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Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks

Are you a homeowner or business owner in Singapore and are looking to upgrade the security of your property? If you are, one of the smart things you could do is invest in smart door locks. While these locks will not necessarily make your home or commercial property safer than it already is, but it they will allow for more control. You will be able to lock and unlock your doors remotely whether you are available at home or the business area or away. You can even extend digital keys to your family members, friends, caregivers and anyone else that comes to your premises regularly. <br>When you start looking for smart door locks to buy, it is very important that you look for ones that fit your style and requirement. There are a number of features you should look for if you do not want to be disappointed, one of them being the type of lock. The two types of smart door locks that you will come across on the market include keypad and touchscreen locks. The keypad locks have a push button keypad with numeric digits 0 to 9 as well as a lock and unlock button. You will find the keypad in a variation of locks, some which have each key having a separate push button and others that have a group of digits sharing a push button. <br>

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Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks

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  1. Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks

  2. Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks • Are you a homeowner or business owner in Singapore and are looking to upgrade the security of your property? If you are, one of the smart things you could do is invest in smart door locks. While these locks will not necessarily make your home or commercial property safer than it already is, but it they will allow for more control. You will be able to lock and unlock your doors remotely whether you are available at home or the business area or away. You can even extend digital keys to your family members, friends, caregivers and anyone else that comes to your premises regularly.

  3. Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks • When you start looking for smart door locks to buy, it is very important that you look for ones that fit your style and requirement. There are a number of features you should look for if you do not want to be disappointed, one of them being the type of lock. The two types of smart door locks that you will come across on the market include keypad and touchscreen locks. The keypad locks have a push button keypad with numeric digits 0 to 9 as well as a lock and unlock button. You will find the keypad in a variation of locks, some which have each key having a separate push button and others that have a group of digits sharing a push button.

  4. Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks • The other type of smart door lock you may be interested in is the touchscreen lock. This one opens with the identification of your fingerprints the same way a biometric fingerprint reader does. It will be great if you have blind employees or relatives. It gives people with impaired vision a feeling of self-ability. In the event of fingerprint malfunctions, backup codes can be used to open the doors.

  5. Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks • Apart from understanding the different types of smart door locks that are available, it is also important to find out if the door locks you want to buy have smart lock activity notification. Unlike traditional locks that do not have the ability to alert you when someone enters your building, the smart locks should change the way things happen by allowing you to get notifications on who enters or leaves your property when you are not around. Whenever the lock is opened or locked, you should be able to get emails or push notifications. You will find this feature to be very useful if you are a parent who would like to know when your child is at home or away.

  6. Tips For Buying Smart Door Locks • It is also imperative that you find out if the smart door locks you want to buy can connect with your smartphone. For a smart door lock to be able to connect with your smartphone, it is supposed to have built-in Bluetooth. You have to be within a range of Bluetooth connection to be able to operate the smart door lock with your smartphone. • For more information on smart door locks, visit my website at techyourspace.com

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