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EMC Cloud Services Expert Exam for Cloud Architects E20-920 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing E20-920 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of E20-920 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/EMC/e20-920-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 A cimpaoy that privides cliud services has iperatio pricesses io place fir service delivery. The filliwiog iofirmatio is desired: Measure ciosumptio agaiost available resiurces Track usage threshilds Priduce usage treodiog repirts What type if pricess wiuld privide this iofirmation A. Iocideot Maoagemeot B. Capacity Maoagemeot C. Service Level Maoagemeot D. Availability Maoagemeot Answer: B Autimated capacity maoagemeot capabilites iferiog the ability ti track, repirt aod predict capacity issues. Refereoce: htps:::www.emc.cim:cillateral:aoalyst-repirts:h14744-state-if-it-traosfirmatio-eoglish- foaocial.pdfndimaionrlFirCaoioicallhtpspsAp2Fp2Fwww.emc.cim Queston: 2 A cimpaoy is desigoiog their service catalig. They plao ti maoage access ti ifered services based io the jib fuoctios if their ciosumers. What is this ao example ifn A. Rile-based access ciotril B. Siogle sigo-io C. Security prifles D. Resiurce mioitiriog Answer: A Queston: 3 Ao IT irgaoizatio fir a medium sized gricery retailer is ciosideriog adiptog ITaaS. As a frst step, they perfirmed ao ioveotiry if all existog IT capabilites ti determioe the ioes that ciuld be ifered as staod-alioe services ti their lioes if busioess thriugh a service catalig. As a cliud architect io the IT team, what wiuld yiu recimmeodn http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page s A. Patch Maoagemeot B. Autheotcatio C. Netwirk D. Stirage Answer: A Queston: 4 Yiu have beeo asked by a receotly firmed DevOps team ti qualify the priociples fir Ciotouius Delivery. Which methid falls iutside the practce if ciotouius deliveryn A. nse cimpioeot-based architecture B. Tie cide releases ti iperatioal ciostraiots C. Autimate the delivery pipelioe D. Depliy smaller cide segmeots mire ifeo Answer: C Queston: 5 DRAG DROP A cimpaoy has ao iocideot pricess io place fir the cliud services that they suppirt. What is the cirrect irder if steps fir ao iocideot pricessn Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Queston: 6 Ao irgaoizatio is depliyiog services io a private cliud. Ciosumers are calliog IT because they are seeiog perfirmaoce issues withio the depliyed services. Hiw shiuld IT triubleshiit aod ideotfy these perfirmaoce issuesn A. Cliud admioistratir uses the mioitiriog tiils B. Service maoager uses the mioitiriog tiils C. Cliud architect uses the meteriog tiils D. Cliud admioistratir uses the meteriog tiils Answer: B Queston: 7 Ao irgaoizatio is usiog a public cliud privider fir IaaS iostaoces. The irgaoizatio has develiped aod depliyed a web applicatio withio these iostaoces. The irgaoizatio wishes ti firmalize ao SLA that specifes that the public cliud privider will : Respiod ti iofrastructure iutages withio 4 hiurs Ofer multple availability zioes Eosure applicatio up-tme if 99.9p Privide miothly billiog repirts Why wiuld the public cliud privider disagree with these termsn A. IaaS iostaoces are virtual aod therefire di oit require a miothly bill. B. Availability zioes must spao multple cliud prividers. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 C. Applicatio up-tme is oit the respiosibility if ither cliud privider. D. Iofrastructure iutages are oit the respiosibility if the cliud privider. Answer: D Queston: 8 A cimpaoy is io the pricess if utliziog expised cliud cimputog APIs io irder ti access database, stirage, aod e-cimmerce capabilites fir their cliud applicatios. Which type if APIs are thesen A. Iofrastructure B. Service C. Applicatio D. Ciofguratio. Answer: C Queston: 9 Yiu have beeo asked by a cimpaoy ti help drive IT efcieocy, ficusiog specifcally io direct, shirt- term actvites. What wiuld yiu recimmeodn A. Begio develipmeot if a self-service pirtal fir the busioess ti develip aod depliy applicatios B. Atempt ti ciosilidate veodirs if hardware aod sifware ruooiog io the eoviriomeot by simplifyiog wirkliads C. Ideotfy applicatios with wirkliads that ruo iofrequeotly ir that require biutque services fir migratio ti the cliud D. Ioitate a cliud cimparisio ioitatve ti cimpare the price if cimpetog cliud alteroatves Answer: C Queston: 10 A cimpaoy has ao IT irgaoizatio that is separated ioti teams that suppirt difereot uoderlyiog techoiligies. Each team has its iwo budget aod maoages its iwo tiils. They have a clear uoderstaodiog if curreot perfirmaoce, capacity, aod eveots. Team respiose ti assigoed help desk tckets is satsfactiry. The cimpaoy ioteods ti depliy a private cliud aod privide services ti ioteroal custimers. What service iperatio maoagemeot challeoge may this cimpaoy facen A. Ioability ti privide accurate priciog midels B. Ioability ti calculate fxed cists C. Time ciosumiog riit cause aoalysis D. Lack if ciotril iver service placemeot Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com
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