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CISM Exam Certified Information Security Manager https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Certified Information Security Manager ISACA has produced these study materials as an educational resource to assist individuals preparing to take the CISM certification exam. They were produced independently from the CISM Certification Board, which has no responsibility for their content. The demand for skilled information security management professionals is on the rise, and the CISM certification is the globally accepted standard of achievement in this area. CISMs understand the business. They know how to manage and adapt technology to their enterprise and industry. https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Why Employers Hire CISMs? Enterprises and government agencies increasingly recognize, require and expect their IS and IT professionals to hold CISM certification. . CISM employees: Identify critical issues and customize company-specific practices to support the governance of information and related technologies Bring credibility to the enterprise for which they are employed Take a comprehensive view of information systems security management and their relationship to organizational success Demonstrate to enterprise customers their commitment to compliance, security and integrity; ultimately contributing to the attraction and retention of customers Ensure that there is improved alignment between the organization's information security program and its broader goals and objectives Provide the enterprise with a certification for Information security management that is recognized by multinational clients and enterprises, lending credibility to the enterprise https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Question No 1 Sample Questions An IS manager has decided to implement a security system to monitor access to the Internet and prevent access to numerous sites. Immediately upon installation, employees Hood the IT helpdesk with complaints of being unable to perform business functions on Internet sites. This is an example of: Options A. conflicting security controls with organizational needs. B. strong protection of information resources. C. implementing appropriate controls to reduce risk. D. proving information security's protective abilities. Answer: A https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Question No 2 The MOST appropriate role for senior management in supporting information security is the: Optios A. evaluation of vendors offering security products. B. assessment of risks to the organization. C. approval of policy statements and funding. D. monitoring adherence to regulatory requirements. Answer: C https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Question No 3 Which of the following measures would be MOST effective against insider threats to confidential information? Options A. Role-based access control B. Audit trail monitoring C. Privacy policy D. Defense-in-depth Answer: A https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Question No 4 Which of the following would a security manager establish to determine the target for restoration of normal processing? Options A. Recover)' time objective (RTO) B. Maximum tolerable outage (MTO) C. Recovery point objectives (RPOs) D. Services delivery objectives (SDOs) Answer: A https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
Question No 5 An organization has adopted a practice of regular staff rotation to minimize the risk of fraud and encourage crosstraining. Which type of authorization policy would BEST address this practice? Options A. Multilevel B. Role-based C. Discretionary D. Attribute-based Answer: B https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html
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CISM Exam Certified Information Security Manager Complete PDF Download From Realexamdumps.us https://www.realexamdumps.us/isaca/cism-braindumps.html