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This session provides an update on Georgia Tech's progress in implementing the recommendations of the Spring 2002 Academic Misconduct Review Committee. It covers the current state of academic integrity, staffing improvements, faculty and student pool expansion, enhanced training for honor panel members, strategic scheduling of hearings, and more. The report also details efforts to facilitate three-way meetings between students, faculty, and the Dean of Students Office. The sharing of policy concerns and data analysis between the Dean of Students Office and the Provost's Office is emphasized. Finally, the establishment of a new Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Integrity is highlighted.
Status of the Recommendations of the Spring 2002 Academic Misconduct Review Committee and Office of Student Integrity (OSI) Update Executive Board Meeting July 22, 2003
Goals of this session: • Report the Institute’s progress in complying with the Provost’s Spring 2002 Academic Misconduct Review Committee • Update the Executive Board on the current state of academic integrity at Georgia Tech • Give a preview of things to come
Academic Misconduct Review Committee RecommendationsRecommendation #1:Establish expectations for timing throughout the investigation and hearing process.Status: Complete Deadlines – Allegations will be dropped if: • Forwarded to OSI after the end of the term following discovery of an allegation • OSI fails to close and/or forward a case to the HC within 75 working days of notification (timeline is paused during days an accused student is not enrolled) • The student has graduated and the alleged misconduct would not have affected the student’s graduation eligibility Guidelines – Faculty finished within two weeks of discovery. OSI finished within three months of notification. **For details see Addendum – “Report of the Academic Misconduct Process Review Committee”
Recommendation #2:Increase staffing in the Dean of Students Office.Status: Complete Academic Integrity Team Gail DiSabatino, Dean of Students Karen Boyd, Senior Associate Dean of Students Andrea Goldblum, Assistant Dean of Students for Academic Integrity Ericka McGarity, Ethics Education Specialist Chrissy Sewall, Judicial Administrator John Dean, Honor Advisory Council Chairperson
Recommendation #3:Increase the size of the pool of faculty and students available to empanel a Student Honor Committee.Status: Complete Faculty Statutes and By-laws amended February 25, 2003, faculty have been elected and students appointments are in process. CurrentOriginal Faculty 12 4 Undergraduate 6 2 Graduate 3 1
Recommendation #4:Provide additional training and resource materials for Student Honor panel members to ensure consistency of approach, process, and decision-making.Status: Complete Implemented Fall 2002 • Honor Committee members attended a 2 hour in-service. • Student members and chairpersons attended an additional hour and a half training session. • The judicial hearing panel manual was created and provided to the hearing panel members.
Recommendation #5:Schedule Student Honor Committee hearings during the summer semester, if necessary, to resolve cases in a timely manner.Status: Complete • Hearings were held during Summers 2002 and 2003 • Even with expanded committee membership, coordinating summer schedules for the members, accusing and accused persons, and witnesses is a challenge.
Recommendation #6:Allow and encourage the option for a three-way face-to-face meeting between the student, the faculty member, and a member of the Dean of Students Office.Status: In Process • A faculty/student committee developed the concept of a faculty-student option and an acceptable process for implementing this recommendation. • 2003-2004 will be spent amending the Code of Conduct and developing computer resources to implement faculty resolution option (2003-2004). **For details see Addendum – “Report of the Academic Misconduct Process Review Committee”
Recommendation #7:The Dean of Students Office and the Office of the Provost…should share appropriate information on policy concerns, trends in academic misconduct, and other types of data analysis and reporting.Status: Complete and on-going Continue • The established format of semesterly formal meetings with the Associate Provost and other communication as needed • System update presentations to departments and faculty committees Recently implemented and distributed to faculty and academic administrators as appropriate • Enhanced Academic Integrity System statistics • Bi-annual faculty newsletter focusing on academic integrity and the Institute’s judicial process • End of the year report outlining academic integrity accomplishments, activities, and concerns
Recommendation #8:We request that the Faculty Senate create a new Committee on Academic Integrity.Status: Complete Amended the Faculty Statutes and By-laws to establish the Committee on Academic Integrity on February 25, 2003. Composition of Academic Integrity Committee Cheryl Contant, Student Honor Committee Faculty Chairperson Tom Morley, Faculty Member Magnus Egerstedt, Faculty Member Russ Callen, Faculty Member John Dean, Honor Advisory Council, Chairperson Undergraduate Representative Graduate Representative
Recommendation #9:Once a hearing is scheduled, the only individual authorized to cancel that hearing should be the Chair of the Student Honor Committee.Status: Complete Amended Student Code of Conduct on September 17, 2002
Recommendation #10:For first-time student offenders, we believe a mandatory non-credit course on academic integrity should be required.Status: Complete • Applying seminar as a sanction beginning Fall 2003 • First seminar begins the first week of October 2003
The State of Academic IntegrityJudicial System Statistics Trend Data Comparison and Pending Cases
FYI Concerns • Continuing problems scheduling HC meetings (1st Fall 9/5 – 1st Spring 2/3) • Higher number of students choosing to go to the HC • Significant number of students choosing to go before the HC are internationals and minorities • Many academic integrity violations include students’ misuse of technology either intentionally or without malice (i.e. e-mail forwarding answers to tests, internet plagarism, programming calculator, etc.) • Students are confused as to what IS appropriate collaboration on each assignment
Upcoming Tasks for the Office of Student Integrity • Implement the recommendations of the Academic Misconduct Review Committee • Operationalize the faculty Academic Integrity Committee • Finalize Honor Advisory Council’s strategic plan Primary Goal – Installation of Honor Challenge Statement in all classrooms
Executive Summary of Academic Misconduct Process Review Committee Spring 2003 Chaired by Amy Stalzer Goal of review committee accomplished by focusing on two suggested changes: • Creating an additional faculty-student resolution option to the current judicial process. • Developing a system that addresses issues for students, including timeliness, rights, and consistency. See attached summary
Anticipated Academic Integrity Committee Activities • Process Issues – Develop Academic Integrity sanctions model • System for Honor Issues - Assess and respond to climate • Support Faculty – Complete needs assessment and identify goals for committee