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Irreversible Turbofan Cycle in Propulsion Systems

Major criteria for geometric design of components in propulsion systems, focusing on unwanted entropy generation, pressure loss, and classification of irreversibilities. Discusses internal and external irreversibilities, heat loss, incomplete combustion, and control of additional drag. Examines geometry and performance of subsonic intakes, normal shock diffusers, external compression inlets, and variable geometry inlets.

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Irreversible Turbofan Cycle in Propulsion Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Irreversibilities in Propulsion Systems P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department A Major Criteria for Geometric Design of Components…..

  2. Inlet 7h 4 5 6 1 7c 2 3 Irreversible Turbofan Cycle : Unwanted Entropy Generation

  3. Inlet 7h 4 5 6 1 7c 2 3 Irreversible Turbofan Cycle : Unwanted Pressure Loss

  4. Ideal & Irreversible Turbofan cycle

  5. Irreversible Propulsion cycle

  6. Classification of Irreversibilities • Internal Irreversibilities : Friction, flow separation & Turbulence • External Irreversibilities: Shocks, Friction, flow separation & Turbulence • Heat loss & incomplete combustion

  7. External Irreversibilities due to Intake System

  8. Typical External flow at Subsonic Cruising Conditions

  9. Geometry of Subsonic Inlet at the Entrance

  10. External Flow Irreversibilities in Subsonic Intakes SupercriticalDesign

  11. Control of Additional Drag in Intake Systems

  12. Normal Shock Intakes A sharp lipped subsonic diffuser may be used in supersonic engine without a significant aerodynamic penalty for Mac < 1.6.

  13. Modes of Operation of External Compression Inlets

  14. Performance of Subsonic Diffuser with NS PRF

  15. Selection of Subsonic Diffuser with NS The total pressure recovery of a normal shock rapidly deteriorates beyond Mach ~ 1.6. 90% total pressure recovery is achieved at 1.6.

  16. External Compression Inlets M>1 Oblique Shock Normal Shock Cowl Shock A single compression ram inlet involves one oblique shock and one normal shock.

  17. Performance of External Compression Inlets PRF

  18. Modes of Operation of External Compression Inlets

  19. Location of Oblique shock & External Drag No Slippage but High External drag Slippage with low External drag

  20. Variable Geometry Inlets.

  21. A High Quality Interior Geometry

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