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TRAINING BASKET QUALIFY FOR TOMORROW www.trainingbasket.in Helpline No. 9015887887 WhatsApp No.: 9899080002 Regd. Off. Plot No. A-40, Unit 301/302, Tower A, 3rd Floor I-Thum Tower Near Corenthum Tower, Sector-62, Noida - 201309 | Tel: 0120-2405511
Core PHP TRAINING BASKET QUALIFY FOR TOMORROW Introduction to PHP Evaluation of Php Basic Syntax Defining variable and constant Php Data type Using Hidden field Using cookies Using session String matching with regular expression What is regular expression Pattern matching in Php Replacing text Splitting a string with a Regular Expression Generating Images with PHP Creating Image Database Connectivity with MySqli Introduction to RDBMS Connection with MySql Database Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select) Setting query parameter Executing query Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.) Operator and Expression Handling Html Form With Php Capturing Form Data Dealing with Multi-value filed Generating File uploaded form Redirecting a form after submission Decisions and loop Making Decisions Doing Repetitive task with looping Mixing Decisions and looping with Html Function What is a function Define a function Call by value and Call by reference Recursive function Introduction to OOPS Introduction Objects ASKET Declaring a class The new keyword and constructor String Creating and accessing String O Searching & Replacing String Formatting String String Related Library function W Destructor B Access method and properties using $this variable Public ,private, protected properties and methods StaticTproperties and method C lass constant FORInheritance & code reusability Polymorphism Parent:: & self:: keyword Instanceof operator Abstract method and class Interface Final Namespace and Trait Exception Handling Understanding Exception and error Try, catch, throw Ajax Introduction to AJAX PHP with AJAX Working with database OMORR TRAINING Array Anatomy of an Array Creating index based and Associative array ALIFY Accessing array Element Looping with Index based array QU Looping with associative array using each() and foreach() Some useful Library function Working with file and Directories Understanding file& directory Opening and closing a file Coping ,renaming and deleting a file Working with directories Building a text editor File Uploading & Downloading State management Using query string(URL rewriting) Using Hidden field Using cookies Using session State management Understanding of MVC (Model View Controller) Using query string(URL rewriting)
TRAINING BASKET QUALIFY FOR TOMORROW Cms (Content Management System) Wordpress Magento – Cron Magento Extensions Dashboard Post Media Pages Comments Appearance Plugins Users Tools Setting Theme Customization Woo commerce Theme Development Plugin Development Opencart Introduction to Ecommerce and Shopping Cart Introduction to Opencart Installation and Configuration of Opencart Understanding Opencart extensions Understanding the categories, product options Usage of Controllers in Opencart Usage of Models in Opencart Usage of Views in Opencart on between Model, View and Controller Relati Understanding Opencart plugins Understanding Opencart themes Magento Website Creation Frameworks Codeigniter What is Codeigniter Introduction to the MVC pattern in Codeigniter Installing Codeigniter Creating Static Page Controller Generating Output with the view Introduction to the Models Modeling in Codeigniter Displaying the output using models Introducing codeigniter libraries Creating Forms Validation in Forms Security in input forms Displaying the Output using libraries Using Helpers Output data using helpers Laravel Introduction of Laravel 4 Laravel 4 MVC Laravel 4 routing Installing Composer and Command line tool Blade essentials Resource Controllers Laravel 4 Route groups andWfilters Payment processors Project Examples and Roundup Opencart custom page creation for O Working with Database EloquentBCRUD Laravel 4 Query Builder EloquentTrelations Laravel 4 Migrations Laravel 4 Database Seeding FOR Forms and Validation Setting up laravel form OMORR ASKET TRAINING admin and front also. Opencart Module development Magento Install ation Creating Admi n Post R esource Magento Introduction to Content Management System Introduction to Magento Introduction to Xampp Xampp Installation ALIFY Validation a form QU Login to the Magento Administrator Magento Overview Website store Categories Catalogs Products Theme Sales Configuration Payment methods Shipping methods Emails Website Frontend Pages Blocks Widgets Layout customization Website configuration Magento Tools Creating a Frontend Setting up the Blog Securing the admin panel Handling routing Establishing an HTML View Creating Tables with Schema Builder Enabling Version Control with Migrations Querying with eloquent ORM Displaying Laravel Code Working with Blade Templating Defining Conditions Integrating form elements Setting up Authentication Creating a registeration form Securing Content Authenticating users in Laravel Application Cake Php Cake Php Installing and Running Cake Php
TRAINING BASKET QUALIFY FOR TOMORROW PHP Creating a To-Do List Application. Naming Files and Designing the Database. Creating Simple Views and Baking in the Console Customizing Views Working with Controllers and Models Implementing Ajax Features Helpers Routes Components and Utilities Vendors Plugins DataSources and Behaviors Wrapping Up the Application We will cover CMS and Frameworks will cover in this course ASKET W O OMORR B TRAINING T FOR ALIFY QU
CURRICULUM OF CORE AND ADVANCE PYTHON Accessing and Joining Replica ng and Slicing OPERATORS Arithme c Operators Rela onal Operators Logical Operators Membership Operators Iden ty Operators Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators Operators Precedence Evalua ng Expression Type Cas ng GETTING STARTED History & need of Python Applica on of Python Advantages of Python Disadvantages of Python Installing Python Program structure Interac ve Shell Executable or script files. User Interface or IDE PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS Working with Interac ve mode Working with Script mode Python Character Set Python Tokens, Keywords, Iden fiers, Literals, Operators Variables and Assignments Input and Output in Python DATA HANDLING Data Types Numbers Strings Lists Tuples Dic]onary Set Frozenset Bool Mutable and Immutable STRING MANIPULATION Introduc on to Python String Accessing Individual Elements String Operators String Slices String FuncPons and Methods LIST MANIPULATION Introduc on to Python List Crea ng List Accessing List Joining List Replica ng List List Slicing TUPLES Introduc on to Tuple Crea ng Tuples Accessing Tuples Joining Tuples Replica ng Tuples Tuple Slicing DICTIONARIES Introduc on to Dic onary Accessing values in dic onaries Working with dicÁonaries Proper es SET AND FROZENSET Introduc on to Set and Frozenset Crea ng Set and Frozenset PROGRAM CONTROL FLOW Condivonal Statements The if Statement The if-else Statement The if-elif Statement Nested if Statements Python Indenta on LOOPING AND ITERATION The For Loop The While Loop Loop else Statement Nested Loops Break and Con nue THE RANGE FUNCTION Introduc on to range() Types of range() func on Use of range() func on INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONS Built-In Func ons Introduc on to Func ons Using a Func ons Python Func on Types Structure of Python Func ons E.g. - map, zip, reduce, filter, any, chr, ord, sorted, globals, locals, all, etc. USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS Structure of a Python Program w.r.t. UDF Types of Func ons Invoking UDF Flow of Execu on Arguments and Parameters Default Arguments, Named Arguments Scope of Variables Lambda func on RECURSION FUNCTION Use of recursion func on MODULES AND PACKAGES Built-in Modules Imporng Modules in Python Programs Regd. Off. Plot No. A-40, Unit 301/302, Tower A, 3rd Floor I-Thum Tower Near Corenthum Tower, Sector-62, Noida - 201309 | Tel: 0120-2405511 www.trainingbasket.in Helpline No. 9015887887 WhatsApp No.: 9899080002
CURRICULUM OF CORE AND ADVANCE PYTHON Working with Random Modules E.g. - buil ns, os, me, date me, calendar, sys, etc. USER DEFINED MODULES Structure of Python Modules FILE OPERATIONS Text and Bytes files Opening a file Reading and Wri ng Files Other File tools MS EXCEL FILES Introduc on to MS Excel files CLASSES AND OBJECTS Classes as User Defined Data Type Objects as Instances of Classes Crea ng Class and Objects Crea ng Objects By Passing Values Variables & Methods in a Class EXCEPTION HANDLING Default Excep-on and Errors Catching Excep-ons Raise an excep-on Try.... except statement Raise, Assert, Finally blocks User defined excep-on INTRODUCTION TO OOPS Procedural Vs Modular Programming The Object Oriented Programming Data Abstrac on Data Hiding Encapsula on Modularity Inheritance Polymorphism DATABASE Introduc on to MySQL PYMYSQL Connec ons Execu ng queries Transacons Handling error GUI PROGRAMMING Introduc on Tkinter programming Tkinter widgets Frame Bu on Label Entry TURTLE PROGRAMMING Introduc on to Turtle Controlling Turtle Anima on Programming MULTITHREADING Thread and Process Star ng a thread Threading module Synchronizing threads Mulµthreaded Priority Queue NETWORKING* Socket Module Server-client-socket Connec ng client server Client-server cha ng program REGULAR EXPRESSIONS* Match func(on Search func(on Grouping Matching at Beginning or End Match Objects Flags ADVANCED CONCEPTS* Decorators Generators Iterators Co-rou nes CGI* Architecture CGI environment variable GET and POST methods Cookies File upload www.trainingbasket.in Helpline No. 9015887887 WhatsApp No.: 9899080002 Regd. Off. Plot No. A-40, Unit 301/302, Tower A, 3rd Floor I-Thum Tower Near Corenthum Tower, Sector-62, Noida - 201309 | Tel: 0120-2405511