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Understanding Global Climate Patterns and Classification

Explore the diversity of global climates and the Köppen climate classification system. Learn about the factors influencing climate, such as sunlight intensity, land-water distribution, and atmospheric conditions. Discover the relationship between precipitation and air movement, as well as the various climate zones worldwide.

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Understanding Global Climate Patterns and Classification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 13: Global Climate • A world with many climates • Climatic classification - the Köppen system • The global pattern of climate

  2. Global Temperatures • controls on climate:- intensity of sunshine and its variation with latitude- distribution of land and water- ocean currents- prevailing winds- location of high and low pressure areas- mountain barriers- altitude • ‘bending’ of isotherms near continents

  3. Fig. 13-1, p. 355

  4. Global Precipitation • relationship to areas of rising and sinking air • influence of ITCZ • influence of orographic uplift and rain shadows • Precipitation is most abundant where air rises,and least abundant where it sinks.

  5. mm/month

  6. Fig. 13-2, p. 356

  7. Climatic Classification - the Köppen System (1918) • Tropical moist climates • dry climates • moist midlatitude climates with mild winters • moist midlatitude climates with severe winters • polar climates • criticisms of the Köppen climate classification system: sharp boundary between climatic zones due to the use of vegetation to represent monthly temperature and precipitation.

  8. Fig. 13-6, p. 361

  9. The Global Pattern of Climate • Major features of Earth’s climate distribution (moist tropical, dry, moist/mild winter, moist/severe winter, polar, highland) • local variations within larger climate regions

  10. Tropical Moist Climates • tropical wet (Af) • tropical monsoon (Am)

  11. Tropical Moist Climates • tropical wet and dry (Aw) Savanna

  12. Dry Climates • arid (BW)

  13. Dry Climates • semiarid (BS)

  14. Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude Climates • humid subtropical (CfA) • (west coast) marine (CfB)

  15. Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude Climates • Mediterranean (Cs) interior Cs coastal Cs

  16. Moist Climates with Severe Winter Hot summer Dfa Cool summer Subpolar Dfb Dfc

  17. Polar Climates Tundra (ET) ice caps (EF)

  18. Highland Climates • altitude effects are similar to latitude effects

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