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Delve into the fascinating realm of black holes, from the mathematical underpinnings by Chandrasekhar to the observational milestones of detection and understanding. Discover the evolution of black hole physics, including accretion mechanisms, magnetic fields, and the enigmatic nature of these cosmic entities. Explore the theoretical frameworks and observational evidence that have shaped our current understanding of black holes, from stellar masses to supermassive objects in galaxies. Unveil the laws of black hole mechanics and the ongoing quest to unravel the mysteries of these intriguing phenomena.
Black Holes in Universe -From Stellar Masses toSupramassive Objects in Galaxies Max Camenzind Center for Astronomy Heidelberg (ZAH) @ Landessternwarte (2005)
Prologue: Chandrasekhar 1983 • „The black holes of nature are the most perfect macroscopic objects there are in the universe: the only elements in their construction are our concepts of space and time. And since the general theory of relativity provides only a single unique family of solutions for their descriptions, they are the simplest objects as well.“ • No matter is involved in their construction [i.e. no EOS], a Black Hole is a global vacuum solution with horizon, a kind of gravitational soliton. in Chandrasekhar (1983): „The Mathematical Theory of BHs“
Topics • The Long History of Black Hole Physics. • The Year 1963 and Kerr Black Hole Gravitational field is not Newtonian ! • Evidence for the Existence of Black Holes 4 Classes of Astrophysical Objects. „No Hair Plane (Glatzenebene)“ (M,a). • Accretion: New Paradigm of disk accretion onto Black Holes (Balbus & Hawley 1991). • Magnetic Fields - The Spin Paradigm: The Ergosphere as a Source of Energy Launch Jets (Blandford & Znajek 1977) still largely not understood. • Beyond Einstein ? Dreams and Future
The Long Way towards BHs • 1915: Einstein postulates the field equations (together with Hilbert). • 1916: Schwarzschild Solution Schwarzschild radius RS =2GM/c² = 3 km M / MS • Einstein denied the reality of Black Holes … He considered Black Holes as a mere mathematical curiosity. • This view changed after his death detection of Quasars (> 1963) observation of Cygnus X-1 (1971)
1963 – Foundation of Black Holes 1923 - Milestone 1: George Birkhoff: Schwarzschild spacetime geometry is the unique spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein vacuum field equations • 1939 - Robert Oppenheimer & Hartland Snyder show gravitational collapse of a pressureless homogeneous fluid sphere formation of a trapped region • 1963 – Milestone 2: Roy Kerr solves the Einstein vacuum field equations for uncharged symmetric rotating systems • 1963 – Milestone 3: Quasars are detected fuelled by accretion onto Black Holes • 1965 - Ezra Newman and collaborators solve the Einstein-Maxwell equations for charged rotating systems • 1967 - Werner Israel presents proof of a "no hair" theorem
1968 – 1977: Golden Age • 1968 – Brandon Carter uses Hamilton-Jacobi theory to derive 1st-order equations of motion for particle moving in Kerr black holes Kerr Ray-Tracing • 1969 - Roger Penrose discusses the Penrose process for the extraction of the spin energy from a Kerr black hole Free energy of BHs • 1971 – Milestone 4: Identification of Cygnus X-1/HDE 226868 as a binary black hole candidate system. • 1973 - David Robinson completes the proof of the uniqueness theorem for Kerr black holes • 1977 – Milestone 5: Blandford-Znajek Process electromagnetic spin energy extraction from rotating black holes
4 Laws of Black Hole Mechanics • 1972 - Stephen Hawking proves that the area of a classical black hole's event horizon cannot decrease. • 1972 - Jacob Bekenstein suggests that black holes have an entropy proportional to their surface area due to information loss effects • 1973 - James Bardeen, Brandon Carter, and Stephen Hawking propose 4 laws of black hole mechanics in analogy with laws of thermodynamics Free energy • 1973 - Stephen Hawking applies quantum field theory to black hole spacetimes and shows that black holes will radiate particles with a black-body spectrum which can cause black hole evaporation concept is important, but astrophysically not relevant, and still debated.
1978 – 2005: Observations • 1978 – Sargent et al. show evidence for a supermassive BH in the center of Messier 87 (“serious possibility”). This has been very much debated but confirmed ! • 1992 – Microquasar GRS 1915+105 found. • 1997 – Fe line redshifts of the innermost portions of accretion disks around rotating supermassive black holes • 2000 - Evidence for the hypothesis that Sagittarius A* is a supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy • 2002 – The most distant Black Hole found: Cosmological Redshift z = 6.43 ! (< 1 Gyear old) • 2005 – BHs confirmed in ~ 20 X-Ray Binary Systems ! • 2005 – BHs confirmed in ~ 30 nearby galactic centers ! • 2005 – BHs found in ~ 100,000 Quasars !
How to Treat Gravity of BHs ? In GR the spacetime is a differentiable manifold. The most natural thing is to to foliate it in t=const spatial hypersurfaces St. 1 Measures the “clocks ticking rates” on two St 4 Measures the “stretching” of coordinates 6 Measures distances among points on aSt St unit timelike 4-vector normal to St
Spacetime is stationary and axisymmetric • 2 Parameters: • Mass M • Ang. Mom. a • „Charge not • relevant in • Astrophysics“ • Event Horizon rH = M + (M² - a²)1/2
Source: Mass Source: Ang. Mom. Also for NSs !
Gravity Probe-B will confirm the Existence of Gravitomagnetism
4 Laws of BH Mechanics Bekenstein 1973, Bardeen et al. 1973, Hawking 1974, 1975
Extracted by magnetic effects
Blandford-Znajek Process Load at infinity J „Split-Monopole“ magnetosphere coupled to rotating Horizon with Znajek Horizon bc drives closed current system Subject of strong criticism (Punsley) Blandford & Znajek (1977)
A Modern Version of BZ Mechanism OLC: Outer Light Surface, compact for Black Holes A: Alfven Surface Plasma injection from near ms orbit; Plasma accretion causal: slow ms, Alfven and fast ms points Proto-Jet wwwww Current Sheet Magnetic fields advected from „Infinity“
Twisting of Magnetic Fields • Except for induction terms, evolution of toroidal magnetic field ~ Newtonian MHD • Source: Differential plasma rotation • Schwarzschild: no shear ! • Extreme Kerr: biggest effect ! T ~ RBf Operates outside horizon
Black Holes 2 Energy Reservoirs • Potential energy tapped by accretion X-rays • Rotational energy tapped by magnetic fields, similar to rotating neutron stars (Blandford & Znajek 1977) will feed energy of JETS ! LRot = ERot/tbrake ~ 1046 erg/s (MH/109 MS) (tH/tbrake) LRot = ERot/tbrake ~ 1038 erg/s (MH/10 MS) (tH/tbrake) tbrake = f (a, B,…) [BZ 1977] LBZ = k BH² rH²c (a/M)² (WF[WH-WF]/WH²) ~ MH
Black Hole Ergosphere Extended Boundary Layer For a > 0.7, radii move inside ergosphere
Each form of matterwill be driven to corotationwithin the ergosphere ! Boundary Layer near Horizon ~ rH WH = w(rH) • In Schwarzschild: • No rotation near Horizon !
a = 0.5 a = 1.0
OutflowsinQuasars & Micro-Quasars ? „StochasticFunnel-Flow“ Conical Outflow Disk Inflow Krolik 2005
Field Line Twisting by Rotating Black Holes a = 0 a = 0.5 a = 0.9 a = .998 GRMHD Simulations (Hawley et al. 2005)
Black Holes as Astrophysical Objects • [ Primordial Black Holes: M < 2 MS] • Stellar Black Holes: 2.2 MS < M < 100 MS • Intermediate Mass Black Holes 100 MS < M < 105 MS (?) • Supermassive Black Holes: 105 MS < M < 1010 MS reside in center of galaxies at all redshifts, 0 < z < 10 (?).
1971 monitored by UHURU • Black Holes are • formed in stellar • Collapse • >100.000 BHs in the Galaxy High-Mass XB Cygnus X-1
Cyg X-1 – Activity Cycles (VLA / RXTE) Radio X-Rays HX When high in X-rays minimum in radio and vice versa Jet launch
type of the donor star type of accretion (wind or Roche lobe overflow) • very different scales: DIFFERENT BINARY SYSTEMS J.A. Orosz Every X-ray binary is a possible microquasar!
X-Ray Emission:VARIABILITY on all Time Scales GX339-4 lightcurve • Variations = changes in the stateof the source • lightcurves: • GX 339-4 / GRS 1915+105 • Variations on very different time scales ! • “easy” observations for human time scale 1996 2003 GRS 1915+105 X (2-10 keV) Radio (2,25 GHz) Rau et al (2003)
accretion / ejection coupling Mirabel et al (1998) Marscher et al (2002) • cycles of 30 minutes in GRS 1915+105 : • ejections after an X-ray dip • refilling of the internal part of the disc ? • transient ejections during changes of states • same phenomenum in the quasar 3C 120 ? far slower !
same Lorentz factor as in Quasars : ~ 5-10 SUPERLUMINAL EJECTIONS VLBI at 22 GHz ~ 1.3 cm VLA at 3.5 cm ~ arcsec. scale ~ milliarcsec. scale Mirabel & Rodriguez (1994) • Move on the sky plane ~103 times faster • Jets are two-sided (allow to solve equations max. distance)
QUASARS MICROQUASARS Quasar 3C 223 Microquasar 1E1740.7-2942 VLA at 1477MHz ~ 20 cm radio (VLA) observations at 6 cm Mirabel et al. 1992
Non-thermal Radio Plasma Black Holes in E-GalaxiesDrive JetsCygnus A (VLA)3C 219 (VLA) --------- 100 kpc ------------
Black Hole Mass ~ Bulge Massfor Inactive Galaxies 30 Nearby Galaxies: MH ~ 0.14% MB Magorrian Relation (N. Häring & H.-W. Rix: ApJL 2004)
Mass vs Luminosity of Quasars • LE = 2 x 1031 Watt • x (M/MS) • ~ 5 x 104 LS • maximum • luminosity • minimum mass for BHs
Black Hole „Two-Hair Plane“ Microquasars, Stellar BHs, M* > 30 RL Quasars, Radio Galaxies BH s in Galactic Centers and QSOs Intermediate Mass BHs ??? Population III BHs BHs at High Redshifts Neutron Stars
Spin a of a Black Hole can bedetermined from Photon Propagation Equations of geodesics integrable Carter Integrals
Schwarzschild Extreme Kerr Extreme Redshift