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Creating sustainable communities in China: the case of Nong Jia Le in Anji, China

Creating sustainable communities in China: the case of Nong Jia Le in Anji, China. Julie Newton. Overview. Sustainability in China Eco-tourism Sustainable livelihoods approach Eco-economy of Anji Nong Jia Le: Experiencing rural life NJL & sustainable livelihoods Moving forward.

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Creating sustainable communities in China: the case of Nong Jia Le in Anji, China

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  1. Creating sustainable communities in China: the case of Nong Jia Le in Anji, China Julie Newton

  2. Overview • Sustainability in China • Eco-tourism • Sustainable livelihoods approach • Eco-economy of Anji • Nong Jia Le: Experiencing rural life • NJL & sustainable livelihoods • Moving forward

  3. Sustainability in China “China faces internal dilemma of how to reconcile economic growth with ecological sustainability” (Ho & Vermeer, 2006). • 3 factors affecting China’s sustainability (Ho, 2006) • SIZE • SPEED • SCARCITY • “pollute first, clean up later” attitude • Greening of State & Society • But doesn’t mean sustainability being pursued • Little on Sustainable Communities • Eco-demonstration programme • Eco-towns Tianjin eco-town

  4. Transformation of countryside • New Socialist Countryside movement (2005) • Marketisation and modernisation of rural countryside • Rise of township and village enterprises (TVEs) Integrated rural/urban development Challenges for sustainability Innovation ECOTOURISM NongJia Le

  5. No widely agreed definition, but agreement that includes: Travel to natural environment Environmentally & socially responsible travel, generates funds to support conservation, provides benefits for host community 3 features: nature-based environmental & cultural education sustainably managed (Blamey, 2001) Ecotourism “responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the wellbeing of local people” International ecotourism society (2010) Ross & Wall (1999)

  6. Ecotourism in China • Sheng Tai Nu You: “tourism that is not based on exploiting or harming the local environment ecology or society” (Wang et al, 2009). • 2009: Chinese Ecotourism Year • National Ecotourism Development Plan (CNTA, 2008) mission of ET: “advocating the harmony of the environment and the economy, strengthening construction of ecological environment, improving education, constantly meeting the demand of ecotourism, and ensure sustainable tourism development. Goals include the development of Chinese tourism industry into a green industry with sustainable development” • Types of ecotourism: forest recreation, wetland bird watching, desert exploration, prairie excursions and countryside experiences

  7. Sustainable Livelihoods Framework • Livelihood =comprises the capabilities, assets and activities required for a means of living. • A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets • while not undermining the natural resource base (Chambers & Conway, 1992)

  8. DFID (1999)

  9. Land use layout of Anji in 2005 Source: Anji Comprehensive Plan 2006-2020

  10. Anji Eco-economy • Target: “most beautiful countryside in China” through integrated urban-rural development • Endogenous ecological development • Local eco-economy: bamboo processing, local food, eco-tourism, and local energy • Local government as enabler: provide physical infrastructure/eco-awards • Regenerate villages and independent/viable communities • Each village has own economic niche • Achievements: • Diversified industrial and service sector base • Reduced income disparities between urban and rural • 680,000 tourists, generating Y62.4 billion (Anji Statistical Bureau, 2008)

  11. Nong Jia Le: rural ecotourism • “Experiencing Life in Rural Area” • Nong = agriculture/ rural • Jia = family/home • Le = activities • Involves: • Staying in rural accommodation overnight • Eating local food • Rural experiences (working on farm, pick your own, outdoor activities) marketed as ecotourism

  12. Natural capital: natural resource stocks (land, water, wildlife, biodiversity, environmental resources Social capital: social resources which people draw on (networks, membership of groups, relationships of trust, access to institutions) Human capital: skills, knowledge, ability to work, good health, physical capabilities Physical capital: basic infrastructure (transport, shelter, water, energy and communications) and production , equipment which enable people to pursue livelihoods Financial capital: Financial resources (savings, credit, regular remittances, pensions) RICH natural resource base Combination of capital assets

  13. Governance: starring system, training, NJL committees, marketing

  14. Tourist season Bamboo products Local food products

  15. ECOTOURISM Increased income Increased standard of living Social dimensions Local food economy

  16. NJL: contributions towards sustainable communities • Multiple livelihood strategies • one element of broader livelihood portfolio • stimulated local economic development & improved living standards • Local food economy • SLF highlights opportunities and tensions • Not linear: dynamic, inter-linkages between different components • Sheds light on meso level processes • Need a combination of livelihood assets to be successful

  17. Moving forward • Governance: • Interaction between provincial, county, town and village level • Interaction between tourist board and environmental protection bureau • Socialjustice: Who can engage in NJL?, Who can mobilise key capital assets? • Broader sustainability questions: • Is NJL changing attitudes/values towards environment?- Is this leading to sustainable behaviour change? • Sustainable management: competition within and between villages • Cultural attitudes towards nature and people/nature interactions

  18. Thank you For more information: www.brass.cf.ac.uk Julie Newton: newtonj2@cardiff.ac.uk Alex Franklin: franklina1@cardiff.ac.uk Newton, J. & Franklin, A. (2011) “Delivering sustainable communities in China: using a sustainable livelihoods framework for reviewing the promotion of “ecotourism” in Anji”, Local Environment

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