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Effective Leadership and Management Practices in Business

This module explores the fundamentals of business organization, leadership, and management. Understand the roles and functions of managers, hierarchy levels, management styles, leadership qualities, and human resource management practices. Learn about planning, organizing, staffing, implementing, controlling, and different leadership styles. Discover the responsibilities of human resources managers, job analysis, recruitment, employee classification, compensation management, benefits, performance evaluation, and employee transitions within an organization.

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Effective Leadership and Management Practices in Business

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Essential Standard 2.00 Understand business organization and management.

  2. Objective 2.02 Understand leadership and management.

  3. Topics • Management • Leadership • Human Resource Management

  4. Management

  5. Management • What is the role of a manager? • Describe the five functions of management: • Planning • Organizing • Staffing • Implementing • Controlling

  6. Management continued • What are the different levels of management? • Top • Mid-management • Supervisors • Management by others • Describe each management level:

  7. Management continued • What is management style? • Describe the different types of management styles: • Tactical • Strategic • Mixed

  8. Leadership

  9. Leadership • What is leadership? • What characteristics do a good leader possess?

  10. Intelligence Judgment Objectivity Initiative Dependability Understanding Cooperation Honesty Courage Confidence Stability Leadership continued How many did you name?

  11. Leadership continued What are the different styles of leadership? • What is an autocratic leader? • What is a democratic leader? • What is an open or laissez-faire leader?

  12. Human Resources Manager

  13. Human Resources Management • What is the role of human resources managers? • What are the functions of human resources management? • What is included in each function of human resource management?

  14. Human Resources Management continued • What are the two main parts of planning and job analysis? • How can employees be classified? • How does a human resource manager determine job requirements?

  15. Human Resources Management continued • What are the two main parts of recruiting and hiring employees? • What is included in the application process? • What is included in new employee orientation?

  16. Human Resources Management continued • What are the two main parts of managing compensations and benefits? • What are the different types of compensation? • What are some employee benefits that may be available?

  17. Human Resources Management continued • What are the two main parts of managing performance of employees? • What is included in employee evaluation? • How may an employee transition throughout the company?

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