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Transitions: Growing Up Ready to Live! S2040-S2129: Helping Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs Grow up and Move On. Transition Overview: Policy, Data, Practice & Trends Nancy Murphy, MD, FAAP, FAAPMR University of Utah, Salt Lake City Patience White, MD, MA, FAAP
Transitions: Growing Up Ready to Live!S2040-S2129: Helping Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs Grow up and Move On Transition Overview: Policy, Data, Practice & Trends Nancy Murphy, MD, FAAP, FAAPMR University of Utah, Salt Lake City Patience White, MD, MA, FAAP Health and Ready to Work National Center, Washington, DC AAP NCE October 2008
Faculty Disclosure InformationIn the past 12 months, we have no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in this CME activity.We do not intend to discuss an unapproved/investigative use of a commercial product/device in this presentation.
Seminar Agenda • Discuss opening questions (10-15 min) • Review data on transition from multiple points of view 15 minutes) • Small group discussions(20 minutes) • Report out from small groups (20 minutes) • Review Tools (10 minutes) • Wrap up (10 minutes)
Opening Questions • What do you remember about your adolescent years and health care-when did you leave your pediatrician and move to an internist? Did you leave actively or passively? • Why did you choose to come to this seminar?
Learning Objectives Define transition and its components 2. Discuss Data, Policy & Trends 3. Share transition approaches in your practices
What is Health Care Transition? Components of successful transition Self-Determination Person Centered Planning Prep for Adult health care Work /Independence Inclusion in community life Start Early Transition is the deliberate, coordinated provision of developmentally appropriate and culturally competent health assessments, counseling, and referrals.
What does the Data tell us? What do national associations say about transition?
IOM QUALITY MEASURESHealth Care Processes Should Have: Care based on continuing healing relationships Customization based on patient needs and values Patient as source of control Shared knowledge and free flow of information Safety Transparency Anticipation of needs SOURCE: Crossing the Quality Chasm 2001
MCHB CORE National Performance Measures Transition & ……… 1. Family 2. Screening 3. Medical Home 4. Health Insurance 5. Community 6. Transition • Youth Involvement • Secondary Disabilities • Peds to Adult • Extend Dependent Coverage • Entitlement to Eligibility • 6. Inclusion in Community
HRSA/MCHB Block Grant: NPM #6 Transition to Adulthood Youth with special health care needs will receive the services necessary to make transitions to all aspects of adult life, including adult health care, work, and independence. (2002) SOURCE: BLOCK GRANT GUIDANCE New Performance Measures See p.43 ftp://ftp.hrsa.gov/mchb/blockgrant/bgguideforms.pdf
Identify primary care provider Identify core knowledge and skills Knowledge of condition, prioritize health issues Maintain an up-to-date medical summary that is portable and accessible Apply preventive screening guidelines Ensure affordable, continuous health insurance coverage Pediatrics 2002:110 (suppl) 1304-1306 A Consensus Statement Health Care Transitions for Young Adults With Special Health Care Needs American Academy of Pediatrics , American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine
What does the Data tell us? What do youth say they want in transition?
Youth With Disabilities Stated Needs for Success in Adulthood PRIORITIES: Career development(develop skills for a job and how to find out about jobs they would enjoy) Independent living skills Finding quality medical care(paying for it; USA) Legal rights Protect themselves from crime(USA) Obtain financing for school(USA) SOURCE: Point of Departure, a PACER Center publication Fall, 1996
Survey - 1300 YOUTH with SHCN / disabilities Main concerns for health: What to do in an emergency, Learning to stay healthy* How to get health insurance*, What could happen if condition gets worse. SOURCE: Joint survey - Minnesota Title V CSHCN Program and the PACER Center, 1995 *SOURCE: National Youth Leadership Network Survey-2001 300 youth leaders disabilities Youth are Talking: Are we listening?
What would you think a group of “successful” adults with disabilities would say is the most important factor that assisted them in being successful?
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH RESILIENCE for youth with disabilities: Which is MOST important? Self-perception as not “handicapped” Involvement with household chores Having a network of friends Having non-disabled and disabled friends Family and peer support Parental support w/out over protectiveness Source: Weiner, 1992
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH RESILIENCE for youth with disabilities: Which is MOST important? Self-perception as not “handicapped” Involvement with household chores Having a network of friends Having non-disabled and disabled friends Family and peer support Parental support w/out over protectiveness Source: Weiner, 1992
What does the Data tell us? How are youth with SHCN doing in adulthood?
Outcome Realities Nearly 40% of youth with SHCN cannot identify a primary care physician 20% consider their specialist to be their ‘regular’ physician Primary health concerns are not being met Fewer work opportunities, lower high school grad rates and increased drop out from college YSHCN are 3 X more likely to live on income < $15,000 CHOICES Survey, 1997; NOD/Harris Poll, 2000; KY TEACH, 2002
What does the Data tell us? How prepared are youth for managing their care in the adult health care system?
Internal Medicine Nephrologists (N=35) Maria Ferris, MD, PhD, MPH, UNC Kidney Center
What does the Data tell us? What do Adult providers say they want to assist them in receiving youth w SHCN?
Survey of Adult Health Care Providers in NH 2008: Results • Who-180 responses: 81% Fam, 9% internist, 8% NP, 2% Med-peds • Communication-57-46% rarely/never received trans summary or call. 48% young adult experienced care gap • Barriers- time, staffing, reimbursement issues inadequate support from specialists • Comfort Level- • More- asthma, inc BP, Mental health, DM • Less- CF, Chromosome/met disorders, autism, technology dep • What would Help- 95% written summary and support from specialists, 91% want to speak w prior provider, 84% written educational info about condition • When-78% between 18-21 years
What does the Data tell us? FAMILIES Natl CSHCN Survey 2005-06 of families with CYSHCN
NS-CSHCN 2005 Section 6: Family Centered Care - Transition Qs
NS-CSHCN 2005 Section 6: Family Centered Care - Transition Qs
What does the Data tell us? PED PROVIDERS AAP/HRTW surveys of providers using AAP consensus statement
Identify primary care provider Identify core knowledge and skills Knowledge of condition, prioritize health issues Maintain an up-to-date medical summary that is portable and accessible Apply preventive screening guidelines Ensure affordable, continuous health insurance coverage Pediatrics 2002:110 (suppl) 1304-1306 A Consensus Statement Health Care Transitions for Young Adults With Special Health Care Needs American Academy of Pediatrics , American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine
Two HRTW Surveys: Results 2007-8 About Those Who Responded 52 physicians / 26 states Most involved with Medical Home projects 47 pediatricians, 4 Med-Peds, 1 Family Consensus Statement- Knowledge 50% were familiar 6 % unsure 42% not
Results: Core Knowledge & Skills 36%have forms to support transition (82% want help) 39%provide educational materials regarding transition (48% want help) 58%help youth/families plan for emergencies (31 % want help) 68%assist with accommodations school/studying or work (21% want help) 35%Make transportable medical record for some patients (43% want help)
Results: Core Knowledge & Skills 63%Promote independence in health condition management (25% want help) When youth become 18-writen policy to discuss? 77% no Do you seek verbal assent? 81% Written 23% 50%Refer to skill-building experiences (35% want help) 33%Create individualized health transition plan for at least some patients (39% want help) 65%Screen to identify YSHCN who need transition services (29% want help)
Results: Overall practice assessment Rate your practice with regards to transition processes in general: - not interested 2% - not have, interested 29% - beginning stages 25% - working on policy/processes 19% - have policy and processes integrated 13%
“The physician’s prime responsibility is the medical management of the young person’s disease, but the outcome of this medical intervention is irrelevant unless the young person acquires the required skills to manage the disease and his/her life.” Ansell BM & Chamberlain MA. Clinical Rheum. 1998; 12:363-374 Health & Wellness: Being Informed
How do have systems change so that the rookie learns the rules of the game and we leave no knot untied between pediatric and adult healthcare? • Research states policies and procedures among stakeholders are essential so that • Ensures consensus • Ensures mutual understanding of the processes involved • Provides structure for evaluation and audit
Next Steps • Form groups of 8-10 • Identify recorder and reporter • Discuss 1. How many of you have a policy in your practice about when youth will be transferred to adult practices? 2. If yes, what does it say? Is it posted for families and youth to see? 3. Craft examples of such a policy and how you will/did develop such a policy 4. What are the top 3 practice processes that would help you the most? • Report out
Transition Policy Template • Definition-what is it? See transition definition of Soc Adolescent Med/BMCH • Outcome • Timeline- age of initiation and explanation of exceptions • Components- see AAP consensusstatement • Practice Processes • Evaluation- PDSA cycle
Nancy Murphy, MD, FAAP, FAAPMR nancy.murphy@hsc.utah.edu Patience White, MD, MA pwhite@arthritis.org