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Learn selenium online training at Tekslate

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Learn selenium online training at Tekslate

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  1. Tekslate What​​​​is​​​​Selenium? Selenium IDE in an integrated development environment which tests code while integrating browser activity. The main ambition of writing these types of tests is to mimic user actions to determine if the web server and database are behaving as expected as they carry out the users’ commands. Documents are the heart of selenium tests. These commands are a way of knowing what part of the application is being tested and what the user expects the browser to present. Writing tests is almost simple with selenium. The end product of a selenium test can be transformed to any language, however, by default, selenium scripts are simply a combination of “Selenese” commands in an HTML format. However, by creating or downloading a user extension, JavaScript commands may also be implemented. User extensions themselves are created with JavaScript by adding methods to the Selenium object prototype. More insights​​of​​this​​automation​​testing​​can​​be​​gained​​from​​Selenium​​training​​through​​online​​learning. Why​​​​to​​​​attend​​​​Tekslate​​​​Online​​​​Training​​​​?​​ Classes​​are​​conducted​​by​​Certified​​Selenium​​Working​​Professionals​​with​​100​​%​​Quality​​Assurance. With an experienced Certified practitioner who will teach you the essentials you need to know to kick-start your career on Selenium. Our training make you more productive with your Selenium Training Online. Our training style is entirely hands-on. We will provide access to our desktop screen and will be actively conducting​​hands-on​​labs​​with​​real-time​​projects. Selenium​​​​Online​​​​Training After​​the​​completion​​of​​Selenium​​training,​​a​​participant​​will​​be​​able​​to ● ● ● ● ● ● Understand​​the​​Selenium​​Architecture​​and​​its​​related​​components Conducting​​the​​handling​​process​​of​​Alerts​​and​​Multiple​​windows​​operation Recording​​and​​playing​​the​​tests​​using​​Selenium​​IDE Drafting​​Tests​​using​​TestNG Learning​​TestNG​​Annotations,​​Assertions,​​Generating​​Test​​Reports​​etc., Finding out the test elements making use of Locators by id, by name, by class, by tag name, by linktext,​​by​​css,​​by​​xpath,​​etc Developing​​Reusable​​automation​​Tests Being​​trained​​in​​Selenium​​WebDriver/​​Selenium​​2.0 Learning​​the​​process​​of​​creating​​and​​running​​of​​the​​Test​​Suits​​using​​testng.xml Automating Editbox, DropdownList, Link, Checkbox, RadioButtons, Tables, Calender, Keyboard and​​mouse​​operations. Authenticating​​the​​page​​contents​​making​​use​​of​​Selenium​​WebDriver ● ● ● ● ● Selenium​​​​Training​​​​Courses For​​more​​info:​​​https://tekslate.com/selenium-training/

  2. Tekslate Following​​candidates​​can​​attend​​Selenium​​training ● ● ● Aspirants​​looking​​for​​permanent​​jobs​​in​​big​​IT​​corporations Aspirants​​willing​​to​​work​​as​​“Freelance​​Test​​Engineers” Students/scholars willing to start their professional career as a “Test Engineer” with any of the IT giants Aspirants with additional IT skills and educational background who are willing to gain practical freelancing​​experience​​in​​the​​related​​field Proficient​​IT​​professionals​​who​​are​​willing​​to​​switch​​their​​field​​of​​work​​towards​​Testing​​field ● ● Prerequisites ● ● ● Basic​​knowledge​​on​​software​​development​​experience​​(recommended) General​​understanding​​of​​web-based​​applications​​(desired) Knowledge of Java programming is not a prerequisite for this course, but such knowledge is beneficial Selenium​​​​Online​​​​Course​​​​Curriculum Introduction​​​​to​​​​automation​​​​testing What​​is​​​Automation​​Testing​,​​When​​it​​comes​​into​​the​​picture,​​What​​are​​the​​uses​​of​​automation​​testing. Introduction​​​​to​​​​Selenium What is ​Selenium​​, Use of Selenium, When Selenium can be useful in testing, Features of Selenium, Differences​​between​​Selenium​​and​​QTP. Selenium​​​​Components Selenium​​IDE,​​Selenium​​RC,​​Selenium​​Grid. Downloading​​​​Selenium​​​​IDE​​​​from​​​​Mozilla Recording​​the​​script,​​Running​​the​​script,​​How​​to​​save​​recorded​​script Object Identification, Difference between test case and test suite, Languages supported while recording, Synchronization in Selenium IDE, Testing vs Selenium IDE, When to use Selenium IDE, How to run recorded​​script​​against​​other​​browsers,​​Why​​companies​​are​​not​​using​​recording​​tools. Creating​​​​the​​​​Environment​​​​for​​​​Selenium​​​​RC For​​more​​info:​​​https://tekslate.com/selenium-training/

  3. Tekslate Creating generic scripts in Selenium, Creating scripts by using functions, Running the scripts in Eclipse, Inheritance, Browser commands with examples, Interactive commands with examples, Information commands with examples, Validation commands with examples, How to take data from ​Excel sheets, Why to use Excel sheets, How to take large amount of data from Excel sheets, How to export data to Excel sheets, Export large amount of data to an Excel sheet, How to export results after completion of test, Execution, How to use Eclipse, Debugging the script, Maintaining synchronization points, How to handle​​popups​​and​​alert​​messages,​​Developing​​reusable​​script​​for​​any​​project,​​Automation​​Life​​Cycle. Validations What is Validation, What is the use of validation in automation testing, When to use validations in real time,​​How​​to​​use​​validations. Framework What is a Framework, Types of Frameworks, What is modular framework, What is data driven framework, What is keyword driven framework, What is hybrid framework, Use of framework, Explaining about your framework, How to develop a framework, Integration of the framework, How to execute scripts from framework. Core​​​​Java​​​​Fundamentals Java Programming Language Keywords, Class and Object, Data Types, Array Declaration, Construction and​​Initialization. Flow​​​​Control,​​​​Exceptions​​​​and​​​​Assertions Writing code using if and switch, Writing code using loops, Handling exceptions, Working with the assertion​​mechanism. Object​​​​Orientation,​​​​Overloading​​​​and​​​​Overriding,​​​​Constructors Benefits​​of​​Encapsulation,​​Overridden​​and​​Overloaded​​Methods. Using​​​​the​​​​java.lang.String​​​​Class Using the java langMath Class, Using Wrapper classes, Using the equals() method with strings and, wrappers​​and​​objects. Inner​​​​Classes Method​​local​​inner​​classes,​​Anonymous​​inner​​classes,​​Static​​nested​​classes. Defining,​​​​Instantiating​​​​and​​​​Starting​​​​Threads Preventing​​thread​​execution,​​Synchronizing​​code,​​Thread​​interaction. JUnit​​​​​​Introduction For​​more​​info:​​​https://tekslate.com/selenium-training/

  4. Tekslate Proving it works, Starting from scratch, Understanding unit testing frameworks, Setting up JUnit, Testing with​​JUnit. Object​​​​Repository What is object repository, How to use object repository in framework, What is the use of maintaining object​​repository,​​Types​​of​​creating​​object​​repository. Additional​​​​Concepts How​​to​​use​​Xpath,​​How​​to​​use​​DOM,​​How​​to​​use​​key​​commands. Automated​​​​vs.​​​​Manual​​​​Testing Automation is the best way to make sure that tests are run often. Automating tests also means that developers can develop a ​test script before the program is written. This is the ideal process because the developer can then confirm as soon as the program is written that it does what was expected of it with the click of a button. Each time you write an automated test, you might have missed the chance to perform 3 manual tests. In general, creating the original automated test script with encoded verifications that test certain elements of the program can often be more intricate than simply clicking the links and verifying with one look that everything has loaded properly. That being said, with the knowledge that these scripted tests can be run over and over again, it is best to trust automation to do the job. Consider the fact that the tester, who may or may not be involved in development, is not always able to pick up on the finer details of the program that might have changed. Instead of having to remember every aspect of the program and make sure everything is still in order, the developer can trust their previously constructed script to do so. In future cases, the need to manually test the program would no longer be necessary. Automated testing comes in especially handy with web software. If you were testing a shrink-wrap product whose product direction and code base has changed wildly in the last few months you may not even have time to try all the obvious tests once. In the time you would spend automating your tests, you could find at least one completely new bug. In this case, the cost of automation is high. There are a few questions one should ask oneself when determining whether or not to automate tests. Is the feature a core/critical feature? Is the test tedious and error prone? Will my test script verify results via a fragile method (screen capture) or a sturdy method? Is the feature I am trying to automate undergoing a lot of churn? When this script fails, how easy will it be for me to investigate the failure? One thing that will cause test scripts to fail just about faster​​than​​anything​​else​​is​​the​​product​​changing.​​This​​is​​why​​refactoring​​tests​​is​​so​​important. Selenium​​​​Components Selenium​​​​IDE Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit, debug and execute tests. It can also record user actions in most of the popular languages like Java, C#, Perl, Ruby etc. This eliminates the need of learning new vendor scripting language. For executing scripts created in these languages, you will need to use Selenium Remote Control. If you do not want to use Remote Control than you will need to create your test For​​more​​info:​​​https://tekslate.com/selenium-training/

  5. Tekslate script in HTML format. Biggest drawback of Selenium IDE is its limitation in terms of browser support. Though Selenium scripts can be used for most of the browser and operating system, Scripts written using Selenium​​IDE​​can​​be​​used​​for​​only​​Firefox​​browser​​if​​it​​is​​not​​used​​with​​Selenium​​RC​​or​​Selenium​​Core. Selenium​​​​Core Selenium Core is a test tool for web applications. Selenium Core tests run directly in a browser. And they run in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. But to use Selenium Core we need​​to​​make​​it​​available​​from​​the​​same​​web​​server​​as​​the​​application​​you​​want​​to​​test(AUT). Selenium​​​​Remote​​​​Control Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. Selenium RC comes in two parts. 1. A server which can automatically launch and kill supported browsers, and acts as a HTTP proxy for web requests from those browsers. 2. Client libraries for your favorite computer​​language. Selenium​​​​VS​​​​QTP For​​more​​info:​​​https://tekslate.com/selenium-training/

  6. Tekslate Limitations​​​​of​​​​Selenium Even​​though​​Selenium​​has​​many​​advantages;​​it​​has​​its​​own​​disadvantages,​​which​​are​​as​​follows; Supports​​only​​browser​​based​​application,​​not​​the​​windows​​application Does​​not​​support​​file​​uploads​​from​​local​​machine Provides​​only​​partial​​support​​for​​dialog​​boxes Being​​an​​open​​source,​​Selenium​​has​​no​​official​​technical​​support For​​more​​info:​​​https://tekslate.com/selenium-training/

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