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Session 3. Passage II Beginning the Business. Section IV Trying Your Hand. Section III. Passage II Beginning the Business. Lead in. Global Reading. Practice. Lead in. Lead in. Related Information. Warm-up questions. Lead in. New York
Session 3 Passage II Beginning the Business Section IV TryingYour Hand
Section III Passage II Beginning the Business Lead in Global Reading Practice
Lead in Lead in Related Information Warm-up questions
Lead in New York New York is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States of America. With 62 counties, it is the country's third most populous state.
Lead in Connecticut Connecticut is a state located in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. Southwestern Connecticut is part of the New York metropolitan area.
Lead in University of Connecticut The University of Connecticut, commonly known as UConn, is the State of Connecticut's land-grant university. It was founded in 1881 and serves more than 27,000 students on its six campuses, including more than 9,000 graduate students in multiple programs.
Lead in Warm-up Questions 1. What do you want to do after graduation? 2. What do you think are the necessary qualities for a person to start his own business?
Global Reading Content Awareness Words and Sentences
Content Awareness Please answer the following questions according to Para.1. About Stew’s father: What did Stew’s father use to be? What happened to him?
Content Awareness Please answer the following questions according to Para.1. About Stew: 1. his wish: What did Stew want to do from childhood? 2. his education: From which university did Stew graduate? 3. his major: What did he study in the university? 4. his work: What did he take over from his brother?
Content Awareness Please fill in the table with the information from Para. 2-3 . 1. The cause for the changing situation of the dairy: _____________________________. 2. The facts Stew found through his survey: (1) _________________________________ was doing well. (2) Customers wanted __________________ rather than _________________. A state highway was put through it. The former bottling and selling his own milk good milk prices door-to-door service
Content Awareness 3. Stew’s decision: To redesign _______________________. To create ____________________________________. 4. Something about his milk product: (1)The milk was bought from ____________. (2) It was processed in a ________________. (3) It was sold with his ________________ ____________________. Please fill in the table with the information from Para. 2-3 . his dairy business. a factory-outlet dairy store farmers glass-enclosed plant name and a picture of a cow on them
Content Awareness Please retell the last five paragraphs by filling in the following blanks with words and phrases from the passage.
Content Awareness Stew decided to turn his business into a ______________ , which attracted more children and __________. Soon his store became __________________ . What he tried to do is to make supermarket shopping a __ , just like visiting _____ . In order to promote his products, he pretended himself ______ to greet customers in front of ______ . Disneyland Dairy Store their mothers the world’s largest dairy store fun a park as a cow his store
(Para. 1) From childhood, Stew Leonard remembered • wanting to be somebody, wanting to be noticed and • appreciated. • Analysis: • To be somebody means to become an important or • well-known person. • Translation: • 从孩提时代起,斯蒂·伦纳德就立志要做一个有作为的人, • 成为引人注目、受人尊重的人。 • Example: • He is always dreaming of being somebody in the future. Text Beginningthe Business Para. 1In Connecticut, a northeastern state near New York, Stew Leonard’s father was the owner of a small dairy. He used to take Stew along when he delivered milk to families in the morning. From childhood, Stew Leonard remembered wanting to be somebody, wanting to be noticed and appreciated. Perhaps it had something to do with being the sixth out of seven children. After studying dairy manufacturing at the University of Connecticut, Stew Leonard assumed he would go into a partnership with his father. But his father died suddenly, and Stew found himself taking over the family business with his brothers. 1 2 3
Text Beginningthe Business • (Para. 1) Perhaps it had something to do with being • the sixth out of seven children. • Analysis: • It had something to do with is used to indicate a relationship. • Translation: • 这也许是他在七个孩子中排行老六的缘故。 • Examples: • What he is trying to solve has something to do with our • problem. • I am sure the accident has something to do with him. Para. 1In Connecticut, a northeastern state near New York, Stew Leonard’s father was the owner of a small dairy. He used to take Stew along when he delivered milk to families in the morning. From childhood, Stew Leonard remembered wanting to be somebody, wanting to be noticed and appreciated. Perhaps it had something to do with being the sixth out of seven children. After studying dairy manufacturing at the University of Connecticut, Stew Leonard assumed he would go into a partnership with his father. But his father died suddenly, and Stew found himself taking over the family business with his brothers. 1 2 3
Text Beginningthe Business 3. (Para. 1) ..., Stew Leonard assumed he would go into a partnership with his father. Analysis: Go into a partnership with means do something together with sb., usually a business venture. Translation: 斯蒂·伦纳德本以为会与他父亲合作经营牛奶场。 Examples: He is going into partnership with those old teachers. Para. 1In Connecticut, a northeastern state near New York, Stew Leonard’s father was the owner of a small dairy. He used to take Stew along when he delivered milk to families in the morning. From childhood, Stew Leonard remembered wanting to be somebody, wanting to be noticed and appreciated. Perhaps it had something to do with being the sixth out of seven children. After studying dairy manufacturing at the University of Connecticut, Stew Leonard assumed he would go into a partnership with his father. But his father died suddenly, and Stew found himself taking over the family business with his brothers. 1 2 3
Text Para. 4As the business grew, he created more and more of a Disneyland Dairy Store where customers might come and bring their children to be entertained. As Leonard says, “Where children go, their mothers will follow.” Not long after, he began adding to his original list of dairy products and enlarging the building until it became, as proclaimed on the building, “the world’s largest dairy store.” 4. (Para. 4) As the business grew, he created more and more of a Disneyland Dairy Store where customers might come and bring their children to be entertained. Analysis: Created more and more of a Disneyland Dairy Store means create a dairy store that increasingly resembles Disneyland. The passive infinitive to be entertained shows that they bring children there to entertain them. Translation: 随着生意的不断扩大,他创造了越来越像迪斯尼乐园式的乳品店, 顾客们 可以带孩子来这里玩乐。 Examples: I would suggest you make more of an effort to find them. 4
Text Para. 7Mr. Leonard clearly has the most fun greeting customers, and most are glad to see him. As he made his way through the produce section during the interview, Dr. Shelley Dreisman of Westport, Connecticut, happily shook his hand, but her daughter, Emily, aged six, shyly turned away. “She only wants to shake hands with the cow,” Dr. Dreisman explained. Para. 8That cow, it turns out, is often Mr. Leonard, too. When the burdens of running a $100 million business seem too great, he puts on a cow suit closet and goes out and hugs customers ... His successes came from this business principle. 5. (Para. 8) That cow, it turns out, is often Mr. Leonard, too. Analysis: It turns out here is used as a parenthetic statement, which means it happens to be. Translation: 所说的那头牛原来也常是伦纳德先生装扮的。 Examples: The novel, it turns out, has been translated into French already. It turned out to be a fine day. 5
Text Beginningthe Business Para. 1In Connecticut, a northeastern state near New York, Stew Leonard’s father was the owner of a small dairy. He used to take Stew along when he delivered milk to families in the morning. From childhood, Stew Leonard remembered wanting to be somebody, wanting to be noticed and appreciated. Perhaps it had something to do with being the sixth out of seven children. After studying dairy manufacturing at the University of Connecticut, Stew Leonard assumed he would go into a partnership with his father. But his father died suddenly, and Stew found himself taking over the family business with his brothers. deliver: v. take goods to people’s house; speak or read aloud to people listening; fulfill 递送; 宣布;讲述;履行 FOR EXAMPLE: Will you deliver the goods or do I have to come to collect them? Professor Smith is delivering a lecture to Computer Department students.
Text Beginningthe Business take over: gain control of and assume responsibility for something接手;接管 FOR EXAMPLE: Who do you think will take over now that the manager has been dismissed? I’m feeling too tired to drive any more; Will you take over? Para. 1In Connecticut, a northeastern state near New York, Stew Leonard’s father was the owner of a small dairy. He used to take Stew along when he delivered milk to families in the morning. From childhood, Stew Leonard remembered wanting to be somebody, wanting to be noticed and appreciated. Perhaps it had something to do with being the sixth out of seven children. After studying dairy manufacturing at the University of Connecticut, Stew Leonard assumed he would go into a partnership with his father. But his father died suddenly, and Stew found himself taking over the family business with his brothers. 1 2 3
on the premises: do something on the very location 在现场 FOR EXAMPLE: Food bought in this shop may not be eaten on the premises. Some of the food was grown on the premises. Text Para. 2Fifteen years later, unexpected conditions led to another change: the state put a highway right through the land where the dairy was located. Stew surveyed customers to see what they wanted, and he visited other small dairies to find out how they were doing. The farmer who was bottling and selling his milk on the premises, rather than selling it to a middleman was doing well, while many of the old-fashioned dairies were going under. Stew Leonard decided to redesign his dairy business to suit the changing times and his personal character.
standard: n. level or degree of quality that is considered proper or acceptable 标准;规范 FOR EXAMPLE: Professor Black likes to set high standards for his students. We place emphasis on excellence and high standards. Text Para. 3More than door-to-door service, Stew Leonard found out that customers wanted good milk prices. So, he ended deliveries and instead created a factory-outlet dairy store. He bought raw milk from farmers in large quantities, processed it in a glass-enclosed plant in the middle of the store and sold it in standard half-gallon cartons with his name and a picture of a cow on them. His slogan was, “You’d have to own a cow to get fresher milk.”
Text Para. 4As the business grew, he created more and more of a Disneyland Dairy Store where customers might come and bring their children to be entertained. As Leonard says, “Where children go, their mothers will follow.” Not long after, he began adding to his original list of dairy products and enlarging the building until it became, as proclaimed on the building, “the world’s largest dairy store.” 4 entertain: v. amuse and interest, esp. by giving a public performance; give a party for; accept 使快乐;招待;接受 FOR EXAMPLE: The movie failed to entertain its audience. We are entertaining our neighbors at our home this evening.
Text Para. 4As the business grew, he created more and more of a Disneyland Dairy Store where customers might come and bring their children to be entertained. As Leonard says, “Where children go, their mothers will follow.” Not long after, he began adding to his original list of dairy products and enlarging the building until it became, as proclaimed on the building, “the world’s largest dairy store.” proclaim: v. make something known publicly; show clearly 宣布;宣告;表明 FOR EXAMPLE: He proudly proclaimed his Chinese origin . The government proclaimed a state of emergency. 4
Text Para. 5To Stew Leonard, the distinction between a supermarket and amusement park is slight, and not necessarily useful. Para. 6 “Everyone feels supermarket shopping is a hard and dull job,” Mr. Leonard said in an interview in his office overlooking the selling floor: “I try to make it fun.” distinction: n. clear difference; excellence; a.special mark of honor明显差别;优秀;荣誉 FOR EXAMPLE: I can’t see any distinction between these two cases. Lu Xun was a writer of real distinction. She got a distinction in her chemistry exam.
burden: n. a load; a heavy duty or responsibility which is hard to bear; the main subject or point负荷;负担; 主旨 FOR EXAMPLE: People on high incomes face a huge tax burden. The burden of his speech was that we should take some measures to stop water pollution. Text Para. 7Mr. Leonard clearly has the most fun greeting customers, and most are glad to see him. As he made his way through the produce section during the interview, Dr. Shelley Dreisman of Westport, Connecticut, happily shook his hand, but her daughter, Emily, aged six, shyly turned away. “She only wants to shake hands with the cow,” Dr. Dreisman explained. Para. 8That cow, it turns out, is often Mr. Leonard, too. When the burdens of running a $100 million business seem too great, he puts on a cow suit closet and goes out and hugs customers ... His successes came from this business principle. 5
Text principle: v. a truth or belief that is accepted as a base for reasoning or action; a moral rule or set of ideas which guides behavior 原理;原则; 道德;准则 FOR EXAMPLE: We are agreed in principle but not in detail. He is a man of high principles. Para. 7Mr. Leonard clearly has the most fun greeting customers, and most are glad to see him. As he made his way through the produce section during the interview, Dr. Shelley Dreisman of Westport, Connecticut, happily shook his hand, but her daughter, Emily, aged six, shyly turned away. “She only wants to shake hands with the cow,” Dr. Dreisman explained. Para. 8That cow, it turns out, is often Mr. Leonard, too. When the burdens of running a $100 million business seem too great, he puts on a cow suit closet and goes out and hugs customers ... His successes came from this business principle. 5
Section IV Trying Your Hand Applied Writing Sentence Writing
Applied Writing Format Analysis Read and Simulate Simulate and Create
Format Analysis A resume contains key information about yourself, which is carefully assembled and presented so that prospective employers will be impressed not only by your qualifications but also by your presenting ability. A resume usually consists of personal details, including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, and reference, etc. These headings should be put at suitable and logical places.
Read and Simulate SAMPLE 1 • Michelle Martin 214 Elm Street, Tuscan, AZ 43674 • (645) 873-9080/ martin@brim.com • _____________________________________________ • Education • Bachelor of Arts (文学学士) in Travel and Tourism / Graduation • in May 2005 Summit State College, Marklesburg, AZ • President of Travel Club • Took courses in computer database management and accounting • Spent two summers in Europe, traveling a lot • College Activities • In charge of (负责) the Travel and Tourism College Career Fair in Senior year • Student government representative, two years
SAMPLE 1 Read and Simulate • Women’s intercollegiate (校际间的) tennis team, three years • Awards and Honors (奖励和荣誉) • Nominated (被任命) for Best Travel and Tourism Major in junior year • Earned first prize in high school writing contest • Experience • 2005—2007—Lonesome Street Steak House, 11 Market street, • Tuscan • Waitress and cashier (收银员) • 2001—2005—Volunteer (自愿) work: Tuscan Recreation • Committee • Organized summer activities for 6 to 10-year-olds • Helped arrange cultural activities for the city
Read and Simulate Sample 1 Read and Simulate translation • 米其尔·马丁特斯坎市爱姆大街214号AZ4367 • (645) 873-9080/martin@brim.com • 学历 • 2005年毕业于萨米特州立大学,获旅游专业文学学士学位 • 担任过旅游俱乐部主席 • 学过计算机数据库管理和会计课程 • 在欧洲度过两个夏天,游览了许多地方 • 大学里参加的活动 • 高年级时负责旅游学院职业招聘洽谈会 • 当过两年学生会干部 • 当过三年女子校际网球队队员
Read and Simulate Sample 1 translation • 获奖情况 • 低年级时获旅游专业最佳学生称号 • 高中时获写作大赛一等奖 • 工作经历 • 2005 — 2007 在特斯坎市市场大街11号缓恩萨牛排餐馆 • 做女招待和收款员 • 2001 — 2005 在特斯坎娱乐委员会做义工,为6—10岁儿童 • 组织暑期活动; • 协助组织城市文化活动
Read and Simulate Sample 2 • Tao Weimin • 262 Tunxi Road, # 104 • Hefei, Anhui Province • The People’s Republic of China • Job Objective • An electronic technician(技术员) with opportunity for • advancement • Employment Highlights • 2004 —Present Technician, Huayang Electronics Instrument • Plant, Hefei, Anhui, China • Preparing detail drawings for manufacturing • purposes. • Working with engineers and designers on • experiments for improving quality.
Read and Simulate Sample 2 • 1994 — 2004 Mechanic, Bengpu Hardware Factory, Bengpu, • Anhui, China. • Employed as a maintenance mechanic, repairing • all types of equipment in the workshop. • In charge of keeping machinery running in a • plant with 2 000 workers. • Educational Background • 1992 —1994 Took courses in Mechanical Maintenance at Bengpu Mechanical Training Center. Graduated with a diploma • 1986 — 1990 Bengpu No. 6 Middle School • Miscellaneous: Took several training programs and • (其它) continued self-study in the field of machine design and manufacture
Read and Simulate Sample 2 Personal Data Born: September 10, 1969 in Bengpu, Anhui, China Nationality: Chinese Sex: Male Martial Status: Married with one daughter (婚姻状况) Health: Excellent References: References are available upon request.
Sample 2 Read and Simulate translation • 陶伟民 • 中国安徽省合肥市104信箱 • 屯溪路262号 • 求职目标 • 有提升机会的电子技术员 • 工作经历 • 2004 — 现在 中国安徽合肥华洋电子设备厂技术员 • 绘制生产用详细图纸 • 与工程师、设计师共同进行提高质量的实验 • 1994 —2004 中国安徽蚌埠蚌埠机器厂技工 • 维修技工,修理车间的各种设备 • 负责具有2 000名工人规模的工厂机器正常运转
Read and Simulate Sample 2 学历 1992 —1994 在蚌埠机械培训中心学过机械维修课程,获结业 证书 1986 —1990 蚌埠第六中学学习 其他多次参加机械设计和机械制造方面的培训,并坚 持自学 个人资料 出生日期和地点: 1969年9月10日出生于中国安徽蚌埠 国籍:中国 性别:男 婚姻状况: 已婚,有一女 健康状况: 健康 证明人: 需要时可提供
Simulate and Create 2.Translate the following resume into Chinese. Resume Full Name: Zheng Lihong Address: No. 220 Kangping Road, Lujiang (潞江) City Date of Birth: April 20, 1977 Sex: Male Marital Status: Single Health: Excellent Education: 2001 —2004 Yan Shan Professional College Major: Clothing Design 1997 —2000 No. 102 High School, Lujiang City Work experience: May 2004 —Oct. 2006 assistant clothing designer Shuguang Clothing Company Sep. 2006— present advertisement designer New Idea Advertisement Company Interests: seeing films, drawing pictures and listening to music Reference
Simulate and Create Reference 简历 全名:郑力洪 地址:潞江市康平路220号 出生日期:1977年4月20日 性别:男 婚姻状况:未婚 身体状况:健康 学历:2001 — 2004 燕山职业技术学院学习 专业:服装设计 1997 — 2000 潞江市102中学学习 工作经历:2004.5 — 2006.10 曙光服装公司任助理服装设计师 2006.9 —现在新思维广告公司从事广告设计 个人爱好: 看电影、画画、听音乐
Simulate and Create 3 Fill in the following resume according to the information given below. 江淮明,男,未婚,身体健康,1980年3月出生于山东省青岛市,2003年7月从西南职业学院环境工程专业毕业。爱好读书、足球和旅游。 2003年7月至2005年2月在黄河发电厂任助理工程师,负责污水的控制。2005年3月至7月,在东京大学进行关于污水分析的专业培训,获培训证书。2005年9月至今,在河南农业研究所工作。 欲寻求与环境保护有关的工作。 地址:中国河南省郑州市黄河路27号 电话:0371 4587902
Simulate and Create Reference Jiang Huai-ming 27 Huanghe Street, Zhengzhou Henan Province, China Tele: 0371 4587902 Job Objective:____________________________________ Education and training:_________________________ Work experience: _____________ ________ _________ Personal Data: Born: __________________________________ Sex: ______________________________ Health: _______________________________ Marital state:___________________________ Interests: __________________________ References:____________________________
Simulate and Create Jiang Huaiming 27 Huanghe Street Zhengzhou Henan Province, China Tele: 0371 4587902 Job Objective: A position related to the protection of environment. Education and training: March — July 2005 Professional training on analyzing polluted water in Tokyo University. Training Certificate July 2003 Graduated from Southwest Professional College, majoring in Environmental Engineering Reference
Simulate and Create Reference Work experience: Sep. 2005 to present Henan Agriculture Research Institute July 2003 to Feb. 2005 Huanghe Power Plant, assistant engineer, responsible for the control of polluted water Personal Data: Born: March, 1980, in Qingdao, Shandong Province Sex: Male Health: Excellent Marital status: Single Interests: Reading, playing football and traveling References: References are available upon request.
Sentence Writing What is Topic Sentence Write through Applying Grammar Rules Write through Correcting Mistakes Write through using Topic and Supporting Sentence Write through Translating Write through Describing a Picture
A brief account of the topic sentence The topic sentence (also known as focus sentence) expresses a central idea or theme of the paragraph, and organizes an entire paragraph. It relates the paragraph to the whole passage, and defines the scope of the paragraph itself. Although the topic sentence may appear anywhere in a paragraph, it often appears at the beginning.
Write Through Applying Grammar Rules 4. Point out the topic sentence and supporting sentences in the following paragraph.
Reference Manual labor is one of the principal development resources in any industrializing country, as the following examples demonstrate. To begin with, plowing fields, planting and harvesting crops, and raising livestock are all important to development and require people who work with their hands. Secondly, mining natural resources, building roads and bridges, and constructing dams for irrigation and electrical power are also important to development and also require people who know how to use their hands skillfully. Finally, the establishment of efficient transportation and communication systems, essential services in a modernizing economy, relies heavily on a labor force of expert craftsmen who take pride in their manual skills. And of course, the manufacture as well as the maintenance of machines of all kinds demands a large number of trained mechanics and technicians. Clearly, in agriculture and in industry, the progress of a country depends on the busy hands of its working people. Manual labor is one of the principal development resources in any industrializing country, as the following examples demonstrate. To begin with, plowing fields, planting and harvesting crops, and raising livestock are all important to development and require people who work with their hands. Secondly, mining natural resources, building roads and bridges, and constructing dams for irrigation and electrical power are also important to development and also require people who know how to use their hands skillfully. Finally, the establishment of efficient transportation and communication systems, essential services in a modernizing economy, relies heavily on a labor force of expert craftsmen who take pride in their manual skills. And of course, the manufacture as well as the maintenance of machines of all kinds demands a large number of trained mechanics and technicians. Clearly, in agriculture and in industry, the progress of a country depends on the busy hands of its working people.