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Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. LiquiScint 2004 17-18 May - Masaeykova kolej, Thákurova 1, Praha 6. Robert Schupfner Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory (URA) Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors,
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities LiquiScint 2004 17-18 May - Masaeykova kolej, Thákurova 1, Praha 6 Robert SchupfnerEnvironmental Radioactivity Laboratory (URA) Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Summary Radiological Aspects of Decommissioning General Conditions of Radioanalytical Methods Application of Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) • 41Ca und 45Ca • 55Fe und 59/63Ni • 90Sr (90Y) Results and Conclusion robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Demands of Radiological Safety for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities decommissioning personell and members of the public before, during and after decommissioning long-term ensuring of radioactive waste storage complete radiological assessment including activity determination of single radionuclides as basic requirement robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Sample Materials human excreta: urine, faeces metals: steels, alloys corrosion products building materials: concrete, mortar, bricks glass fibres organic and inorganic chemical compounds organic and inorganic chemical compounds environmental materials: soils, sediment, plant, food, ... robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Which Analytical Problems Arise during Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities ? sample materials physical decay properties of the radionuclides of interest various mixtures of radionuclides chemical behaviour time scale range of activities robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Radionuclides of Interest (not complete) robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Portions of Available Measurement Methods robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Application of Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC Quantulus 1220) Active and passive shielding Minimising the background counting rates: • about 1 cpm for 3H, 41Ca, 55Fe, 241Pu • about 3 cpm for 14C, 63Ni • about 5 cpm for 99Tc, 129I • about 7 cpm for 89Sr, 90Y, 45Ca • about 2 to 3 cpm for a-emitters robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Application of Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) Advantages low radiation energies high counting efficiency low background counting rates LSC Quantulus 1220 energy resolution enables an increased selectivity low values of lower limits of detection a variety of suitable scintillation cocktails is commercially available Disadvantages as a rule application only after radio- chemical purification procedure increased expense to assure high quality high costs of low background counting devices (LSC Quantulus 1220) energy resolution is rather limited increased expense of sample preparation in sample solutions with high salt content stability of sample-cocktail mixture in sample solutions with high salt content robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Quality of Radiochemical Analysis Applying LSC selective low values of detection limits accurate and precise efficient: fast, reliable, low costs robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 41Ca and 45Ca robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 41Ca und 45Ca Decay properties dissolution of sample material (concrete) radiochemical purification of 41Ca, 45Ca optimising the sample preparation with a suitable scintillation cocktail activity determination applying LSC Quantulus 1220 robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 41Ca und 45Ca Determination of Counting efficiencies of 41Ca versus Content of stable Ca2+ in the Sample Solution robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 41Ca und 45Ca Lower Limit of Detection (lld) of 41Ca versus Content of stable Ca2+ in the Sample Solution robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 41Ca und 45Ca A B C robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 41Ca und 45Ca Minimum lld at about 1200 to 1300 mg Ca2+: 0,05 Bq 41Ca ·(g Ca2+)-1 value of lld is proportional to the activity A(45Ca) of 45Ca in the sample: lld (m) = lld (m, A(45Ca)=0) + k· A(45Ca) with: k 0,008 Bq 41Ca ·(g Ca 2+·Bq 45Ca )-1 assuming a content of Ca of about 20 % in concrete: the LSC method tolerates 5,5 to 7,5 g of concrete minimum value of about 0,0141Ca ·(g concrete)-1 robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 55Fe and 59/63Ni neutron activation sth / barn 54Fe (n,g) 55Fe 2,25 58Ni (n,g) 59Ni 4,6 62Ni (n,g) 63Ni 14,2 robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 55Fe and 59/63Ni Decay Properties robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 55Fe and 59/63Ni • Decontamination factors are sufficiently high. • 105 to 109 for 55Fe • 104 to 1011 for 63Ni • Chemical yield • to about 120 mg Fe (92 ± 3) % • to about 40 mg Ni (95 ± 5) % robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) 89 90 90 Sr Sr Y 89 90 90 Starting nuclide As Se Se Fission yield 4,764% 5,835% 5,835% 90 89 90 Decay Product Y(stable) Y(radioactive) Zr (stable) Half Life Time 50,5 d 29,12 a 2,761 d -2 -1 -5 -1 -1 -1 Decay Constaqnt 1,37·10 d 6,52·10 d 2,51·10 d - - - b , (g) b b , (g) Decay Energy 583,3 keV 195,7 keV 934,8 keV -1 -1 -1 Probability Y 1 ( Bq ·s) 1 ( Bq ·s) 1 ( Bq ·s) until now: high expense development: significant less expense robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) 90Y is in radioactive equilibrium with 90Sr Determination of chemical yield applying 88Y 88 88 - Y Sr + e y nuclide Half life time E/keV i -1 Decay / (Bq s) g -radiation Y-88 106,63 d 898,2 0,94 1836,0 0,9933 ec -radiation ca. 11 ca. 1 90Sr Determination after Liquid -Liqid Eytraction of 90Y using Di-(2-Ethylhexyl)-phosphate (C16H35O4P) HDEHP robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) Dissolution of Sample Material Containing 90Sr (90Y) Chemical Yield Tracer 88Y (11 Bq) Sample Solution Sr2+, Y3+ Liquid -Liquid Extraction of 90Y, 88Y in HDEHP Na+, K+, Cs+, Mg2+,Ca2+, Sr2+,Co2+, U, Pu, Am, and other interfering nuclides Re-extraction of 90Y, 88Y in 9 m HCl Washing Fe3+ LSC Precipitation of Y(OH)3 robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) Fig. 1: LSC-Spectrum of 11 Bq 88Y and blank Fig. 2: LSC-Spectrum of 11 Bq 88Y and 21 Bq 90Y and blank robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) Parameters of determination of 90Sr (90Y) in concrete Parameter Material 9,9 g concrete Dissolution HCl (32 %) Analysis Extraction of Y with HDEHP Detection LSC Quantulus Berthold LB770 90 h ( Y) / Ips/Bq 0,79 ± 0,02 0,43 ± 0,01 phys. h /% 84 ± 7 chem. range of time /h < 0,1 1 radiometric titrimetric 88 Y(ca. 11 Bq) stable Y n /Ipm about 72 about 0,5 0 life time t /min 1000 1000 L lld/Bq/g 0,003 0,0005 ld/Bq/g 0,005 0,0008 robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) • Successful Participation in Official Comparison Analyses of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) • Liquid Effluents; Water • Human Excretion (urine) Br: 0,07; sA: 0,05; sB: 0,05 • Soil Samples from 5 g to 100 g Br: -0,14; sA: 0,04; sB: 0,05 robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Example: 90Sr (90Y) high and constant values of chemical yield (70 bis 90 %) tolerates high amounts of sample material and salt freight , up to 100 g of soil minimum of lower limit of detection at 60 g of soil: about 1 mBq 90Sr /g (dry weight) applying low-level b-counter LB770; about 9 mBq 90Sr/g (dry weight) applying low-level LSC Quantulus 1220 application of the method of isotopic dilution (88Y) makes this analysis very fast (about 2 to 3 hours per sample and per one technichian) increased selectivity with respect to interfering 152Eu in the sample using b-spectrometric abilities of the LSC- detection method robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Conclusion LSC is a important tool relieving analytical problems arising with decommissioning of nuclear facilities LSC is well suited detecting low-energy radiation emitting radionuclides as 41Ca, 55Fe, 59/63Ni, 241Pu In combination with liquid-liquid extraction techniques LSC is well suited detecting 90Sr(90Y) even in complex sample materials reliable radiochemical purification procedures are necessary to realise a sufficient selectivity, accuracy, precision, lower limit of detection Increased efforts are required to fulfil high quality criteria In future much work must be done in further research combining both radiochemical procedures and LSC methods robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Acknowledgement to The members of the organising committee for inviting me to the beautyful city of Prague and for their help and for their patience Mr. Gesewsky (†) from BfS-IHS for supplying us with the 41Ca solution Dr. Günther from PTB, Braunschweig for certification of the 41Ca solution All companies supplying us with the scintillation cocktails free of charge The Bavarian State Ministry for State Development and Environmental Affairs for financial support The Federal Office for Radiation Protection for financial support All co-workers of my laboratory robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de
Application of LSC Methods on Radiochemical Problems Arising with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Thank you for your attention and your patience If there are further questions, please ask me, I`ll try to answer them. robert.schupfner@chemie.uni-regensburg.de