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Parents’ information meeting. Year 6 September 2018. H JS. Y6 class teachers this year are: 6S Mrs Scott 6T Mr Taylor & Mrs McCulla 6D Miss David Maths Mrs Hearfield Y6 Teaching Assistants are: Mrs Stevens Mrs Thomas Mrs Palmer. H JS. Access to the school site.
Parents’ information meeting Year 6 September 2018 HJS
Y6 class teachers this year are: 6S Mrs Scott 6T Mr Taylor & Mrs McCulla 6D Miss David Maths Mrs Hearfield Y6 Teaching Assistants are: Mrs Stevens Mrs Thomas Mrs Palmer HJS
Access to the school site We encourage children to walk to school, or scoot or cycle under your supervision. Access to the school is through the two pedestrian gates: one off the footpaths between Chatsworth Avenue and Harewood Close and the other off Beaufort’s Drive. If using a bicycle or scooter, children should dismount and push them along the footpaths to the bike racks near the front entrance (left at own risk). We understand that some parents will need to bring their children to school or collect them by car, but there is very little space in the vicinity of the school to park. We request that you park with consideration of pedestrians, the local residents and the other road users. The school car park is for staff only, or carers with ‘blue badges’, who have a previous arrangement with the school. HJS
Topics • We have an exciting curriculum and teach different subjects through a main theme. This year we will be studying the following topics: • Terms 1&2 – History focus – Mysterious Mayans • Terms 3&4 –PSHE/SRE focus –Alive and Kicking • Terms 5&6 –Science focus- Evolve! HJS
Expenses for this term • Swimming This should have already been paid, or you can pay weekly. Please contact the office to arrange payment. • Trip to Edward Jenner museum and Mexicolore Experience -£16 Payments due by half term. Letters will be sent home within the next week. • Residential deposit – £25 Payments will need to be made before our booking is confirmed. Letters will be sent home within the next week. HJS
Towards Successful Learning... …successful learners... Who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve …confident individuals... who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives …responsible citizens... who make a positive contribution to society HJS
Danger zone Learning is a bit tricky Challenge zone Comfort zone Learning is easy Learning is too hard
We are a Restorative School • With support, children are encouraged to resolve problems and find solutions for themselves. • Children are shown how to follow a fair process; listen to different perspectives; and agree on outcomes that makes a lasting and positive difference. HJS
Key Stage 2 SATs Expected Outcomes SATs • Key Stage 2 SATs take place nationally in the week commencing 13th May 2019. • Statutory tests will be administered in the following subjects: • Reading (60 minutes) • Spelling (approximately 15 minutes) • Punctuation, Vocabulary and Grammar (45 minutes) • Mathematics • - Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes) • - Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes) • - Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes) • In addition, some schools will be required to take part in Science testing, consisting of three tests in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Not all schools will take part in this sampling, which takes place on a later date. • All tests are externally marked. • Writing will be ‘Teacher Assessed’ internally, as in recent years. HJS
What are the expectations for your child?Reading: • Your child should have an age appropriate book to read either from, home, class book corner or the school library. • The school library is open on a Monday and Thursday before and after school. It will also be open at lunchtimes. • Each child has a yellow ‘Reading Record’ to keep a record of the books which they have read. • For a child to make their expected progress, we suggest that they read every day at home, if possible. • We appreciate your comments when you listen to your child read at home. • Regular reading is rewarded in class. HJS
What are the expectations for your child?Writing: • Children are encouraged to speak the language before they write- Think it – Say it - Write it – Read it ! • Talk for Writing - Actions are used for story telling and non fiction writing to aid recall and embed sentence styles. • Alan Peat Sentences - Children learn different sentence types by names . HJS
Spelling Year group-related spelling patterns will be taught weekly through investigations of these patterns and will be practised in literacy lessons. Lists will be sent home for children to learn and apply in their independent writing. Spellings will be tested every Monday. HJS
What are the expectations for your child? Maths in Y6 • Four teaching groups, who all cover the same content. • Three objectives: • Learning new maths skills • Preparation for secondary school • Preparation for the Y6 SAT • We will be challenging your child to ‘think like a mathematician’ HJS
Here are some example questions your child will be expected to do in the new Year 6 SATs papers Your child will complete three maths papers, one which is based solely on mental arithmetic. (and no calculators are allowed!) HJS
Times Tables • Your child is expected to know all their times tables and related division facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. The Government will be testing children in the Summer Term and we will be taking part in the trials this year. Times Tables Rock Stars • In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. • Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so. HJS
Homework • We expect all children to practise their reading, multiplication tables and spellings at home. • In addition to this we will expect the children to undertake weekly activities, as explained in the termly homework booklet. We also encourage them to carry out independent research related to their topic. • Homework will be set on Thursdays and expected to be returned on the following Monday. • Your child will be provided with a specific book to complete their homework in. HJS
Use of the Internet at home • We encourage children to use the internet for research purposes. However, we recommend that this is done under adult supervision. We would advise against children having Facebook or similar social network pages. • We have a strict internet safety policy in school and discuss with the children keeping safe and responsible use of ICT. HJS
Year 6 Residential 26th – 28th June 2019 http://www.southcerneyoutdoor.co.uk/ HJS
Activities • Come to school for 9am • Leave from Tuffley Library at 10am • Arrive at SCO • Lunch • Activity 1 • Dinner • Evening Activities • Bed HJS
Activities • Up and wash • Breakfast • Activity 2 • Lunch • Activity 3 • Dinner • Evening Activities • Bed HJS
Activities • Up and wash • Breakfast • Activity 4 • Lunch • Coach collects at • Arrive back at Tuffley Library at approx. 2:30pm HJS
Payment • Cost around £180 (to be confirmed) • Payment card will be available from the office • Deposit £25 • Expectations HJS
Clubs in Year 6 • Homework • Girls Football • Boys Football • Netball • Running • Rugby • Gardening • Sketching • KNEX • Computing • Puzzles/ Board games • Reading Club • Choir HJS
PE Kit/PE bags All children should wear the school P.E. kit: red shorts, navy or black tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt. For outdoor PE children will be asked to bring in trainers . PE is timetabled for Friday. Hair to be tied back and all jewellery to be removed. Please ensure all kit is labelled. If in one term you come to school without the appropriate PE kit: First – warning Second – break time detention Third – lunchtime detention HJS
Health/medicines • If your child is unwell please let the school know by telephoning 01452 525364 before 8.50am. • If your child is away from school due to illness for more than a day please keep us informed of their progress. • Specific staff will give oral medicines to children; however they do this on a voluntary basis so the school cannot accept responsibility if a dose is missed. Medicines must be brought to the office and a medical form completed detailing dosage, times and frequency of the medicine. • In the unfortunate event of an accident or sickness occurring during the school day we will contact you. It is therefore essential that your contact numbers and details are up to date. HJS
Keeping you informed • We have weekly newsletters, available on the website, via email or on paper. • Each child will bring home a short progress report at Christmas and Easter and a full report in July. • Parents’ information evenings are held in September and parent consultation meetings in February. • Open door policy Thursday Morning Drop-ins • First drop-in session will be held this Thursday, 13thSeptember. • Starts at 8.40 and finishes at 8.50 when school begins. • It’s an opportunity for your children to share with you the work we have been doing in class that week. HJS
Secondary School Transfer • Complete forms online • Talk to your child’s teacher • Visit schools-open days/evenings will be on offer • Grammar School tests are Saturday 15th September • Deadline for secondary transfer forms is 31st October • Allocation of schools –March 2019 HJS
Free English language classes for parents, grandparents and other adults who speak another language. • Aimed at helping with language and vocabulary in schools situations. • All levels welcome, including beginners. • Starts 13th September ’18 • 9:00-10:00, Harewood Junior School, Harewood Close, Tuffley • Contact Mr Arnold, at Harewood Starting this week!. HJS
Further support for you in school. Held on Friday mornings- a variety of courses and workshops to support you and your child, led by Mrs Fogg. Further 1:1 support is also available. CAP money course Time out for parents Sleep project Homework project “Fantastic course. I have gained new ideas. All parents from the school should do these courses. I keep telling my friends.”- quote from parent, 2016. HJS
Friends of Harewood Want to be part of a great team? Can you help raise money to benefit the pupils of our school? Planning meetings held termly after school. Volunteers welcome to help us run events. Sign up at the back of the hall. Friends of Harewood have raised over £6,000 over the last 5 years Typical events by Friends of Harewood October- Family quiz night December- Christmas Fair June- Children’s activity afternoon July- Summer Fair Plus children’s discos and supporting other events HJS
And finally….. • We are all a team and we cannot achieve the very best for your child, without your support. • Thank you for coming, we will answer general questions now but if you have a specific question about your child, please speak to their teacher directly. HJS