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KHULA ENTERPRISE FINANCE LTD BUSINESS PLAN FINANCIAL YEAR 2005/06. Division : Operations Business Unit : LREF Responsible Manager: George Mothoa. LREF. Business Manager. George Mothoa. LREF. Administrator. Helena Scholtz. LREF. LREF. Accounts Executive. Business Monitor.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KHULA ENTERPRISE FINANCE LTD BUSINESS PLAN FINANCIAL YEAR 2005/06 Division : Operations Business Unit : LREF Responsible Manager: George Mothoa

  2. LREF Business Manager George Mothoa LREF Administrator Helena Scholtz LREF LREF Accounts Executive Business Monitor Don Mashele Thabo Matolo LREF Business Plan 2005/06 Black – Male White - Female

  3. LREF Business Plan 2005/06

  4. LREF Business Plan 2005/06

  5. LREF Business Plan 2005/06

  6. LREF Business Plan 2005/06

  7. LREF Business Plan 2005/06

  8. LREF Business Plan 2005/06

  9. Notes to the income statement / budget • Remuneration expense = 15% of annual payroll • Consultation fee = Allocation for the payment of service providers ( training) on LERF funded projects ( at least 10 projects to start with training) • Cell phone allowance = Allowance for 3 staff members (Manager, Accounts Executive and Monitor) • Agency fee = Amount DLA pays Khula for the administration of the LREF at 3% of initial capitalisation • March ’07 and March ’8 budgets are an escalation of 5% from March ’06 • March ’05 forecast figures = Actual at 31 Dec’04 x 12 months 9 months • March ’06 budget = March 05 forecast x current inflation ( 5% ) except for remuneration expense which is 25% of departmental annual payroll.

  10. Notes to the income statement / budget • Remuneration expense = 15% of annual payroll • Consultation fee = Allocation for the payment of service providers ( training) on LERF funded projects ( at least 10 projects to start with training) • Cell phone allowance = Allowance for 3 staff members (Manager, Accounts Executive and Monitor) • Agency fee = Amount DLA pays Khula for the administration of the LREF at 3% of initial capitalisation • March ’07 and March ’8 budgets are an escalation of 5% from March ’06 • March ’05 forecast figures = Actual at 31 Dec’04 x 12 months 9 months • March ’06 budget = March 05 forecast x current inflation ( 5% ) except for remuneration expense which is 25% of departmental annual payroll.

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