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Rotifera Fauna Composition in Lake Ohrid Littoral Zone

Explore Rotifera fauna in Lake Ohrid's littoral zone to assess water quality using bioindicative species. Findings show seasonal variations and richness in species composition.

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Rotifera Fauna Composition in Lake Ohrid Littoral Zone

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  1. Composition and dynamic of Rotifera fauna from eastern littoral zone of Lake Ohrid as parameter of water quality Authors: Orhideja Tasevska Goce Kostoski Dafina Guseska

  2. Abstract Being rather tolerant to different environmental conditions, many rotifer species are good indicators of water quality and can be used for the ecological monitoring of water bodies. The aim of this study was to explore fauna of Rotifera from littoral zone of Lake Ohrid and to determine the water quality on the basis of the noted bioindicative rotifers. During the investigated period 30 species were identified. Their qualitative and quantitative composition varied dependent on season and locations. The most diverse composition was recorded in summer. The rotifer composition in the quiet bays with macrophyte vegetation is rich and more exuberant then in sand localities. The most of the noted species were oligo-b-mesosaprobic and b-mesosaprobic indicators, except Rotaria rotatoria that belongs to a-mesosaprobic water. Saprobiological testing based on rotifera showed that the water was oligo-b-mesosaprobic.

  3. Lake Ohrid with investigated localities: • Ohrid bay • Metropol • Pestani • inflow of the river Cerava • St. Naum Metropol

  4. During the investigated period 30 species were identified: Notommata copeus Ehrenberg,1834 Cephalodella gibba (Ehrenberg,1832) Scaridium longicaudum (Müller,1786) Trichocerca (Diurella) weberi (Jennings, 1903) Trichocerca bicristata (Gosse, 1887) Trichocerca longiseta (Schrank, 1802) Polyarthra vulgaris Carlin, 1943 Ploesoma truncatum (Levander, 1894) Lecane luna (Müller, 1776) Lecane (Monostyla) closterocerca (Schmarda, 1859) Lecane (Monostyla) lunaris (Ehrenberg, 1832) Lecane (Monostyla) bulla (Gosse, 1886) Trichotria pocillum (Müller, 1776) Trichotria tetractis (Ehrenberg, 1830) Mytilina ventralis brevispina(orig. x 200)

  5. Mytilina ventralis brevispina (Ehrenberg, 1832) Mytilina ventralis ventralis (Ehrenberg, 1832) Lophocharis oxysternon (Gosse, 1851) Colurella adriatica Ehrenberg, 1831 Colurella uncinata bicuspidata (Ehrenberg, 1832) Lepadella patella (Müller, 1776) Lepadella triptera Ehrenberg, 1830 Euchlanis incisa Carlin, 1939 Euchlanis dilatata Ehrenberg, 1832 Platyias quadricornis(Ehrenberg, 1832) Notholca foliacea Ehrenberg, 1838 Testudinella patina trilobata (Anderson et Shepard, 1892) Testudinella patina patina (Hermann, 1783) Philodina megalotrocha Ehrenberg, 1832 Rotaria rotatoria (Pallas, 1766) Dissotrocha aculeata (Ehrenberg, 1832) Rotaria rotatoria (orig., x 100)

  6. Testudinella patina trilobata(orig., x 200) Lecane luna(orig., x 100)

  7. Scaridium longicaudum(orig., x 100) Platyias quadricornis (orig., x 100)

  8. Identified species: G. Kl s Pestani (2001) sp h su h a h w h 1. Scaridium longicaudum (Müller, 1786) I, II 1,4 - 1 - - 2. Trichocerca bicristata (Gosse, 1887) I, II 1,5 - 3 - - 3. Polyarthra vulgaris Carlin, 1943 II 2,1 5 1 - - 4. Ploesoma truncatum (Levander, 1894) I, II 1,5 3 1 - - 5. Trichotria pocillum (Müller, 1776) I, II 1,5 - 1 - - 6. Trichotria tetractis (Ehrenberg, 1830) II 1,7 - 3 - - 7. Mytilina ventralis ventralis (Ehrenberg, 1832) I 1,0 1 5 - - 8. Colurella uncinata bicuspidata (Ehrenberg, 1832) I, II 1,8 - 1 - - 9. Lepadella patella (Müller, 1776) II 1,7 1 1 - - 10. Lepadella triptera Ehrenberg, 1830 I 1,3 - 1 - - 11. Euchlanis dilatata Ehrenberg, 1832 I, II 1,6 1 - - - 12. Testudinella patina patina (Hermann, 1783) II, III 2,4 - 1 - - S 1,75 1,5 / / Table 3. Identified species in locality Pestani (2001) and their saprobiological belonging

  9. CONCLUSIONS: • During the investigated period 30 species were identified. • The most diverse composition was recorded in summer. • The most of the noted species were oligo-b-mesosaprobic and b-mesosaprobic indicators. • The saprobic index of this part of the Lake was between 1.5 and 2 that corresponds with oligo-b-mesosaprobic waters.

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