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Objective: Examine and understand the differing types and functions of Interest Groups

January 17, 2019 AP US Govt Interest Groups-Basics AND Types http://votesmart.org/interest-groups/WA/#.VoxK1G6rGez. Objective: Examine and understand the differing types and functions of Interest Groups. Quick Interest Group Intro. Define : Interest groups Explain

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Objective: Examine and understand the differing types and functions of Interest Groups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. January 17, 2019AP US GovtInterest Groups-Basics AND Typeshttp://votesmart.org/interest-groups/WA/#.VoxK1G6rGez Objective: Examine and understand the differing types and functions of Interest Groups

  2. Quick Interest Group Intro Define: Interest groups Explain Madison’s Dilemma (Federalist #10) Define: pluralism Hyper-pluralism elite-class

  3. Basic Functions • Origins: • 1st Amendment • Failure of Govt. • Change-Policy • Growth • Technology • Diversity • People

  4. Economic Groups • Goal: • Types: • Agricultural: American Farm Bureau • Labor: AFL-CIO, UAW, Teamsters (Local…) • Business: Trucking, Railroad • Professional: AMA, ABA

  5. II. Equality • Goal: • Good Ol’ Boys • Glass Ceiling • Examples: • NAACP, NOW, MALDEF (census) III. Single Issue Groups 1. Goal: 2. Examples: NRA, MADD, PETA, PETA

  6. IV. Environment • Goal: • Examples: • Environmental Groups: • Sierra Club • Wilderness Society • National Wildlife Federation

  7. V. Consumer/Public Interest • Goal: • Examples: • Consumer Product Safety • Toys • Auto • ACLU

  8. Shaping Public Policy Iron Triangle Committees Executive Branch Interest Groups

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