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Welcome!. MY PROMISE… Today, before you leave, you will know 2 things :. 1. What causes Success? 2. How to achieve it?. It Has Become a “ S urvival of The Smartest” Global Economy…. • It’s not that times are changing… • It’s that times have changed.
MY PROMISE…Today, before you leave, you will know 2 things: • 1. What causes Success? • 2. How to achieve it?
It Has Become a “Survival of The Smartest” Global Economy… • • It’s not that times are changing… • • It’s that times have changed.
It Has Become a “Survival of The Smartest” Global Economy… • • To thrive in this “Perform or Perish” Melt-down Economy — you have to Toughen Up… Smarten-Up… and Fight Back.
It Has Become a “Survival of The Smartest” Global Economy… • • The ONLY way to achieve SUCCESS today is to Out-Hustle… Out-Smart… Out-Perform… Out-Think… Out-Lead… Out-Communicate… and Out-Produceyour competition… • • Regardless of WHO or WHERE your competition is… the next cubical… next state… or a countryhalf a world away.
Now, Let’s Talk About Real SUCCESS:Happiness + Satisfaction +Significance + Peace of Mind • • Who is CONSISTENTLY all 4? • • Who is CONSISTENTLY all 3? • • Who is CONSISTENTLY all 2? • • Who is CONSISTENTLY all 1? • • Why not all 4, all the time? • • What’s Holding You Back from • achieving ALL your goals?
What’s the Difference between People who Truly Succeed — People who ACTUALLY achieve their Goals… andPeople Who Constantly Struggle?
People Like… • Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Richard Branson, John Elway, eBay's Meg Whitman, Rev. Robert Schuller, Kathy Ireland, Paul McCartney, Jack Welch, Bono, Sam Walton, Scott Cook, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Martha Stewart, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Michael Jordan, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Petty, Will Smith, Tom Clancey & Stephen King, Google founders Larry Page & Sergey Brin... and any self-made man or woman on the Forbes 400?
Versus People… • • Who have a hard time just making it frompayday to payday? • “Anything you can conceive, you can achieve.” • — Napoleon Hill
You DO have Real Goals…DON’T YOU? • • Before we go further, let’s talk about YOUR Goals… • Career? Travel? Money? • FACT: Less than 3% of the population have written Goals — we will address this NOW!
Someday… • • I will go… • • I will have… • • I will learn… • • I will stop… • • I will make… • • I will see… • • I will do…
QUESTION:How Will You Make All Your Someday Dreams Real?ANSWER:Immediately Improve Your Power of TQ!
Success Requires…HIGH EXPECTATIONS • “High Expectationsare the Key to Everything.” • — Sam Walton • Who would disagree with this quote? • How High are Your Expectations?
Success Requires…BRILLIANT EXECUTION • “High Expectationsdemand Brilliant Execution.” • — E. R. Haas, CEO ThinkTQ.com • Who would disagree with this quote? • How Well do You Execute?
TQ is The Formula for Success… • • Successful people produce significantly greater RESULTS over Time than people who fail. • “Success seems to be connected to action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” • — Conrad Hilton
The Truth is… • Success requires a lot more than wanting it, hoping for it, or wishing and waiting for it to manifest itself. • It REQUIRES Performing up to Expectations. • Consistently. Constantly.
The Truth is… • Successful People produce Greater RESULTS in less TIME, because they have More POWER. • “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” • — Confucius
The Truth is… • • Successful people have more POWER because they have more POSITIVES and fewer NEGATIVES driving their performance at every point in time. • “I think there is something, more important than believing; Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren’t enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.” • — Confucius
You Decide… • • Energetic, Passionate, Optimistic, Self-directed, Focused, Systematic and Proactive… • Or… • • Drained, Directionless, Pessimistic, Vague, Scattered, Haphazard and Procrastinating…
You Decide… • • Who is more Successful? • • Who is Happier? • • Who has greater Satisfaction? • • Who is living a life that Matters? • • Who has real Peace of Mind?
It is Patently Obvious… • • A person with MORE Positives and FEWER Negatives is more Successful than someone with more Negatives and fewer Positives! • FACT: It’s the POSITIVES in your performance that aredriving YOUR current level of success. • FACT: It’s the NEGATIVES in your life that are holding YOU back from achieving the success you desire. • FACT: Successful people put more POSITIVES into their day, by consistently taking SMARTER ACTIONS. • FACT: People who fail permit NEGATIVES to rule their day.
Conclusion… • • Your ACTIONS and INACTIONS produce the Positives and Negatives in Your Performance. • • Want to be more successful? Take SMARTER, more powerful ACTIONS… a great deal more consistently. • “If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, Quit doing less than excellent work.” • — Thomas J. Watson, Founder & Chairman, IBM
So, to Instantly BecomeMore Successful… Take Action to Move from Stage-1 Performanceto Stage-4. You Instantly Become More Powerful… and Successful.
The Question is, How SMART are You Actually Working? • • Are YOU already at Stage-4 — Intuitive, Instinctive and powerful performance… or not? • • How would you know?
The Question is, How SMART are You Actually Working? • • Because it is difficult for people to SEE the Positives and Negatives driving their performance,TQ invented the world’s first Time Prism… to help you SEE what’s holding you back from greater success…in REAL Time! • • So you can actually SEE — up close and personal — precisely what you are doing RIGHT… what you are doing WRONG… and exactly what you need to do DIFFERENTLY to produce greater RESULTS…Right Now.
Engage The Time Prism • • You can become a whole lot smarter in a split second, when you are able to SEE something from a fresh new perspective. • “Point of View is worth 20 IQ Points.” — E. R. Haas, CEO, ThinkTQ, Inc.
Your Quick TQ Test:The 10 Colors of Your Performance • • Do you have the Power to achieve the Success you desire? • • To achieve all your goals? • • Let’s See!
• ENERGY is the first color in the Time Prism Performance Spectrum because the simple truth is, there are no dead peak performers. For even minimal performance, you have to be, act and feel alive. If you don’t have the energy to do whatever it takes, you’ll never perform up to your true potential. • Rate your physical and mental Energy level on a scale of 1-10…
• MISSION is the second color in your Performance Spectrum because until you know what’s most important, you’re spending the only life you have on things that simply don’t matter. Lacking direction and purpose, you’re powerless to make a real difference in your life. However, all self-imposed limitations are removed when your heart and mind are focused on the same thing. • Rate your sense of passion, purpose and Mission on a scale of 1-10…
• ATTITUDE is the third color in your Performance Spectrum because, even though you may have a passion for what’s most important, until you also believe that you can make a real difference in your life, and those around you, nothing’s going to happen. Nothing is produced, nor even attempted until you believe in yourself enough to transform your passion into action. • Rate your Attitude on a scale of 1-10…
• SET GOALS is the fourth color in your Performance Spectrum because you can’t make the leap from here to your vision, all in one jump. You can’t just “do” a mission. You need specific, tangible targets to give you immediate direction—ones which will lead thereafter to even greater destinations. • Rate your ability to Set Crystal-Clear Goals on a scale of 1-10…
• MAKE PLANS is the fifth color in your Performance Spectrum because a goal without a plan is merely a wish without a hope. Once you’ve set a specific goal, you must immediately develop a detailed plan for its accomplishment. You are most productive when you prepare ahead of time for exactly how and when you’re going to take each and every step—before you actually take them. • Rate your ability to make rock-solid Plans on a scale of 1-10…
• PRIORITIZE is the sixth color in your Performance Spectrum because even though you want to complete every step of every plan, you can’t complete them all at the same time. Achieving maximum personal productivity means making conscious choices, deciding what can be done now and what can wait. It’s having the self discipline to eliminate everything else temporarily so you can focus on what’s most important now. • Rate your power to remain Focused on the IMPORTANT on a scale of 1-10…
• SYNERGIZE is the seventh color in your Performance Spectrum because once your 24-hour day is filled up, the only way you can become more productive, increase the quality of your results, or reduce the time required for accomplishing your goals is through the participation and contribution of other people. • Rate your ability to create powerful interpersonal Synergy on a scale of 1-10…
• ORGANIZE is the eighth color in your Performance Spectrum because after leveraging your results through others, automating your tasks is the most productive thing you can do. To get everything you want requires you to be as productive and as efficient as possible with the limited time and energy you have. And even though you may be busier than ever before, you may be simply doing things the hard way, or worse, just spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast. • Rate your ability to get and stay Organized on a scale of 1-10…
• OPTIMIZE is the ninth color in your Performance Spectrum because the truth is, you already have all the time there is. FACT! There are exactly 1440 minutes in a day, no more, no less. If you’re going to get anything accomplished today, these are the 1440 minutes you have to work with. • Rate your Time Management skills on a scale of 1-10…
• ACT NOW is the tenth color in your Performance Spectrum because nothing gets done without first getting started. Don’t let time pass you by! Until you stop living your life on hold—nothing is going to happen. Stop “getting ready to get ready”! Start taking BOLD action. • Rate your propensity to take BOLD Action on a scale of 1-10…
What’s Your Quick TQ Score? • • Add up each Color. • • Sketch your Bar Chart. • • Look at your Total TQ Score. • • Who scored 100? 90? 80? 70 or above? • • Is your TQ high enough? • • What is your WEAKEST Color? • • What is your STRONGEST Color? • Now, SUBTRACT 30 points, and you will beVERY close to what your ACTUAL TQ is!
Is Your TQ High Enough? • • It depends on the size of your Goals and Aspirations… doesn’t it? • • Let’s put your TQ in context by reviewinga few case studies. How do you relate? • Career? Travel? Money?
Ben: Now On The Fast Track, Instantly…