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DTD of SNe Ia from SNLS - Preliminary Results

This study presents preliminary results on the delay time distribution (DTD) of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). The DTD is the rate of supernovae as a function of time from a burst of star formation. The study examines the importance of DTD for discriminating among progenitor models and compares the DTD determinations from different sources. It also highlights the potential effects of burst events and age systematics on the DTD.

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DTD of SNe Ia from SNLS - Preliminary Results

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  1. The DTD of SNe Ia from SNLS – Preliminary Results Chris Pritchet (U. Victoria) Mark Sullivan (Oxford U.) Damien Le Borgne (IAP) + SNLS Collaboration

  2. Delay time distribution • DTD(t) = rate of supernovae as a function of time from a burst of star formation DTD(t) SNe/yr/1010 M SFR(t) t

  3. Importance of DTD(t) • potential to discriminate among progenitor models Greggio 2005

  4. DTD History • pre-1990 – “prevailing wisdom” was that all SN Ia were old because they occur in E/S0 galaxies • by 2004 – SNe Ia have higher rates in young galaxies – both young and old progenitors

  5. Recent DTD Determinations • from SNR as a function of z • from age/SFH estimates of SN host and field galaxies (SN age ~ galaxy age) Totani et al 2008: Subaru/XMM survey 65 variable objects ages from SED fitting

  6. Recent DTD Determinations • from SFR(z) • from age/SFH estimates of SN host and field galaxies (SN age ≈ galaxy age) Maoz et al 2010: LOSS survey 82 SNeIa SFH from SDSS Maoz

  7. Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) • 2003-2008, 4 deg2, ugriz, 4d samples, CFHT 3.6m+MegaCam • spec types and z (VLT, Gemini, Keck) - 370 SNeIa (0.2<z<1)

  8. z distribution and completeness SNIa* SNIa • Perrett et al 2011

  9. Pegase/zpeg ages and redshifts • mass, SFR, age, z for different evol scenarios

  10. SN weighting SNe / year (all fields, rest-frame) Perrett et al 2011 # of observing seasons length of each observing season

  11. DTD Calculation • Use only SNe with hosts in magnitude-limited catalogue • assumes that SN DTD does not depend on host galaxy mass • In each time bin of DTD t1t2, sum wi values for SNe with t1<ti<t2; normalize by host mass in time bin:

  12. 2 different M(t) methods • 0.2 < z < 0.75, 4 SNLS fields (3.6 deg2) • dashed=SFR(z), solid=observed SFR(z) log M log M(t) Hopkins and Beacom 2006 log t

  13. DTD • other z ranges give the same result

  14. Comparison with Totani et al 2008 t-1 Totani Mannucci

  15. Power-law fit t-1.35

  16. Two power laws t-0.7 t-3 cutoff real

  17. Comparison with DD solid – Mennekens et al 2010 dotted – Ruiter et al 2009 dashed – Yungelson and Livio 2000

  18. Comparison with SD solid – Mennekens et al 2010 dotted – Ruiter et al 2009 dashed – Hachisu et al 1999 dash dot – Han and Podsiadlowski 2004

  19. Further corrections • Have assumed that TSN=<Thost>. Not necessarily true • iterative approach to correct statistically • correction for dead stars • slope steeper by ~0.1 • effects of bursts • effects of catastrophic errors in M or age

  20. Supernova light curve stretch s Making a standard candle aka Phillips relation

  21. stretch dependence of DTD • not due to age systematics • two types of progenitors??

  22. Conclusions • simple DTD ~ 1/t may not be the best description of the SN Ia DTD • excellent match to Mennekens et al 2010 population synthesis models • s<1 and >1 show differences in DTD below 109 yr – different progenitors?

  23. t-1 Totani Mannucci

  24. t-1 Totani Mannucci

  25. DTD from 2 different M(t) methods • 0.2 < z < 0.75, red=SFR(z), black=obs

  26. Making a standard candle

  27. Making a standard candle

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