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26 th Annual SPE Golf Tournament

26 th Annual SPE Golf Tournament.

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26 th Annual SPE Golf Tournament

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 26th Annual SPE Golf Tournament It's that time of year again. You are invited to participate in the 26th SPE Golf Tournament. The event is open to all, until full. The tournament format will be a TEXAS SCRAMBLE. Teams will be drawn by the committee based on handicaps submitted. No team entries will be accepted. The purpose of this event is for all of us to have a great time and to raise money for the SPE Java SectionScholarship Fund. We will play on two golf courses at Jagorawi Golf & C.C. A Calcutta Auction of teams will be held at the Kristal Hotel, Satu Lagi. Friday, April 25, 2014 TWO COURSES -Jagorawi Old and New Golf Courses 05:30 AM- Registration and Breakfast 07:00 AM -Shot Gun Start 12:30 Lunch- and as always, numerous door prizes Rp.1,800,000 Rupiah (Includes Mulligan) for SPE members. Non-Members entry fee is 2,000,000 Rupiah All registrations must be accompanied by cash or local check payable to “SPE Java Section” (no faxes) to complete the registration. Bring the form and money to Salamander Energy’s office at Suite 1502, Indonesia Stock Exchange Bldg, Tower 2, 15th Floor. Attention: Ibu Sonya ; Ph 62 21 5291 2900 Registration forms will be accepted starting Feb 24th, 2014 for SPE members only. Beginning March 10, 2014 all applications will be accepted until the tournament is full. If full, you will be placed on the stand-by list. For those wishing to join the SPE, access the website at: www.spe.org/join . A Calcutta Auction will be held on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at Hotel Kristal beginning at 6:30 PM. Proceeds from the Calcutta Auction will be divided as 30% 1st Place Team Buyer 20% 2nd Place Team Buyer 15% 3rd Place Team Buyer 10% 4th Place Team Buyer 5% 5th Place Team Buyer 20% Donation to SPE Section. Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th place teams. Handicaps should be your lowest recorded with any club or golfing group and will be used to decide whether you are an A, B, C, D, or E player. Maximum handicap for men and women is 36, not 28.

  2. 26th Annual SPE Golf Tournament Friday, April 25th, 2014 Jagorawi - Old and New Courses Name : ........................................................... Company : ........................................................... Address : ........................................................... Phone Number : ........................................................... Mobile Number : ........................................................... E-mail Address : ........................................................... SPE Member No. : ........................................................... Handicap : ............. Maximum Handicap for Men & Women is 36, not 28. Handicap Affiliation T-set : .. .............. Club : ................ Other : ................ Approximate number of rounds played in the last 6 months ............... ***** Please attach your business card to this registration***** No refund for cancellations received by e-mail after April 21, 2014, 5 pm. No registration forms accepted without payment. For questions or sponsorship, contact: Bob Shearer- shearer@dnet.net.id Brad Sincock – brad.sincock@salamander-energy.com For Registration Records Only. Fee SPE Members Rp. 1,800,000. (Includes Mulligan), All others 2,000,000 Rupiah- includes Mulligan Date : ........................ Registration No. : ........................ Received by : ........................ Form Complete Including Handicap : ……....................... Mobile Number for Standby Players : ……………………. Please return this form to Ibu Sonya, Ph 529-12900, Salamander Energy Office, Suite 1502, Tower 2, Indonesia Stock Exchange Bldg. For refunds return the bottom part of this form.

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