of being able to lower blood pressure. and it is an antioxidant

  6. 彩虹园.果品 Rainbow park’s Fruits 枇杷 pipa 板栗 lychees 杨梅 waxberry 银杏 gingkgo

  7. Carrying your backpack, step deep into the mountains, start climbing Slowly all around are hills and nature, not a single soul in sight, the only sounds are the chorus of insects and the rushing of the mountain Stream. Alone with nature, suddenly in the distance. appears a Tea picker with her basket or a woodsman carrying bundles of wood on his pole Carrier. Oh. what a warm feeling of human contact. 彩虹园.深山游 背上行囊, 走入深山, 渺无人烟, 唯见苍天,大树。 啾啾虫鸣,泉水叮咚。 与世隔绝, 偶一农妇,偶一樵夫, 唤醒人之博爱深情。

  8. Spare us an hour or two and We’ll give you back your soul……. 彩虹园.长寿道 与八十旬老人谈心,告诉你长寿秘诀, 惊人话语,道破天机,感悟人生,大彻大悟。 The way to longevity: when chatting with 80 years old person, she can tell you the secret of longevity Her words will be a revelation, you will feel that a mystery has been explained, you will understand the meaning of life.

  9. Happy shooting 跟草根艺人,用最朴实的笔风,画出你心中的江南水乡。 Follow a humble artist using simple brush strokes, paint the natural Scenery which in the heart you. Come on………来吧! 彩虹园.画展 Rainbow park’s exhibition 带上你的妻子,享受这里的山山水水,纯朴民风。 Bring your sweet heart to enjoy the beauty of the mountains and lakes, to enjoy the ethnic culture. 带上你的孩子,让他们感知大自然,满足他们对自然的渴望。 Bring your children, let them enjoy the open environment and to learn about nature.

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