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Reference: Aymerich , F. M., Fenu , G., & Surcis , S. (2008). An approach to a cloud computing network. Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2008. ICADIWT 2008. First International Conference on the, 113-118. Basics of Cloud Computing. Manasa Guduru
Reference: Aymerich, F. M., Fenu, G., & Surcis, S. (2008). An approach to a cloud computing network. Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2008. ICADIWT 2008. First International Conference on the, 113-118. Basics of Cloud Computing ManasaGuduru SaiPrasanth Sridhar Malinisrinivasan SindujaNarasimhan
Introduction • How do you access a cloud? • Internet Browser • PDA • Smartphone • Etc… • How can you use cloud computing? • Storing Personal Data • Email • Maps • Managing Resources • Etc…
Early Cloud Computing • Grid Computers in the 90s. • Cluster-based computing for search engines. • Main difference between grid and cluster • Grid can manage geographically distributed computational resources. • Cloud computing • In terms of computational use, it is a subset of grid computing • From sociological standpoint, users can interact with online cloud rather than traditional stand alone mode.
Cloud Services • SaaS • Software as a Service • HaaS • Hardware as a Service • DaaS • Database as a Service • PaaS • Platform as a Service
Benefits • Technical Advantages • User advantages • Architectural Advantages • Advantages for the Companies
Technical Advantages • It easily handles peak load situations without the need for additional hardware infrastructures that would remain largely underutilized. • Resources can be virtualized and presented to customers as virtual servers which they manage themselves. • Storing data in the cloud has some distinct advantages over client-based access. It is possible to use the processing power of the cloud to do things that traditional productivity applications cannot do. • For Example, users can instantly search over GBs of e-mail online, which is practically impossible to do on a desktop.
User Advantages • One of the greatest advantages is that the user is no longer tied to a traditional computer to use an application, or has to buy a version specifically configured for a phone, PDA or other device. • In future any device that can access the Internet will be able to run a cloud-based application. • Users will not have to worry about storage capacity, compatibility or other matters. Also, when accessing an application on the cloud, the user can be sure of getting the latest version (without having to upgrade the version stored hard drive).
Architectural Advantages • Cloud Computing infrastructure allows the enterprises to use the resources more efficiently so as to maximize the ROI (Return on Investment). • Cloud Computing enables Innovation. • The architecture allows enterprises in pooling resources into large clouds to cut down costs and increase utilization. • Cloud Computing architecture provides improved automation services, improved flexibility, and sustainability. • It can be located in areas with lower costs of space and electricity. • Cloud computing provides quickness in terms of procurement and acquisition process and timelines.
Companies • Cloud Computing has an ability to scale on demand(It scales resources up and down when needed which allows for speedy growth). • Cloud Computing helps in improving productivity of the Small and Medium level companies efficiently by reducing the amount of money spent for resources and equipments. • It also helps the large firms to improve cost savings, ease of availability, remote access and real-time collaboration capabilities. • Sharing resources is another key component from company’s perspective.
Example - Search Engine Example • Cloud Computing • Cloud-Clusters of grid • Delineated according to services • Group computers within a cluster performing same service • Grid Computing • Different services in specific Grid • Interconnect clusters spread worldwide
Conclusion-Grid evolves to Cloud • Expanded into platforms and services which are tested. • Private and Public companies execute complex tasks. • Migrates to provide services in cloud mode